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hillary clinton is a liar and a hypocrite...

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  • hillary clinton is a liar and a hypocrite...

    Clinton says Obama can't stand the heat

    By Jeff Mason
    RADNOR, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton said on Friday that rival Barack Obama could not stand the pressure of the White House after the Illinois senator complained about tough questions at a debate.
    Clinton said Obama's complaints about questions posed to him in their televised debate Wednesday night raised doubts about whether he was tough enough to stand up to the scrutiny of the presidency.
    The debate questions, which focused on a series of controversies and comments involving Obama, drew complaints on Thursday from the Illinois senator and from viewers.
    "I know some of my opponent's supporters and my opponent are complaining about the hard questions," Clinton, a former first lady, told a rally.
    "Well, having been in the White House for eight years and seeing what happens in terms of the pressures and the stresses on a president, that was nothing," she said.
    Referencing a famous quote from folksy former Democratic President Harry Truman, Clinton said: "I'm with Harry Truman on this. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
    Clinton, who has complained about moderators' treatment of her in previous debates, is in a hard fight with Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination to face Republican John McCain in November's presidential election.
    Obama spokesman Bill Burton accused Clinton of hypocrisy.

    "Considering the fact that Senator Clinton sat on stage at the last debate and complained to all of America that she always gets the first question, her blatant hypocrisy here is stunning," he said in a statement.
    The Clinton campaign has often accused reporters of being harder on her than they are on Obama.
    Obama appeared visibly uncomfortable at times during Wednesday's debate as moderators focused on issues including his controversial former pastor, his relationship with a 1960s radical, his remarks about small-town voters and his failure to wear a flag lapel pin.
    On Thursday, Obama complained that substantive issues like Iraq, health care and jobs did not come up until the second half of the debate. "Last night I think we set a new record because it took us 45 minutes before we started talking about a single issue that matters to the American people," he said in Raleigh, North Carolina.
    "That's just how Washington is. They like stirring up controversy and they like playing gotcha games, getting us to attack each other, and I have to say, Sen. Clinton looked in her element."
    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

  • #2
    Originally posted by Baddaz View Post
    Clinton says Obama can't stand the heat

    By Jeff Mason
    RADNOR, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton said on Friday that rival Barack Obama could not stand the pressure of the White House after the Illinois senator complained about tough questions at a debate.
    Clinton said Obama's complaints about questions posed to him in their televised debate Wednesday night raised doubts about whether he was tough enough to stand up to the scrutiny of the presidency.
    The debate questions, which focused on a series of controversies and comments involving Obama, drew complaints on Thursday from the Illinois senator and from viewers.
    "I know some of my opponent's supporters and my opponent are complaining about the hard questions," Clinton, a former first lady, told a rally.
    "Well, having been in the White House for eight years and seeing what happens in terms of the pressures and the stresses on a president, that was nothing," she said.
    Referencing a famous quote from folksy former Democratic President Harry Truman, Clinton said: "I'm with Harry Truman on this. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
    Clinton, who has complained about moderators' treatment of her in previous debates, is in a hard fight with Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination to face Republican John McCain in November's presidential election.
    Obama spokesman Bill Burton accused Clinton of hypocrisy.

    "Considering the fact that Senator Clinton sat on stage at the last debate and complained to all of America that she always gets the first question, her blatant hypocrisy here is stunning," he said in a statement.
    The Clinton campaign has often accused reporters of being harder on her than they are on Obama.
    Obama appeared visibly uncomfortable at times during Wednesday's debate as moderators focused on issues including his controversial former pastor, his relationship with a 1960s radical, his remarks about small-town voters and his failure to wear a flag lapel pin.
    On Thursday, Obama complained that substantive issues like Iraq, health care and jobs did not come up until the second half of the debate. "Last night I think we set a new record because it took us 45 minutes before we started talking about a single issue that matters to the American people," he said in Raleigh, North Carolina.
    "That's just how Washington is. They like stirring up controversy and they like playing gotcha games, getting us to attack each other, and I have to say, Sen. Clinton looked in her element."
    What do you expect -she's a lawyer AND a politician - she can't help herself.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #3
      No she is not , she is a pathological liar and pathological hypocryte, in other words a consumate politician.

      "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

      "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


      • #4
        Fair comment by Clinton...she should have added that the 'light questioning' Obama had faced in the last debate in no way compares to the years....yeeeeeeeears of questioning she has undergone from the Arkansas years through the 'runs' she made as Senator for the NY Senate seat she curently holds. ...and, she should have added, 'the heat felt at the start of this current campaign up until just before the debate...and which immediately picked up after...Obama has yet to feel. At this stage nothing the media does from here on out can bring equality and fairness to how both of us have been treated. Senator Obama has been living...through this campaign...the charmed life!'.

        That is what Mrs. Clinton should have said - "The truth! The whole truth and nothing but the truth!"

        Obama has had...and is still having an unfair advantage. A kid gloves treatment from the media. As I said before, I think he is the candidate the Republicans want to run against. Just too many of the main Republican surrogates came out swinging at Hillary and worked to take her down. They came with all guns blazing...and they for a long time gave Obama free and unfettered passage. On every talk show, in every commentary...even up until now...they claim they want to run against Mrs. Clinton.

        Obama they claimed is an unknown entity. For a very long time they kept claiming they "do not know how to run against Obama". Well, now that the popular feeling is Obama shall be the nominee that is now muted. They have let up the wholesale press on Hillary. They are now little by little framing "talking points" against Obama. The extra big guns including Newt Gringrich and Karl Rowe are now more regularly in the spotlight throwing 'not so subtle barbs' at Obama. It is rumoured that Obama's own words...are in "copy for ads" sitting and awaiting what is seen as Obama's sure nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate.

        We'll see what we shall see when the "real race" for President of the United States gets underway!!! It would be a crying shame if a democrat is not in the Whitehouse after this Republican President Bush disaster.
        Last edited by Karl; April 19, 2008, 11:06 PM.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

