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More food woes

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  • More food woes

    Conjecture that genetically modified food crops are poisoning animals?

    reported by the BBC News Service:

    "A mystery illness that has scientists baffled is wiping out tens of
    thousands of bats across the north-east of the US."

    "The pollination of crops by bees is responsible for a third of the
    produced in the US. One in every three mouthfuls has been touched by
    their tiny feet; but our six-legged friends are in trouble.

    They are getting sick and leaving their hives. Without bees, food gets
    more expensive - some products could disappear altogether. Colony
    collapse disorder (CCD) emerged last year, and by spring 2007 bees were
    dying in huge numbers - over the year as a whole the total bee
    population fell by 30%.

    Some beekeepers lost closer to 90%, and the fear is it will get worse.
    Beekeeper Gilly Sherman says: "It's worse than last year, and last year
    was worse than the year before, so it's bad, and there are a lot of
    big beekeepers that are having a lot of problems.

    "I think we're coming in for a big train wreck."