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No to state funding

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  • No to state funding

    No to state funding
    published: Sunday | October 8, 2006
    <DIV class=KonaBody>

    Dawn Ritch, Columnist

    I have personally raised millions of dollars for Pearnel Charles and Portia Simpson Miller when they were running for the leadership of their respective parties.

    No electoral commission now, or in the future will ever hear from my lips the names of those who gave me money. I have collected huge amounts of cash in great, big, bulging brown envelopes, as well as cheques. And nobody is going to get me to divulge the names of those donors.

    The legislature of the country is about to enter another feverish round of regulation promulgation and red tape. It spells the end of my political fund-raising activities.

    I am completely against any form of state-funding for political campaigns. The Jamaican taxpayer already pays more than enough for Jamaica politics. They pay for the drivers of the 60 Members of Parliament, the MPs' health insurance, ministerial special advisers as well as a myriad allowances for MPs labelled by ever-grander sounding names, and at ever-grander cost.

    In the United Kingdom, the Labour party led by Prime Minister Tony Blair, is under investigation for the loans for peerages scandal. The Opposition Conservatives also has its fair share of dodgy cash. TheSunday Times newspaper of that country in a recent editorial entitled "No to State Funding" stated ...

    "More state funding is not the solution. It is a lazy answer to the parties' inability to raise their own money through motivating their supporters. No other organisation can fall back on taxpayers' money simply because it finds itself unpopular and short of cash. It should be no different for political parties. Taxpayers bear quite enough burdens without making them pay for parties which many of them despise.


    "(Indeed) Labour's pitch on this issue - we cannot be trusted to raise money honestly so we want you to give it to us - is breathtaking in its audacity."

    I'm convinced that overregulation always leads to manipulation. The less there is of one, the less corruption. Red tape is grossly inefficient as a method of operation. It also encourages avoidance, and has real potential to make criminals of the innocent.

    Now the two major political parties in Jamaica are hunkering down for another round of deal-making. I predict therefore that every potential donor will, as a consequence, be laid open to criminal charges and public humiliation.

    A particularly generous donor made me promise not to tell even the recipient that he had given the money. By the time our ever-eager legislators have finished therefore, they will have slammed the door on every honest donor. Far from wanting anything in return, many of them don't even want recognition.

    My pitch was simple. I didn't pitch for a political party but for the individual who wanted to lead it. This was not only highly successful, but a tremendous amount of fun and deeply satisfying. I'm very sorry therefore that the People's National Party and the Jamaica Labour Party are about to make it impossible for me to do so again, all in the name of a little cheap and transient public relations.

    Last week, Howard Mitchell had the nerve to write a letter to another newspaper saying "Abe Dabdoub has finally found a colour that suits him - yellow."

    I know all about Mr. Mitchell's idea of courage. It is all about having ridiculous opinions, and encouraging others to hold them while he emigrates to Florida not once, but twice in his own lifetime.


    He's the last person who should talk about colours, because he went from green to a shade of orange, then he went blue with Bruce Golding's National Democratic Movement, and, poor fellow, has now gone back to green, the colour of envy. It is clear he envies Dabdoub for havi
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    RE: No to state funding

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><SPAN class=TopStory>Media, watch those hurriedly called press conferences!</SPAN>
    <SPAN class=Subheadline></SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD>Jean Lowrie-Chin
    Monday, October 09, 2006
    <P class=StoryText align=justify>We know "it takes cash to care", but we have to care where the cash comes from. There is a frightening link between dirty money and the most deadly forms of criminal activity. We all know that it is this alliance that has barred us in our houses and that has inner-city folks trembling under their beds at night.<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=80 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><SPAN class=Description>Jean Lowrie-Chin </SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P class=StoryText align=justify>The past week was one of "hurriedly called press conferences". First, Opposition leader Bruce Golding waved around copies of cheques and floated a few leading questions about the donations of a Dutch/Nigerian oil-trading firm, Trafigura, to the PNP. By the next day, PNP chairman Robert Pickersgill flatly denied any wrongdoing, and offered to give out information on donors to his party if Mr Golding would do the same first (good old Jamaican "Say feh!").<P class=StoryText align=justify>Publicising the list of donors to campaigning will bring a sea-change to the way we do politics here. Politicians get very upset with the media when we criticise their way of doing business. One young politician told me years ago that he was under siege in his constituency, and was constantly raising funds to "mind" all comers. This exposes political representatives to all kinds of risks; no wonder some become wrapped up with unsavoury characters.<P class=StoryText align=justify>If the soon-to-be-formed Electoral Advisory Commission adopts the suggested guidelines for the reporting of campaign financing, it would be a boon for the honest politicians who are targets for scheming donors. And of course, it would force the less-than-honest to clean up their act.<P class=StoryText align=justify>But as frail and insecure human beings, much as we love truth and honesty, we are afraid they may not love us back. For this reason, we should also be actively examining legislation that will specifically address political victimisation.<P class=StoryText align=justify>We who have watched our politics unfold over the past four decades, know how subjective the concept of truth can be. Garrisons have bred passionate enforcers, the Talibans of Jamaican politics who will stop at nothing to gain power for their party.<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=360 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><SPAN class=Description>GOLDING and PICKERSGILL on campaign financing - 'say feh!' </SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P class=StoryText align=justify>We understand, therefore, why the media must be careful about hurriedly called press conferences. In these politically charged times, there will be accusations and counter-accusations. Such events make good news copy and generate talk-show excitement. Voters are observing keenly, and the media are the microscopes through which candidates are being examined.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Honesty is also the big issue in the coverage of the current scandal on Capitol Hill in the US. The media is flooded with accusations and analyses, as we learn that former well-respected congressman Mark Foley may have sent sexually explicit emails to under-age pages at Capitol Hill. Not only is Foley under the microscope, but the House Speaker J Dennis Hastert.<P class=StoryText align
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      RE: No to state funding

      Two good articles! Yes, even the one from Dawn Ritch!



      • #4
        RE: No to state funding

        There is very little that I agree with Dawn on, but on this I agree with her 100%

        "I am completely against any form of state-funding for political campaigns"

        Saturday Jawge indicated I'm changing position. No, I am not. From the first day the latest PNP scandal buss, I've been saying it is not about campaign financing but people keep grabbing onto it. It doesn't make any sense explaining what was wrong here. I've done it, Mosiah did it, Assasin did it, Me touched it and people still want to act the fool.

        Every political party need contributions in order to campaign for an election, damn, contributions are needed to put on the 'mother of all conferences.' There is nothing wrong with Grace Kennedy, Sandals or Superclubs making a contribution to one party or both. There is nothing wrong with Sickko's annual offering (easy yuhself Sickko just using you as an example), thats his choice. I however do have a problem with taxpayers being forced to contribute to these fat cats, JLP &amp; PNP getting richer. Mek dem guh duh some work fi raise dem own funding. There are more vital issues in need of funding. Rahtid, hospital need elevator, there is a struggle for tuition free education, people are being refused health care because dem nuh have no money.

        Spend the money to improve social services and mek the parties guh seek dem contributions; Before unuh come wid foolishness, there is a difference between an ethicalcontribution and an unethical well... kickback.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          RE: No to state funding

          I finally get to applaud you Lazie, I am glad that you are seeing :crazy:the picture as I do. dem ya politican have no original ideas to source funds, how else does the people expect their tax money to be spent by these lazy heads. Yes, strong statement from you and I hope this open the eyes, no remove the vail from dem eyes and stay away from dem trick dick politicans.


          • #6
            RE: No to state funding

            Lazie (10/9/2006)There is very little that I agree with Dawn on, but on this I agree with her 100%

            "I am completely against any form of state-funding for political campaigns"

            Saturday Jawge indicated I'm changing position. No, I am not. From the first day the latest PNP scandal buss, I've been saying it is not about campaign financing but people keep grabbing onto it. It doesn't make any sense explaining what was wrong here. I've done it, Mosiah did it, Assasin did it, Me touched it and people still want to act the fool.

            Every political party need contributions in order to campaign for an election, damn, contributions are needed to put on the 'mother of all conferences.' There is nothing wrong with Grace Kennedy, Sandals or Superclubs making a contribution to one party or both. There is nothing wrong with Sickko's annual offering (easy yuhself Sickko just using you as an example), thats his choice. I however do have a problem with taxpayers being forced to contribute to these fat cats, JLP &amp; PNP getting richer. Mek dem guh duh some work fi raise dem own funding. There are more vital issues in need of funding. Rahtid, hospital need elevator, there is a struggle for tuition free education, people are being refused health care because dem nuh have no money.

            Spend the money to improve social services and mek the parties guh seek dem contributions; Before unuh come wid foolishness, there is a difference between an ethicalcontribution and an unethical well... kickback.
            One question: What size contribution from a person, entity, company and or party in a position to benefit from association with a potential - last I heard the election has not yet been won - member of government or an incoming government would pass the "buying influence" level? $100,000.00, $500,000.00, $1,000,000.00? $2,000,000.00, $5,000,000.00, $10,000,000.00, $30,000,000.00?

            Well why do we not list openly all contributions above $100,000.00? ...or, $500,000.00? ...or, $1,000,000.00? ...and, monies from the same source using multiple names and methods to funnel the money to the seller of influence must be lumped together! ...e.g. 10 x $10,000.00 = one big fat $100,000.00 donation!

            ...or, e.g. Karl V, Karl W, Wallo1...Karl...Juj...Ju-Ju...Junior Wal or any of the many different names given to one personincludingregistered legal name points to that one person!

            ...and, multiple registered DBA or registered companies and or corporations or assumed namesand real names tied to same entity! So the rats are all exposed!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              RE: No to state funding

              Do you think Jamaicans mature enough for this? Lets see ... Grace Kennedy makes a big contribution to the PNP because they like the policies being proposed, how many JLP supporters would stop buying Grace products?

              Maybe you won't understand that. G.K. make a contribution to the JLP because the fact is this PNP gov't is simply incompetent. Would you, Sickko, Jawge and the rest still buy Grace products? I guess yuh understand now.

              Everybody can mek up noise bout campaign financing, unuh need to think first, because I think it would be unfair for the taxpayers to be stuck with this task.
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #8
                RE: No to state funding

                Lazie (10/9/2006)Do you think Jamaicans mature enough for this? Lets see ... Grace Kennedy makes a big contribution to the PNP because they like the policies being proposed, how many JLP supporters would stop buying Grace products?

                Maybe you won't understand that. G.K. make a contribution to the JLP because the fact is this PNP gov't is simply incompetent. Would you, Sickko, Jawge and the rest still buy Grace products? I guess yuh understand now.

                Everybody can mek up noise bout campaign financing, unuh need to think first, because I think it would be unfair for the taxpayers to be stuck with this task.
                I wonder why you think funds the JLP received only orginated from within the island?

                Questions: How much, money, if any, did the JLP receive from the big bad $31+ million donor? I do not think it would be a stretch to consider the possibility that the JLP also received funds from this entity or from other entities with head offices outside of Jamaica??? Standard practise to 'hedge bets'...as I said,last I heard the election was not yet held...and, I think either the PNP or the JLP shall form the next government? Somehow I think that 'big bad$31+million donorhas worked that out also?

                How much, money, if any, did the JLP receive from other'big bad donors'...overseas donors?

                ...and, the nonsense about Grace, is just that nonsense. Are you reallysitting there and suggesting that a local company and or person and or group of personsand or entity and or entities could not be buying influence? Cho man, Lazie man? Cho!?
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #9
                  RE: No to state funding

                  JEZAZ ..... Karl, mi only use G.K. as an example. Wha mek yuh gwaan so slow sometimes bredren? If Golden Krust should make a contribution would that be a problem? Gwaan play the fool.
                  "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                  • #10
                    RE: No to state funding

                    Lazie (10/9/2006)JEZAZ ..... Karl, mi only use G.K. as an example. Wha mek yuh gwaan so slow sometimes bredren? If Golden Krust should make a contribution would that be a problem? Gwaan play the fool.
                    Massa yuh nuh si a di same tink mi duh? Change di name tuh which-a wan yuh want? E.g. Wah bout XYZ company? Di har-gu-ment a di same!
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

