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Shaw to borrow $183 billion

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  • Shaw to borrow $183 billion

    Motorists,smokers hit hard
    20% hike in tax revenue package BY JULIAN RICHARDSON Observer staff reporter richardsonj@jamaicaobserver.com
    Saturday, April 12, 2008

    Finance Minister Audley Shaw yesterday presented a tax revenue package of $262.7 billion, the brunt of which will be borne by motorists and smokers, who will contribute a total of $5.2 billion in increased taxes.
    The $262.7 billion comprises the majority of the budgeted $303.6 billion in revenues and grants Shaw tabled in Parliament yesterday for the 2008/09 financial year.
    Finance Minister Audley Shaw opening the 2008/2009 budget debate in Parliament yesterday. At 2nd right is Prime Minister Bruce Golding, while at right is Andrew Gallimore, a junior minister in the Government. (Photo: Garfield Robinson) The tax revenue package represents an increase of 20 per cent over last year's budget, which the Government is aiming to achieve through numerous tax reform initiatives focused on improving compliance, revenue protection and widening the tax net.
    "The clear emphasis of my ministry is to improve collection of taxes due, significantly increase the collection of arrears due, re-establish the Revenue Protection Division (RPD) to protect major revenue windows from leakage through corruption and fraud and take steps to widen the tax net by encouraging new entrants into the system," said Shaw.
    The finance minister, noting that Jamaica's compliance rate is a dismal 38 per cent across all tax types, compared to 60 to 80 per cent in more developed countries, said tax compliance will be the first priority in collecting the needed revenue to finance the budget and close the fiscal deficit gap, which is projected at 4.5 per cent of GDP for the 2008/09 financial year.
    Shaw outlined numerous administrative reforms which he said were part of the "overriding principle" of "simplicity and equity" needed to improve tax collection. Some of the procedures that he said were being implemented this year were:
    . The ministry will upgrade Revenue Collection Centres islandwide to make the facilities more accessible and user friendly. A new Revenue Centre is being established in Portmore;
    . The Government will engage in a long-term IT strategy to support Tax Administration and Custom's function;
    . Refocus the specific procedures of Tax Fraud to its single, principal objective of getting prosecution of those tax fraud cases; and
    . Amend Tax and Custom laws to impose stiffer fines and penalties/imprisonment on any tax official arrested and convicted of aiding and abetting a taxpayer to evade taxes or commit fraud.
    The minister also outlined a tax amnesty programme, the most comprehensive in over two decades, in which Government will waive interest and penalties across all tax types once the principal sum is paid. This is aimed at luring delinquent taxpayers into the tax net to help collect some of the whopping $138 billion in outstanding arrears plus interest and penalties owed to the Government.
    "I also encourage taxpayers to talk with the tax representatives and work out arrangements, they are all good people trying to do their jobs properly," said Shaw of the amnesty which ends on October 31, 2008. "I want to invite all unregistered businesses and self-employed people to come into the tax net, no questions asked."
    According to the minister, if taxpayers pay their full arrears in principal by June 30, 2008, the entire interest and penalties will be waived. After which, the following levels of waivers will apply:
    . July 31, 2008 - 80 per cent
    . August 31, 2008 - 50 per cent
    . September 30, 2008 - 40 per cent
    . October 31, 2008 - 20 per cent.
    The Government expects to net a total of $2.9 billion in new tax measures, with a new tax on tobacco, the primary contributor to the top line, with an expected yield of $2.88 billion.
    It is proposed to reform the tax structure on tobacco-related products and increase the special consumption tax (SCT) rate, starting April 14, 2008. The Government is proposing to eliminate the Additional Stamp Duty and Ad-valorem SCT on cigarettes; increase the tax from $2,300 to $6,000 per thousand sticks, and remit 20 per cent of the tax revenues from this source directly to the National Health Fund (NHF); and the Government will eliminate the Excise Duty.
    Another heavy contributor to the net increase is the proposal to hike all motor vehicle licensing fees by 50 per cent, which is expected to yield some $1.165 billion. The effective date for implementation of this new measure is May 1, 2008.
    Other new tax measures to be implemented this year are the increase in motor vehicle examination and driver's licence fees, expected to yield $250 million; increase in gun licences, expected to yield $100 million; and the restructuring of the motor vehicle rate structure, expected to yield $985 million.
    The $489.5-billion budgeted expenditure tabled by Shaw two weeks ago is comprised of $140.3 billion in loan repayment, otherwise called amortisation. This leaves $349 billion to find, to which the tax revenues will be the major financing component in order to achieve the fiscal deficit target of 4.5 per cent.
    During the financial year, Shaw said that the Government proposes to borrow $183.4 billion to cover the fiscal deficit and amortisation. Of this total, $130.7 billion, he said, is programmed to be raised from the domestic market and the remaining $52.7 billion from external sources. The programmed external funding is comprised of $9 billion from multilateral/bilateral sources for capital projects and the equivalent of $43.7 billion from the international capital market.
    . Tax on tobacco $2.88 billion
    . Increase in motor vehicle licence $1.165 billion
    . Increase in motor vehicle examination, driver's licence $250 million
    . Increase in gun licences $100 million
    . Motor vehicle rate structure $985 million
    REVENUE GAIN $5.38 billion
    . Less threshold increase $575 million
    . Less reduction in Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty $1.525 billion
    . Less eliminating witholding tax on dividends $130 million
    . Less Customs User Fees as tax credit $170 million
    REVENUE FOREGONE ($2.4 billion)
    Total of New Tax Measures $2.98 billion
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    Some financial analysts indicated that the June 30th date for 100% amnesty is too short.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      He needs to increase revenue in other areas as well. People who are charged with murder and shooting with intent pay crumbs for bail.
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hortical View Post
        He needs to increase revenue in other areas as well. People who are charged with murder and shooting with intent pay crumbs for bail.
        What surprised me is that gun license was 3000 and its now 6000. Raise dat to bout $20,000 .. dem a joke.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          Snippets of the presentation .. I guess Don1 and the gang waiting to hear the PNP top rank mek a talk suh dem can know wha fi say.

          Mr. Speaker, in our stewardship we are already beginning to show a clear alternative.
          For years I have spoken about accessing cheaper loans through the multilateral organizations. I have courted the IDB, the CDB and the World Bank and we have begun the process of delivery. While the loan amounts signed to date may seem small to some, old time people said in their wisdom "one one cocoa full basket". We have delivered.
          I spoke last year of carrying out a comprehensive audit of the public sector operations. This process has also begun, starting with the commissioning of a diagnostic study on corruption and a forensic audit of FIS / FINSAC. We have started the process to effect the elimination of waste and improve efficiency in the public service. We have delivered.
          The Government is serious about collecting its taxes in order to carry out its duties to the people of Jamaica. We have urged the people of Jamaica to voluntarily comply with paying their taxes in the past few months and subsequently we have seen a significant increase in revenue in almost all tax types. We have delivered.
          There has been tremendous road work - in particular the fixing of potholes after serious flood rains. We have delivered.
          In the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce's survey of Consumer and Business confidence for the first quarter of 2008, it was reported that 75% of all Jamaicans reported that the economy was average or better during the first quarter. The JCC stated that overall the data shows that "businesses are more optimistic about future economic conditions whilst consumers are more confident about present economic conditions." We have delivered.
          The Government introduced a price subsidy of J$500 million to help offset the rising cost of basic food items. We have delivered.
          We have replenished the Net International Reserves to US$2.08 billion and have even seen a revaluation of the exchange rate. We have delivered.
          During the general election campaign, we promised free tuition for public secondary school education. We have delivered.
          We promised to abolish hospital User fees on April 1, 2008. We have delivered.
          And Mr. Speaker, most importantly, this administration has done in 7 months what has not been achieved in seven years. In October 2007, based on the state of the economy, we revised the fiscal deficit target from a projected 4.5% to 5.5%. Mr. Speaker, we had to cut expenditure and take tough decisions. We had to demonstrate our ability to exercise fiscal discipline. Had we not done so, the deficit would have climbed to over 7.0%.
          Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report today that we have met, and in fact, exceeded our first fiscal deficit target. The deficit for fiscal year 2007/2008 was not 5.5% but 4.7% of GDP. We have delivered!
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #6
            True, is about $85US. I would go further, and say the gun license should be at least $35,000.
            Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


            • #7
              Why? very few poor man have gun license. You will be only targetting the rich! Better to tax vehicles, poor and rich own those
              The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


              • #8
                Is it safe to say the shortfall in the budget is a result of the majority of the budget allotted to debt servicing?



                • #9
                  Why is the debt so high ??


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                    Why is the debt so high ??
                    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

