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Why the PNP continues to fail

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  • Why the PNP continues to fail

    and condemn us for generations to come..

    "Many of the new government members had better heed Spencer’s fall from grace. They have come to government with larceny in their heart. Many are acting as if they are entitled and flaunting their arrogance but lest they forget; there is a Jamaican adage that says the same knife that sticks goat sticks sheep. Among the arrogant behaviour is the utter disregard for stakeholder participation in crucial discussions about issues that affect us all. Recently the powers that be at the UDC in cahoots with the current political directorate decided that the Old Hospital site would not be utilized as the nature park for which ground was broken under the previous administration; they instead have opted for the usage of Dump Up Beach without due consultation with the stakeholders. Such autocratic behaviour breeds contempt for the populace and that is the first stepping stone to corruption. To date no one at the UDC can say definitively what the situation is with the Montego Bay coastline, is it up for sale? Is the Old Hospital site with its beach, destined to be an extension of the Hip Strip by the construction of another hotel which will compliment a rather successful venture operating on the Strip sans a hotel? Could there be something racist with the decision to relocate the proposed park?

    At nights the Old Hospital site serves as a refuge for many residents from some of our grittier inner-city communities who, after partying on the strip, are fearful of returning home because of marauding gunmen, rapists and robbers. They will sit on the park benches until daylight before venturing home. Now that the change of use for the site has come to the fore, one wonders if the nightly presence of poor Jamaicans isn’t a source of bother to the major tourism players on the strip. The insistence that the park be located downtown would suggest that a buffer zone is being created to separate the undesirable, unwashed ************************s from the valued mostly white tourists. That would be in keeping with those whose mentality and ethos foster social segregation wherein people of a certain hue and social upbringing, despite their wealth, are not welcome to live in certain residential neighborhoods where white foreigners are allowed to dress their black Jamaican maids in black uniforms with white blouse and frilly white aprons and walk with their similarly attired black Jamaican man servants/butlers trailing behind with the requisite towel to mop their perspiration. No, I am not speaking of the Estate Tara in Gone with the Wind. I am speaking of Montego Bay Jamaica where a minority of brown skinned degenerates are attempting to create a time warp to reverse hard earned gains and put poor black people in their proper place."

    We have met the enemy and it is ourselves...

    I wonder if Govt policies leading up to FINSAC helped or hindered 'The Cause'

    Whatever happened to the 26 Families by the way...? Did they get 'FINSACKED' ?

  • #2
    I wonder how the Noise Abatement Act factors into all of this.



    • #3
      Let me check di invitations and 'Blocko' announcements from di recent Soca Season....

