Hillary Clinton proposes "gas tax relief"!
Obama says political gimmick. ...and goes on ...-
...but the truth is Hillary never suggested and or introduced or presented and or claimed her "tax holiday" as a solution to our dependence on foreign oil or a fix for our energy problems.
What cannot be disputed is the "gas tax holiday" would provide temporary relief. If introduced the amount of relief depends solely on reliance on fuel and how much fuel would be bought during the "gas tax holiday".
- The arguments against a "Gas Tax Holiday"
a) It would never be passed.
Not even worth answering!
b) It would encourage more use of fuel when a battle against gobal warming encourages less burning of these "carbon fuels".
Well how does that stack up against the theory that more use of fuel means more economic activity - for all who sell/trade in fuel or use fuel as goods and products are moved around and when associatied activities increase translates into increased fuel uses and increased production?
Even recreation activities that lead to the expenditure of fuel - creates economic activity.
It is still remembered that the truth is, Hillary was not proposing this "Gas Tax Holiday" as a solution to our energy dependence problems and or assistance in the reduction of gobal warming?
Well I suppose it is fair to ask if these 230 economists would like us to cease all economic activity that has fuel consumption as a component? ...or are they saying any relief to those who could use same should not be considered because they look down their noses at such trifling breaks?
c) ...oh the cry would be...that $5 billion+ dollars would be lost to the "transportation departments at federal, state and city levels"...but would it?
Would not the proposal in Hillary's...and Obama's positions that there be a transfer of some of the windfall profits from the oil companies MORE THAN off-set this 'wee-tiny-relief'?
Damn right it would and then some!
Soooooooo...could it be the Hillary bashing has reached such levels that normally sensible persons would go to great lengths to play...make of themselves, fools? ...or could it be that they, the elites, 'know' we voters are fools?
A temporary suspension of an .18 cents tax on gas would make things worse for individuals (Yup! Obama and his 'friends' claim it) and the country? Makes for
Dem hate Hillary so bad...that any tactic would do!
Kitchen-sink? (I wonder how many know that that term on countering Obama never originated from Hillary's camp? ...but given by a 'talking head' and I conclude Obama surrogate!) Well is this 'gas tax holiday/Hillary bad' not a kitchen-sick tactic?
Just wondering!
What do you think?
Obama says political gimmick. ...and goes on ...-
Obama said the proposal to suspend the 18.4 cents-a-gallon gasoline tax and the 24.4-cent diesel tax from Memorial Day to Labor Day would provide little in actual savings to motorists. He said oil companies would quickly raise prices to make up the difference
"It's a stunt. It's what Washington does," Obama said in Evansville, Ind.
Obama's stance was backed up by 230 economists who released a letter Monday opposing the gas tax holiday. The signers included four Nobel Prize winners and economic advisers to presidents of both parties.
A CNN-Opinion Research Corp. poll released Monday found six in 10 saying gas prices have caused financial hardship for their families. Eight in 10 said they consider it likely they'll be paying $4 a gallon sometime this year, and nearly half said they expect prices to hit $5 per gallon.
"It's a stunt. It's what Washington does," Obama said in Evansville, Ind.
Obama's stance was backed up by 230 economists who released a letter Monday opposing the gas tax holiday. The signers included four Nobel Prize winners and economic advisers to presidents of both parties.
A CNN-Opinion Research Corp. poll released Monday found six in 10 saying gas prices have caused financial hardship for their families. Eight in 10 said they consider it likely they'll be paying $4 a gallon sometime this year, and nearly half said they expect prices to hit $5 per gallon.
What cannot be disputed is the "gas tax holiday" would provide temporary relief. If introduced the amount of relief depends solely on reliance on fuel and how much fuel would be bought during the "gas tax holiday".
- The arguments against a "Gas Tax Holiday"
a) It would never be passed.
Not even worth answering!
b) It would encourage more use of fuel when a battle against gobal warming encourages less burning of these "carbon fuels".
Well how does that stack up against the theory that more use of fuel means more economic activity - for all who sell/trade in fuel or use fuel as goods and products are moved around and when associatied activities increase translates into increased fuel uses and increased production?
Even recreation activities that lead to the expenditure of fuel - creates economic activity.
It is still remembered that the truth is, Hillary was not proposing this "Gas Tax Holiday" as a solution to our energy dependence problems and or assistance in the reduction of gobal warming?
Well I suppose it is fair to ask if these 230 economists would like us to cease all economic activity that has fuel consumption as a component? ...or are they saying any relief to those who could use same should not be considered because they look down their noses at such trifling breaks?
c) ...oh the cry would be...that $5 billion+ dollars would be lost to the "transportation departments at federal, state and city levels"...but would it?
Would not the proposal in Hillary's...and Obama's positions that there be a transfer of some of the windfall profits from the oil companies MORE THAN off-set this 'wee-tiny-relief'?
Damn right it would and then some!
Soooooooo...could it be the Hillary bashing has reached such levels that normally sensible persons would go to great lengths to play...make of themselves, fools? ...or could it be that they, the elites, 'know' we voters are fools?

A temporary suspension of an .18 cents tax on gas would make things worse for individuals (Yup! Obama and his 'friends' claim it) and the country? Makes for

Dem hate Hillary so bad...that any tactic would do!
Kitchen-sink? (I wonder how many know that that term on countering Obama never originated from Hillary's camp? ...but given by a 'talking head' and I conclude Obama surrogate!) Well is this 'gas tax holiday/Hillary bad' not a kitchen-sick tactic?
Just wondering!
What do you think?