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The business of politics

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  • #31
    I have a problem with the Permanent Secretaries.

    I suggest we do like the JCF and basically replace all permanent secretaries with farin white man.. other than that wi joking.

    We don't have enough 'White' people in key position in the Civil Service.. we need to fix that problem.

    We should just raise the PS salary and pay some white man fi run tings in deh.


    • #32
      When I see who they call delegate in the PNP.. I shiver...


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jawge View Post
        Excellent point Sass, now yuh coming home. The thing
        is that Ja has spent too much time playing master and slave that the world has almost passed us by. The info age and global economy has no use for the relics that you described. The change is coming and they will be a distant past, what needs to be done is to ensure that the right things are in place for the populace of Ja to benefit and rise with a thriving middle class.

        Take a page out of the US's book and introduce a civil rights bill. This is how the US subdued Jim Crowism and other old lsavery laws of two hundred or so years.

        Ja will not have achoice or we ill be fettered with new masters; whose only interest is to make profit. The young must rise and build the nation of JA.
        Totally agree on this one.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Rudi View Post
          Read what I posted again. I agree with both you and assassin. The PNP are and have been hypocrites on this issue. In other words they (their leadership) use and exploit the legitamate aspirations of the (black) people while harbouring the same thought processeses of (want of a better term) the plantation class. However, for some reasons the cockroaches seem to feel more comfortable in expressing who they really are when the JLP are in power. I have no preference for either just an observation. Jamaica still awaits a government that represents the legitamate aspiration of the majority. When you think of the amount of Jamaicans who have been killed in the name of politics it borders on the levels of obscenity.

          OK, I get you and can agree now.

