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Cassava Piece

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  • Cassava Piece

    Deadly feud
    Cop among four shot dead in Cassava Piece
    Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    Crime scene detectives leave the area where the body of Damion Burgess, who was involved in a shoot-out with the police in the hotbed community of Cassava Piece in St Andrew, lay yesterday. (Photo: Lionel Rookwoood)
    A feud that had its genesis in partisan politics and escalated into a deadly turf war claimed the lives of four men, including a police constable and two brothers, and left another injured in the hotbed community of Cassava Piece, in St Andrew between Monday night and yesterday morning.

    The dead cop has been identified as Constable Lazano McFarlane of the Mobile Reserve. Police say their colleague was killed during a running gunbattle in the community after a daring early morning murder on Mannings Hill Road yesterday.

    The other dead persons have been identified as John Taylor, Alton Burgess, 27, and his 29-year-old brother Damion. Two other persons, including another cop, were injured during the shootings.

    The three civilians add to a growing list of persons who have been killed over the last couple of months in Cassava Piece, a depressed community on the doorsteps of the Constant Spring Police Station.

    Police say bad blood has been brewing since last year's general elections and has escalated into urban warfare. A gang in a section of the community has been waging war against two other gangs, one based at nearby Glen Drive and the other based in the section of the community behind the Constant Spring Police Station and the Sandy Gully.

    "The community is splintered. This thing started out of politics and blew up into a gang war. Shootings and murder are now commonplace around here," said a police officer who stood near the site where his colleague died.

    About 8:30 Monday night, gunmen crept up on Alton Burgess and shot him dead as he walked through the area. Less than 12 hours later, Burgess' brother, Damion, and a gang of gunmen returned to avenge Alton's death and shot Taylor and another man as they stood near a stall on Mannings Hill Road.

    Taylor died while the other man was being treated at hospital yesterday.

    A contingent of police from the Mobile Reserve was close at hand and challenged the gang, some of whom escaped in the maze of zinc-lined dirt tracks in the impoverished community.

    "They fired at us from all directions and fled in all directions," one cop said.

    The elder Burgess was not so lucky, and led the police in a running gunbattle which ended with McFarlane and himself being cut down along a lane which runs alongside the Sandy Gully.

    Police said a 9mm pistol was taken from his body.

    A woman was among several persons taken into custody in the aftermath of the gunfight.

    Police say Damion Burgess is originally from a garrison community in Spanish Town and was out on bail for a murder committed in that community.

    As crime scene investigators collected evidence, several of McFarlane's fellow cops visited the scene with grim expressions.

    McFarlane was on the beat for six hours at Central Village in St Catherine where another policeman was shot and injured while patrolling the area with a colleague.

    "We are tired. We have been working since last night in Central Village. It is really a tragedy," one cop said sadly.

    But as police rued the death of their colleague, some residents of the area claimed he was a victim of friendly fire.
    "Not because a di gully side dis, the truth must come and is police kill police," one woman said.

    But the police were not willing to confirm the residents' claim.
    "When the ballistic tests are done, then we will know the truth," a senior police source said last night.

    Police say they will be paying special attention to the area in an effort to stem any further violence in the community
    Last edited by Karl; March 26, 2008, 06:12 PM.

  • #2
    I was just checking some articles about the game(tnt vs JA) on the observer and this article caught my attention

    Originally posted by Naminirt View Post
    Deadly feud

    Police say Damion Burgess is originally from a garrison community in Spanish Town and was out on bail for a murder committed in that community.
    Since when murderer does get bail lord have mercy you all have a nice nice justice system ..

    ... and lionpaw it was you saying the other day that Cassava Piece eh bad ?
    well watch yuh self when yuh walking through they cause you would be now "inna ah badman place" "paw get kick inna face"


    • #3
      Shouldn't you be checking on the status of a few kidnap victims about now. My trini bredrin tell mi say Trinidad is now the kidnap capital of the world. Rich Trinis all a sen dem family to JA for safety cause yard man will shot you before dem kidnap you. What an irony Trinis seeking safety in JA.
      Enjoy the game by the way.


      • #4
        Trini waan compete with yardman inna everyting, including crime to rahtid.

        Truth is, the Caribbean as a whole is a cesspit when it comes to crime and no improvement in sight.

        Peter R


        • #5
          he does ask a good question. Why are people getting bailed on murder charges?


          • #6
            i've been asking that question on this forum for a long time... that is one of the root causes of the spiralling murder rates... murderers get bail and intimidate or murder the witnesses... one big joke of a system...
            'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


            • #7
              Originally posted by Naminirt View Post
              Since when murderer does get bail lord have mercy you all have a nice nice justice system ..
              its been like that for a long long time... that needs to stop... the system needs reform to keep up with the level of criminality...
              'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


              • #8
                Where is Gamma when you need his expertise? This (the justice system) is all part of the abyss of the crime scene that we have fallen into.

                It is a good question indeed.

                Peter R


                • #9
                  Technically they are only accused. They are not murderers until proven guilty.

                  The real problem is the slow justice process. That is why dem haffi get the chance for bail. You caan lock up someone for 6-12 months awaiting trial just on an accusation! Otherwise, anyone can be accused and detained near indefinitely.

                  On the other hand, we KNOW nuff a dem a murderer even before we can prove it.

                  Only remedy is to DRAMATICALLY speed up the process. Dem need to go to the EU and offer dem a deal. Since the EU hate the death penalty so much, the GOJ nneds to approach tem with a deal to permanently remove it from the books. In return we should demand a grant of say €250m to ressurect and bolster the Justice system in Jamaica. We get the infrastructure to finally deal with crime in a modern fashion and they get their political satisfaction. Hell, I would even offer to remove the buggery laws (we dont enforce them anyway) and we can then pretend to be progressive in that matter without changing anything in practical terms. Win-win for all.


                  • #10
                    In trinidad once they charge yuh with murda yuh lock up it doh matter if yuh case try the next day or 5 years down the road yuh in jail... no wonder people nuh come foward


                    • #11
                      Dese murderers get lower bail dan whey Kern get fi likkle fraud charge.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                        Dese murderers get lower bail dan whey Kern get fi likkle fraud charge.
                        Alleged murderers

                        P.S. The fellow charged with BOGLE's murder is still out on bail if I'm not mistaken.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Naminirt View Post
                          In trinidad once they charge yuh with murda yuh lock up it doh matter if yuh case try the next day or 5 years down the road yuh in jail... no wonder people nuh come foward
                          Potentially, that is open to severe abuse and political manipulation. Mugabe type of power that.

                          Also, this is a strange situation from a country where man attempted to coup the Govt, killed a few, and then get pardon.


                          • #14
                            Well I know Mo hate when we do this but I can tell you if you on a Murder rap in canada you are not getting bail. You do your dead time.


                            • #15
                              I have no problem with no bail for people charged with murder. At the very least, bail for those charged with murder must be higher than the bail that was set for Kern! Better him did kill smaddy!

                              And, as Willi said, we must speed up the entire process if we really care about justice for all.

                              BLACK LIVES MATTER

