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Obama cant win.

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  • #31

    this was not to win over voters but to reassure supporters he was about to lose.....and maybe some fence sitters.

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #32
      Which Bajan can afford property there now?

      Did Bajans continue to elect dysfunctional leaders?

      Do you agree that them sell we a hollo?


      • #33
        Exactly what do you think would be Baracks role in a Clinton presidency? With Bill as another master puppeteer ala DICK Cheney?

        He would not even get to cut ribbons at the ground breakings?

        BTW Hillary has been hiding all her records. Only now due to FOI lawsuit are we now getting access to her Whitehouse records. Still she is waiting to release her Tax returns. Why?

        Hillary is divisive and combative. Necessary traits if we want the same old unproductive relationship between the exectuive and legalative branch. If we want real change then we cannot continue with those tactics of demoninzing every one that disagrees with you. The problems that exist need input from all involved.

        One more thing ... if there is not an Obama nomination there will be a McCain presidency.


        • #34
          So, are you satisfied with what you heard?

          IF that was not presidential, American ... then I will never know true leadership.

          The question is what do the white swing voters think? The will have a higher threshold to satisfy.


          • #35
            Because we messed it up doesn't mean that anything is wrong with independence.



            • #36
              Nothing wrong with true independence at all.

              However, when you have a people beating them chest about how they "won" it, sell fish stories, create all the trappings and then turn around and mess up, then....

              Also, like AJ slots, did we get the best possible deal out of this racket?

              That is where I am coming from.


              • #37
                Nothing wrong with independence. Colonial rule belittled the human spirit and kept our people, our black people in virtual bondage. The fact that we have completed screwed it should not make the act of independence wrong in any way whatsoever.

                Re AJ slots, I don't know if we got the best deal for them, but just because it is less than others does not necessarily mean that we shortchanged ourselves.

                Still believe that Air Jamaica needs to be scrapped or offloaded quickly to whomever wants to pick up that challenge. The slots issue pales in comparison to this immediate need, even tho I guess the slots themselves could have been a great bargaining chip!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #38
                  I was definately satisfied and I really think he walked that very thin line very well. As I said in an another post, how successful will be with the white moderates depends on how much the opposition have left to throw at this. The seeds of doubt have been planted in many minds and it won't take much for his opponents to bring that back to the forefront. A video with him smiling when Rev Wright is saying something controversial, a picture with Farrakhan, or something else that Michelle wrote or said in the past would be another major blow. It is really sad that this man has to prove his patriotism to the voters but thats where we are.

                  Still a lot of time left in this election cycle, but honestly, given that McCain is now ahead of both Obama and Clinton in most polls without even being in the news much, I think it is more likely that he will win than whoever eventually wins the Dems nomination. Only the bad economy may be able to save the Dems and I think that would benefit Hillary more than Obama due to the Bill Clinton factor.
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #39
                    Lawd Mo,

                    we all know the nasty side of colonialism. It was dehumanizing, so by definition evil.

                    However, the pity is to replace one evil with the other.

                    AJ slot was a clear botch job, said so from the beginning. I know the power of a Heathrow slot.

                    I agree that getting rid of AJ is the priority though.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Comment View Post
                      Karl, at this point your fears are baseless. All polls are unanimous in their projections that Obama would beat McCain. The truth is with the economy in the condition it is in now, and with ALL indications that it will get worse and with a war that the VAST majority of Americans no longer want, there is NO way that McCain can beat Obama. No way.......

                      And Karl, you must be crazy if you think the Republicans would want to face Barrack instead of Hillary. So stained (quite literally) is her linen that she would be very easy prey for them. Barrack in my estimation has gone VERY easy with her and has run a clean campaign.
                      I wonder where you saw those polls?
                      Must be old polls not yet taken down!

                      The polls are showing Obama and McCain in a virtual dead-heat -


                      The media has gone easy on Barack Obama...and are still going easy on him.

                      Barack has gone easy on Hillary!
                      You are joking!

                      He lies on her!
                      He misquotes her!
                      He acts condescending towards her on each and every occasion they have met!
                      He attacks her!

                      What do want him to do 'bax' her?
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #41
                        I-man, way too early to be led by these polls. If we went by polls, we would still be asking Barack who?

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #42
                          Its not so much who is leading that surprises me ,it is the core support of the Republicans.

                          McCain is basically selling another Bush term, and he is competitive with that? It seems to me that the Republicans have to have a horrible candidate and the Dems an outstanding one for the Dems to win these days. Hell, McCain isn't even liked by most hard-core conservatives!

                          Clearly the opposition to the Iraq war, economy ,the health care system,etc, are not really big issues to most people or McCain wouldn't even be close with that platform. As long as American Idol is on, the credit card still work at the gas pump and the mall is still open most Americans seem fine with the way things are.
                          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                            Its not so much who is leading that surprises me ,it is the core support of the Republicans.

                            McCain is basically selling another Bush term, and he is competitive with that? It seems to me that the Republicans have to have a horrible candidate and the Dems an outstanding one for the Dems to win these days. Hell, McCain isn't even liked by most hard-core conservatives!

                            Clearly the opposition to the Iraq war, economy ,the health care system,etc, are not really big issues to most people or McCain wouldn't even be close with that platform. As long as American Idol is on, the credit card still work at the gas pump and the mall is still open most Americans seem fine with the way things are.
                            Dont believe the polls. In many State primaries Obama won MORE votes than all the GOP candidates combined. McCain would be a fool to rely on poll numbers.

