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Unfortunately for you Missa Truthsayer

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  • I have implored the toothsayer to expand his scope.. unfortunately he has nothing else to offer.. poor chap.

    I fear he has come unhinged and is trapped in a recursive loop.


    • The paper trail follows you Sir Rat O.L.

      Originally posted by Maudib View Post
      Correction, you never had a point.. only uninformed and ignorant assumptions combined with faulty reasoning.

      Your presumption is matched only by your blind conviction such that at this point there is enough rope to hang you 10 times over.

      Unfortunately your neck is not even worth the cost of the rope.. .

      Your serve..

      Heh, heh.
      You who have openly admitted and embraced your lying, bawled for help from your friends and fellow rats because of my rodent analysis and pleaded for me to stop the pressure - all openly here on this forum:

      You have been decimated, exposed and brought low - enjoy your new station in life - formerly mighty rodent.

      I now formally release you from the virtual maze in honour of Palm Sunday and to relieve the viewers (somewhat) of your sorry stupidities.

      You are now free to scurry about trailing your spores of leptospirosis (aka your posts) ..... until I choose to reopen the maze.

      Now go ahead and make the last futile and despairing post(s) on this issue .... "the last lick" as is your childish wont.
      Last edited by Truthsayer; March 16, 2008, 02:27 PM.


      • I totally agree...... one word responses from dimwits usually are.


        • Lying seems YOUR forte.

          Openly admitted and embraced my lying - LIE

          Bawled for Help from my friends - LIE

          Pleaded for you to stop the pressure - LIE

          Hung with lots of rope to spare.


          • Originally posted by Truthsayer View Post
            I totally agree...... one word responses from dimwits usually are.

