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Shipment of Guns & Bombs for Mugabe

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  • Shipment of Guns & Bombs for Mugabe

    US seeks to block Zimbabwe-bound Chinese arms

    By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer 29 minutes ago

    The Bush administration is intervening with governments in southern Africa to prevent a Chinese ship carrying weapons for Zimbabwe's security forces from unloading its cargo, The Associated Press has learned.
    At the same time, the State Department's top Africa hand, Jendayi Frazer, plans to visit the region this week to underscore U.S. concerns about the shipment. Frazer also will try to persuade Zimbabwe's neighbors to step up pressure on President Robert Mugabe's government to publish results from a disputed election that the opposition claims to have won, administration officials said Monday.

    U.S. intelligence agencies are tracking the vessel, the An Yue Jiang, and American diplomats have been instructed to press authorities in at least four nations — South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia and Angola — not to allow it to dock, the officials told The Associated Press. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss delicate diplomatic talks.

    The ship, which is laden with large amounts of weapons and ammunition, already has been turned away from South Africa and Mozambique, and is now believed to be headed for Angola, possibly with a refueling stop in Namibia. The freighter left South Africa after a judge on Friday barred the arms from transiting South Africa and it was not immediately clear if U.S. lobbying had influenced authorities in Mozambique who stopped it from docking over the weekend.

    Two officials said Washington's effort to block the ship from unloading its cargo was now concentrated on Namibia and Angola and that both countries were being told that allowing the An Yue Jiang to dock could harm their relations with the United States.

    There are fears that the arms, which include mortar grenades and bullets, could be used by Mugabe's regime to expand a clampdown on opposition supporters. The government has refused to publish the results of presidential elections held three weeks ago, and there are reports of increasing violence against the opposition.

    South Africa's main trade union confederation has called on workers in other African countries to follow the example of South African dock and freight workers who said Friday they would not unload the ship or transport its cargo.

    The State Department endorsed that position on Monday.
    "Given Zimbabwe's current electoral crisis, we do share the concerns ... that these arms could be used against individuals who are merely trying to freely express their political will," said Kurtis Cooper, a department spokesman.

    "We call on the Zimbabwe government to immediately cease the perpetration of brutal acts against its citizens and strongly urge the regional leadership to enhance its intervention for an expeditious solution to the postelection crisis," Cooper said.

    The comments, prepared ahead of an expected announcement that Frazer will travel to southern Africa, come as the Bush administration has grown increasingly impatient with Mugabe — whose recent rule Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last week called "an abomination" — and with Zimbabwe's neighbors for not taking a harder line against the octogenarian leader.
    The 14-nation Southern African Development Community, known as SADC, has been unwilling to take the tough stand on Zimbabwe as called for by western countries, notably Britain and the United States.

    Part of Frazer's planned trip is aimed at rallying support for action from SADC members, whose leaders met in a mid-April summit on Zimbabwe but could agree only on a weak declaration that failed to criticize the absent Mugabe, officials said.
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    Blood will flow like a river when Mugabe get dem weapons. It is just a matter of time.

    China has no moral scruples, and dem would sell an AK-47 to a baby, if dem could mek a profit from that sale. Nuff of the weapons used in Darfur are Chinese made guns & bombs.
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


    • #3
      China may recall weapons

      China may recall Zimbabwe weapons

      Reports say the ship is carrying millions of rounds of ammunition

      The ship carrying weapons to Zimbabwe may return to China after being prevented from unloading in South Africa, a Chinese official has said.
      Zambia's president has called on other African countries not to let the ship enter their waters, in case the arms escalate post-election tensions.
      Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said the weapons were ordered last year and were "perfectly normal".
      But she said the ship's owners were considering bringing the ship back.
      Ms Jiang said this was because it was proving impossible for Zimbabwe to receive the arms but this has not been confirmed by the Chinese shipping company.
      The Chinese vessel was said to be bound for Angola but the US is reported to be pressuring port authorities there and in Namibia not to allow them to dock.
      Zambia's President Levy Mwanawasa said: "I hope this will be the case with all the countries because we don't want a situation which will escalate the [tension] in Zimbabwe more than what it is."

      I don't understand all this hullabaloo about a lone ship

      Patrick Chinamasa
      Zimbabwe justice minister

      The International Transport Workers Federation says it has asked its members across Africa not to help unload the An Yue Jiang, which is reportedly carrying three million rounds of ammunition, 1,500 rocket-propelled grenades and 2,500 mortar rounds.
      The opposition says the weapons could be used to "wage war" on its supporters ahead of a possible run-off in the presidential vote.
      This is strongly denied by the government, which has accused the opposition of exaggerating claims of recent political violence.
      'Not authorised'
      The ship, which had been anchored off the port of Durban for four days, was forced to move on Friday after a South African court refused to allow the weapons on board to be transported across the country to landlocked Zimbabwe.

      Despite reports the ship was heading for Angola, an ally of Zimbabwe's government, the director of the Institute of Angolan Ports said the vessel had not asked for permission to dock in Angola.
      "This ship has not sought request to enter Angolan territorial waters and it's not authorised to enter Angolan ports," Filomeno Mendonca told local radio.
      But the agent handling the ship said its next port of call would be the Angolan capital, Luanda, AFP news agency reports.
      A South African military spokesman said the ship was no longer in South African waters.
      Zimbabwe's Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa said it was their right to defend themselves and buy weapons from any legitimate source.
      "I don't understand all this hullabaloo about a lone ship," he told reporters.
      The country has yet to publish the results of its 29 March presidential election, which the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) says was won outright by its candidate Morgan Tsvangirai.
      'Torture camps'
      Meanwhile, the southern African regional body, SADC, rejected Mr Tsvangirai's calls for South Africa's Thabo Mbeki to be replaced as the chief mediator for Zimbabwe.
      "We have complete faith in President [Thabo] Mbeki," AFP quoted Mauritius Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam as saying.
      Mr Tsvangirai wants President Mwanawasa to take over, with some opposition supporters saying Mr Mbeki was close to Mr Mugabe.

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      A Chinese arms ship heads for the African coast on its mission to deliver weapons to Zimbabwe

      A recount in 23 out of 210 parliamentary seats, which had been due to end on Monday, has been delayed for an unknown period.
      The MDC rejected the recount as illegal and insisted it beat President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party outright in presidential and parliamentary polls.
      The leader of the governing African National Congress in South Africa - Jacob Zuma - has again criticised the delays in publishing the election results - further distancing himself from Mr Mbeki.
      "It's not acceptable. It's not helping the Zimbabwean people who have gone out to ... elect the kind of party and presidential candidate they want, exercising their constitutional right," he told Reuters news agency.
      He called on African leaders to take action to solve the political deadlock that has set in since last month's disputed election.
      Post-election violence has displaced 3,000 people, injured 500 and left 10 dead, according to MDC secretary general Tendai Biti.
      Human rights groups say they have found camps where people are being tortured for having voted "the wrong way".
      But Mr Chinamasa denied that anyone had died in political violence.
      Police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena said that of the 10 people reported dead, only four names had been supplied and "of these three no basis whatsoever while the fourth is still under investigation and will be concluded soon", he was reported as saying by the state-owned Herald newspaper.
      Zimbabwe's church leaders are also calling for intervention to prevent the violence reaching genocidal proportions.
      "If nothing is done to help the people of Zimbabwe from their predicament, we shall soon be witnessing genocide similar to that experienced in Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and other hot spots in Africa and elsewhere," leaders of the main denominations said in a joint statement.
      "We appeal to the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union and the United Nations to work towards arresting the deteriorating political and security situation in Zimbabwe," a statement said.
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        "If you are living on a piece of land...and you are NOT the land owner---it means you can be evicted at any time."

        Don't be a pack of idiots.

        England does not care for BLACK people in Zimbabwe...they are after the arable lands.


        Land that has been handed down from our ancestors to their children.

        As far as that ship is concerned, has the contents been inspected?

        Since when Britain or the US is intrested when guns and bombs are used against anyone apart from themselves?

        Furthermore, wanna bet that guns and bombs would gets through easily if it is aimed against the Zimbabwe government?

        Excellent job Mr. Mugabe.
        Last edited by HL; April 22, 2008, 05:07 PM.
        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



        • #5
          Originally posted by HL View Post
          "Since when Britain or the US is intrested when guns and bombs are used against anyone apart from themselves?

          Excellent job Mr. Mugabe.
          One of these statements makes sense.



          • #6
            it occurs to me that in 2000 someone stole an election and the world didn't bat a eye.....

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              Mosiah, I know you don't support Mugabe.

              But spend some time and think about it.

              The world is growing and the need for resources has greatly increased.

              Recently China signed a long term agreement for mining rights in the Congo. I don't know the details of the agreement. But it appears that The Congo will derive some long term infrastructural, educational and technological benefits....

              Britain and the US are not overly excited--since they are left out of the deal..

              My point is LAND IS EVERYTHING. It is important that the African don't allow their BIRTH RIGHTS to be stolen...and a any cost.

              Don't believe me, ask the Palastinian!
              The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



              • #8
                I do agree that land is everything, but does that mean I must brutalise and kill my people?!? Is Changirai (who cares to spell that name?) going to give away the land to the British?

                Mugabe needs to leave! Now will be a good time!!!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Remember the brutality of Ian smith?

                  compare that with Mugabe.

                  I was very young then, but i have read the accounts of his Ian Smith's brutality--and mugabe's is childs play.

                  Zimbabwe is suffering because of economic sanctions.

                  Anyway...we are entitled to our opinion.
                  The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                  • #10
                    so those are our options - ian smith (who has thankfully departed and gone to hell) and mugabe?!?!

                    why can't we have a good leader who understands the importance of land ownership and use? is that too much to ask for?

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      i agree with you on this HL and the UK is particualrly to blame for reneging on earlier promises made.....

                      there remain a lot of white rhodesians (because that's what they are) in south Africa which is where they went after independence. consider the time line, why would they have felt so comfortable going to south africa at that time....

                      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                      • #12
                        I wish some of us would understand the importance of LAND.

                        It's very disheartening to see Africans living as second-class citizens on their own LAND.
                        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                        • #13
                          Yuh a preach to the choir, and tell us something that we do not know.

                          Mugabe is an old relic whose time has come & gone. The great liberator has become the oppressor.

                          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


                          • #14
                            gosh, HL, we have long appreciated that and have moved along! are you saying Mugabe is the only leader who appreciates the importance of LAND?

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HL View Post
                              "If you are living on a piece of land...and you are NOT the land owner---it means you can be evicted at any time."

                              Don't be a pack of idiots.

                              England does not care for BLACK people in Zimbabwe...they are after the arable lands.

                              LAND IS POWER--WITHOUT IT LIFE HAS NO WORTH!!!!!!!!!

                              Land that has been handed down from our ancestors to their children.

                              As far as that ship is concerned, has the contents been inspected?

                              Since when Britain or the US is intrested when guns and bombs are used against anyone apart from themselves?

                              Furthermore, wanna bet that guns and bombs would gets through easily if it is aimed against the Zimbabwe government?

                              Excellent job Mr. Mugabe.
                              This was my views on the Mugabe leadership issue. It was not the first time.

                              Thanks for correcting the doubters Assasin.
                              The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


