Karl, any comments on this since you accuse Obama of lying many times ?
Heh heh. Hillary nuh easy. She say as she come off the plane a pure gunshot and she haffe get flat! I wonder why the likkle girl never hear it?
Just saw this boss!
She lied! Plain and simple - She lied!
...and her lying here...(and no doubt there are others)...does not make Obama's lies go away!
My thing about Obama was particularly how he stood on the podium with Hillary right beside him and made claim to proposals she had put forward...
...and it was the manner of how he did it in truly convincing manner...over and over...debate after debate. I am still in awe of his gaul! That guy is baaaaaaaad!
Look how he was great in his early interviews about knowing of Rev Wright's sermons and stances?
Well? Take a look at how his stance has seamlessly moved to his 'now position'? ...as mi seh, dat bredda baaaaaaaad!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
His starting point - Never knew of Rev Wright's speeches?
Next - He was never in church when the speeches were given?
...and on to - I knew that sometimes he said controversial things?
Still never heard Rev Wright say any such thing as the "loops" being played!
...I bet you the Republicans will find someting to show he damn well knew of the offending sermons?
Starting point: Never new the slum-lord had problems.
Next: I made an error in doing business when he had problems.
Wonder where he is now as he could be called to be questioned by a Grand Jury?
Starting point: First one to put forward a UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE PLAN!
Ohhhh yes, Hillary was standing right beside him on the podium in that debate - in which he made the claim for the SECOND TIME! Difference was this time the moderator played HALF-FAIR and asked Hillary to respond!
The damn man was not even in the CONGRESS when Hillary's first attempt had failed! God-damn for a baldface lie! OBAMA is KING!
Is Obama a pathological liar also?
...or... is it all politicians are?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."