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White America? Obama and his pastor-mentor?

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  • #16
    If Jamaica had leadership like this in the 1970s, we would be far better off. We had confrontationists on both sides.

    No one was willing to unite the classes. I blame Mike most of all, as he intially had the support and hopes of all. Look at who was in the "new light movement". He had the most glorious opportunity, but got caught up in ego and went for adulation/messiah thing, rather than the do the hard but ultimately fulfilling work of really uniting and energising Jamaica. He had many occasions to say NO and to take the high ground, but he slipped into the negative.

    All those who preach how much he did, need to stop and consider how much more he could have. The possibilities were endless then and we could be 100 times better off now if he chose and stuck to the right path. The ostriches need to remember that he presided over States of Emergencies, gun courts, Colour cleansing of ghettos, alienation of the Capital classes, community spying, election gun violence, abuses of State forces (Gold Street/Green Bay), gunman intimidation of construction sites, corruption like Sugar deals, politicization of the civil service, wastage of money like with the Capital distribution Fund, etc, etc. Sure he also did some great things, but on balance he clearly dropped the ball.

    Some may thing I am unduly ragging on him, but to those who are given most, only the best is expected. If his father was given the same opportunity, do we honestly think he would have messed up so? Honestly? I dont want to hear about Seaga, as he was never in the same boat. He never had the same coalition going into power and was never given the same level of trust by the Jamaican people. Besides, he never had the necessary qualities of being able to unite, being able to create boundless HOPE or articulating a vision that we could surpass ANY limit previously imposed on us. Yes, I am talking about a SPIRITUAL idea here.

    So yes, getting back to Mosiah's hobby horse, we do need to also face our own colour issues, whether real or perceived. We need to establish our own basis of unity and justice and build from that. It is hard for me to see it as I dont acknowledge ANY feeling of inferiority about being black and I dont see why anyone should, however, I know there are some people in Jam who stupidly cling to antiquated notions...and many of these people are indeed black! Quite what is the best way to do this, I am still unsure. However, I dont agree with the victimization sentiments of Mona, nor do I condone the shut eye, see no evil, here no evil approach from uptown.


    • #17
      Black, Indian, Mexican, Chinese etc!



      • #18
        Now it hinges on the God damn America.., before it was Obama knows what it is like to be a black man in America. If "White" people liked Obama to begin with, it has to be because he is honest, rare among politicians.
        Yes,he knows what it feels like to be black(sadly "browning" has its advantages)..and should leave the blessing and damning to God and his WORKERS. If he is elected and does the things he promoses, will Merica's blessings be more profound?


