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Politics & truth - The gas tax flap!

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  • Politics & truth - The gas tax flap!

    Hillary Clinton proposes "gas tax relief"!

    Obama says political gimmick. ...and goes on ...-

    Obama said the proposal to suspend the 18.4 cents-a-gallon gasoline tax and the 24.4-cent diesel tax from Memorial Day to Labor Day would provide little in actual savings to motorists. He said oil companies would quickly raise prices to make up the difference

    "It's a stunt. It's what Washington does," Obama said in Evansville, Ind.

    Obama's stance was backed up by 230 economists who released a letter Monday opposing the gas tax holiday. The signers included four Nobel Prize winners and economic advisers to presidents of both parties.

    A CNN-Opinion Research Corp. poll released Monday found six in 10 saying gas prices have caused financial hardship for their families. Eight in 10 said they consider it likely they'll be paying $4 a gallon sometime this year, and nearly half said they expect prices to hit $5 per gallon.
    ...but the truth is Hillary never suggested and or introduced or presented and or claimed her "tax holiday" as a solution to our dependence on foreign oil or a fix for our energy problems.

    What cannot be disputed is the "gas tax holiday" would provide temporary relief. If introduced the amount of relief depends solely on reliance on fuel and how much fuel would be bought during the "gas tax holiday".

    - The arguments against a "Gas Tax Holiday"
    a) It would never be passed.

    Not even worth answering!

    b) It would encourage more use of fuel when a battle against gobal warming encourages less burning of these "carbon fuels".

    Well how does that stack up against the theory that more use of fuel means more economic activity - for all who sell/trade in fuel or use fuel as goods and products are moved around and when associatied activities increase translates into increased fuel uses and increased production?

    Even recreation activities that lead to the expenditure of fuel - creates economic activity.

    It is still remembered that the truth is, Hillary was not proposing this "Gas Tax Holiday" as a solution to our energy dependence problems and or assistance in the reduction of gobal warming?

    Well I suppose it is fair to ask if these 230 economists would like us to cease all economic activity that has fuel consumption as a component? ...or are they saying any relief to those who could use same should not be considered because they look down their noses at such trifling breaks?

    c) ...oh the cry would be...that $5 billion+ dollars would be lost to the "transportation departments at federal, state and city levels"...but would it?

    Would not the proposal in Hillary's...and Obama's positions that there be a transfer of some of the windfall profits from the oil companies MORE THAN off-set this 'wee-tiny-relief'?

    Damn right it would and then some!

    Soooooooo...could it be the Hillary bashing has reached such levels that normally sensible persons would go to great lengths to play...make of themselves, fools? ...or could it be that they, the elites, 'know' we voters are fools?

    A temporary suspension of an .18 cents tax on gas would make things worse for individuals (Yup! Obama and his 'friends' claim it) and the country? Makes for and

    Dem hate Hillary so bad...that any tactic would do!
    Kitchen-sink? (I wonder how many know that that term on countering Obama never originated from Hillary's camp? ...but given by a 'talking head' and I conclude Obama surrogate!) Well is this 'gas tax holiday/Hillary bad' not a kitchen-sick tactic?

    Just wondering!
    What do you think?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Just wondering!
    What do you think?[/QUOTE]

    The gas tax suspension is a feel good political stunt designed to catch the attentions and the votes of the simple minded..... of which the US has more than its fair share.

    Such a proposal would:
    1. Tend to increase gas consumption and imports of fuel- both very undesirable outcomes
    2. Not lead to substantial savings at the consumer level... maybe $4 - $5 per week for the average driver... well maybe people can buy that extra big mac.
    3. Primarily benefit the oil companies already enjoying obscene profits
    4. Cost the treasury about $10b

    It's stupid policy.... but great politics.

    At some point Americans must realize that they are living beyond their means..... neither Americans nor the world can afford Americans to live the American dream of..... say 3,4 or 5 vehicles in a household.... or a vehicle for everyone over 17.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #3
      Originally posted by Don1 View Post
      The gas tax suspension is a feel good political stunt designed to catch the attentions and the votes of the simple minded.....
      That's all it is. And the USA gots lots of them folk!



      • #4
        Originally posted by Don1 View Post
        Just wondering!
        What do you think?

        The gas tax suspension is a feel good political stunt designed to catch the attentions and the votes of the simple minded..... of which the US has more than its fair share.

        Such a proposal would:

        1. Tend to increase gas consumption and imports of fuel- both very undesirable outcomes
        Would that have any bearing on the reasons for driving around?
        Just asking!

        2. Not lead to substantial savings at the consumer level... maybe $4 - $5 per week for the average driver... well maybe people can buy that extra big mac.
        Would that be a bad thing?
        Just asking!

        3. Primarily benefit the oil companies already enjoying obscene profits
        I am sure we all could think of ways to make %age profit enter the fair return stage...right? ...and where would the reduced(?)/'saved/diverted dollars' go? To what good use would those 'saved dollars' go?

        4. Cost the treasury about $10b
        ...and what would the 'driving around' add to the economy?

        It's stupid policy.... but great politics.
        Well if 1 through 3 is stupid...why do we continue to do them in our everyday lives? We do have ever increasing use for imported fuels - Transportation industry? Electricity production? Recreation trips...driving the hospitality industry? We are stiving for increased production in every area - sales, marketing, recreation and sporting activities, travel trade, goods and services...just about everything we do uses and or is linked to fuel consumption?

        ...and as we strive to improve lives and stimulate greater activity in economies we demand greater and greater quantities of fuels?

        At some point Americans must realize that they are living beyond their means..... neither Americans nor the world can afford Americans to live the American dream of..... say 3,4 or 5 vehicles in a household.... or a vehicle for everyone over 17.
        So we should produce less vehicles and engage in other activities to reduce dependence on the 'carbon fuels'?

        Great if we can switch to alternative cleaner fuels! ...or not so great as we should not be slowing down economies but increasing economic activities even as we bring on stream cleaner fuels?

        ...and think on it? ...what does that have to do with the craving for more and more of us (mankind) living the American dream and then some?

        Surely man aspires to 'greater' and 'better' way of life as the the decades move along? Do we not all want to live in greater 'style' (...i.e. all the things 'style' can possible mean!)...and live better lives? Is it not, as far as 'fuel' goes, not about reducing pleasures (Economic activity, production and freedom of movement is tied to that? Right?) but finding alternatives...more suited *alternatives (...including fuels) to keep us on the path to even greater "American dream(s)"?

        The "gas tax relief" does not, as a manner of speaking, 'affect the price of bread'. It appears to me that in the grand scheme of things it does what it says, provides a wee bit of relief to all - The person who saves if we take Obama's $30.00 as gospel through the sellers and dealers in fuels who earn more...to all those who enjoy any wee bit of increased 'money turning (circulating) in the economy' that the "gas tax relief" brings! - Seems to me most persons who save a dollar find some use for it elsewhere? Right?

        That is how I see it! It just cannot be good to put fuel in your cars and other vehicle...save and except for the period of the "gas tax relief". Such an argument just does not seen sensible to me!

        The "gas tax relief" reminds me of the Federal Government rebates - What $600.00? - Good? ...or bad? Where will that money go? Some to buy gas? ...and if used in its entirety or not in its entiriey to buy gas? ...a larger "gas tax relief"? So...? Aaaah bwoy

        It just cannot be good (or bad for that matter) depending on who makes the proposal and or suggestion? Can it?

        If this 'money relief/"gas tax relief"' is bad. Then other 'money relief' regardless of name must be bad?

        ...or is it a small relief is bad...but a large(r) relief is good? ...and if that larger relief affords us the oportunity to purchase more fuel it is good?...as opposed to a small relief affording us to buy less fuel? Just thinking through what you have said! ...and coming up with this...

        *machines using 'new fuels'...or new ways to make those machines 'go'/work.
        Last edited by Karl; May 7, 2008, 03:37 AM.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
          Originally Posted by Don1
          The gas tax suspension is a feel good political stunt designed to catch the attentions and the votes of the simple minded.....

          That's all it is. And the USA gots lots of them folk!
          That it is brought on by the current politics is a fact...but many are the 'good things' that come on stream doing unintended good things!

          I am thinking, even this little relief is welcome...and it does not do even one de-geh de-geh 'bad' thing!
          Last edited by Karl; May 7, 2008, 03:35 AM.
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            Forgive me for not answering your post point by point Karl.... I do have to work, eat, sleep etc etc for the rest of the week!

            Suffice it to say that I believe that at the macro level this proposal would be a big negative.... for the reasons I outlined.

            At the micro or household level the benefits would be a paltry 4 or 5 dollars per week in savings per driver.

            If it happens, enjoy your big macs.

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              Originally posted by Don1 View Post
              Forgive me for not answering your post point by point Karl.... I do have to work, eat, sleep etc etc for the rest of the week!

              Suffice it to say that I believe that at the macro level this proposal would be a big negative.... for the reasons I outlined.

              At the micro or household level the benefits would be a paltry 4 or 5 dollars per week in savings per driver.

              If it happens, enjoy your big macs.

              It would be interesting to see how it would impact the 'truckers' among others? 5 miles per gallon is no joke when you cover just about 2,500 - 3000 miles per week?!

              Oh yes, I'll enjoy the Big Mac and more!
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

