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Mi Bredrin get Carjack In Russell Heights Last Night

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  • Mi Bredrin get Carjack In Russell Heights Last Night

    He went to pick up a friend and was sitting outside the gate in a 2000 RAV4 waiting on him to come outside. A double cab pickup pulled up and 3 guys told him to get out of the car at gunpoint and laid him flat on his stomach and took his wallet outta his back pocket. When they were leaving with his car he got up pulled his 9mm outta the front of his waist and emptied his clip into the back of the car. He said all of a sudden a cannon pointed out the window and he heard some explosion that nearly mek him **************** up himself. So the police were called and came on the scene and after sorting through the shell casings it seems the guys were firing a .45 Desert Eagle. Another friend in the house hearing the commotion came outside with a big stick (this is before the gunshots starting firing) and upon hearing the shots took refuge in his hedges. What a ting.

  • #2
    De wholla yuh friend dem are licensed firearm holders?
    Gunman alone keep gunman friend.



    • #3
      The majority of them are. The yute that came out with the stick ran away from some relatively minor charges in the States so him cyaan get no licence gun. This whole if you carry a gun them will tek it from yuh and shoot yuh wit it is foolishness. Does it really matter if they shoot me with my gun or their gun?


      • #4
        Sorry to hear about this... your friend is lucky that all they wanted was the wallet. BTW you should tell hime to spend more time at the shooting range, but it's probably a good thing cause if he did mange to disable the vehicle or hit one of them ... you might be writing a eulogy all now.

        Peter R


        • #5
          No, it matters not.
          Do you think productive people in high risk communities should be given license to carry firearms?
          Is the current law..one that rewards a specific class?



          • #6
            Originally posted by Peter R View Post
            Sorry to hear about this... your friend is lucky that all they wanted was the wallet. BTW you should tell hime to spend more time at the shooting range, but it's probably a good thing cause if he did mange to disable the vehicle or hit one of them ... you might be writing a eulogy all now.

            But in all fairness to him the vehicle was a good likkle ways down the road by the time he started shooting. The only reason they didn't find his gun is because they put him on the ground on his stomach and the gun was in the front of his pants waist.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rockman View Post
              No, it matters not.
              Do you think productive people in high risk communities should be given license to carry firearms?
              Is the current law..one that rewards a specific class?

              No I don't. Gunman will juss kick off dem door and tek it from them. Of course it rewards a specific class, after all those with businesses are usually more affluent.


              • #8
                Yeah, doesit matter if they get killed with their own...)
                Affluent yes but more deserving?
                I wonder if the majority of the murdered victims were killed because of their business? Less than 5% I would imagine.
                People that distiguished themselves from gunmen in the ghetto should be given permit to carry....
                The guns should be where they are needed?



                • #9
                  Don't you think it would just cause more killing? Gunman try rob upstanding ghetto citizen so upstanding ghetto citizen pulls his licenced firearm and kills gunman, gunman's friends seek revenge and kill upstanding ghetto citizens whole family and friends. I mean the ideal situation is for noone to have guns but it seems they are not able to stop them from coming in.


                  • #10
                    give thanks them only take the car. Ain't no joy in it all.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #11
                      Last week I mentioned that I knew, or was somewhat familiar with 4 victims of the many gun crimes that occurred that week. Now, this. And of course, there is that kidnapping in T&T where the victim is an acquaintance of a Forumite.

                      When does this all reach our doorstep? At what point do we demand action from our minister?

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        What's a .45 Desert Eagle?

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          My bad .44 Desert Eagle.


                          • #14
                            Lol !!!


                            • #15
                              Problem is when dem tek action the human rights mumbo jumbo comes into play.

