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On economics and how it relates to

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  • #61
    Oooh! Next time, they should spell out what the D stands for!



    • #62
      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      Oooh! Next time, they should spell out what the D stands for!
      yuh seet!!!

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #63
        Well the answer could be anything as Exile said... but the answer is one inch. Remember the front cover of Volume I is on the RIGHT side of the book 1 and the back cover of Volume III is on the LEFT side of the book 3 so he really only ate his way through Volume II.

        I did say 3 first time I saw this too.

        In Jawge's case it would be many miles.

        Peter R


        • #64
          Well then that simply drops you another notch down.

          A 'Dunce' have yuh like eediat.

          Before yuh assume people trying to impress you.. check if they care first...

          Here is a free heads up: If a person is not speaking to you, it is stupid to argue a point which presumes they are.

          Don1.. The Great Debater...



          • #65
            Yuh love jump pon di Bandwagon heading to disaster.

            Yuh nuh learn yet ?


            • #66
              Wow! What did I start
              here, a revolution? In one single stroke I almost brought back the golden age of the forum. I'm impressed Lazie your absence is noted


              • #67
                Jobs for the bwoys?

                Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                So you are a govt consultant working in the IT and communications field or something like that?

                Keep us up-to-date on the plans the new govt have for this sector. Paulwell set such a low bar it shouldn't be hard to show some progress.
                If this guy is a govt. consultant, Jamaica's prospects are truly dim.

                By the way, which self respecting administration allows its minions (identifying themselves as consultants) to appear regularly on public forums with the sort of buffoonery displayed by this maudib fellow?

                The government is being brought into disrepute.


                • #68
                  How you come to that conclusion? have you seen the man work?
                  If Ben is working with the government it hasn't just started. One conclusion we all can come to and that is he is highly educated, and if he is a consultant I bet you most of his work is in the private industry.

                  Not because people come on the forum and form fool more time mean that they are not serious individual in whatever they are doing.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #69
                    Maybe I am the consultant on buffoonery... after all, the last Administration left a significant legacy of that.

                    Yuh sound bitter.. hangover from Sept 3rd ?

                    Man all a falsely accuse people bout dem claims.

                    Your frail minds have obviously been blown.

                    Heh, heh. Ah good !
                    Last edited by Muadib; March 9, 2008, 07:39 PM.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                      How you come to that conclusion? have you seen the man work?
                      If Ben is working with the government it hasn't just started. One conclusion we all can come to and that is he is highly educated, and if he is a consultant I bet you most of his work is in the private industry.

                      Not because people come on the forum and form fool more time mean that they are not serious individual in whatever they are doing.
                      By analysing the fellow's childish approach to posting I have determined that he is a buffoon.
                      The fellow also explicitly stated that he is working on projects for the government. Usually people in that position (which is necessarily sensitive) do not bandy about such specifics on fora like this one nor do do they make the intemperate remarks such as those I routinely observe with the fellow. This is what I call buffoonery- especially when one associates that with a so-called government consultant.

                      I don't know the level of education he has attained, nor do I care. Apparently you are impressed- that is your right.... maybe you need to get out more. However I can grant you that- he's an educated buffoon. OK?

                      I have seen nothing particularly impressive in his offerings other than making an impression as a buffoon.


                      • #71
                        OK Buffoonery Consultant

                        Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                        Maybe I am the consultant on buffoonery... after all, the last Administration left a significant legacy of that.

                        Yuh sound bitter.. hangover from Sept 3rd ?

                        Man all a falsely accuse people bout dem claims.

                        Your frail minds have obviously been blown.

                        Heh, heh. Ah good !
                        Thank you for correctly identifying your calling... Consultant of Buffoonery. It has a nice ring to it.

                        I am far from bitter... in fact I'm amused. I find your childishness (just look at your last statement!) and blinkered approach to issues amusing especially when you attempt to combine it with faux scholarship. Any reasonably exposed person sees right through your nonsense.

                        Keep up the good work Mr. Consultant. We need the levity you provide in these serious times.


                        • #72
                          Heh, heh.

                          Glad to provide levity... what yuh gwine contribute ?

                          Yuh suh uptight.. anybody tell yuh seh dem a consultant fi di Govt ?

                          Yuh ah expose yuhself... watch yuh step.


                          • #73
                            that maybe so on this forum but you can't judge his work based on how he presents himself on the forum.

                            People sometimes come here just to escape their real world, not everybody want to be in their educated upity self all the time and the forum can be a good escape.

                            I don't have to be impressed by anyone and to be truthful I enjoy the "baffonery" as it makes a boring day sometimes enjoyable. It was just like when I use to sit under ackee tree or bus stop a yard and guess what some of the "dumbest" players where the brightest people who are great professionals today not only in Ja but all over.
                            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                            • #74
                              You are analyzing approaches on fora like this one ???

                              Heh, heh.. that speaks volumes.

                              Who ah di buffoon ??

                              Bout specifics and sensitive...

                              Who is this clown ? Neophyte a step to 5 Star General ??

                              Ah wha dis !


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                                Heh, heh.

                                Glad to provide levity... what yuh gwine contribute ?

                                Yuh suh uptight.. anybody tell yuh seh dem a consultant fi di Govt ?

                                Yuh ah expose yuhself... watch yuh step.
                                Too busy working on info, energy and substainable development policy for the new government..

                                Your statement above would reasonably lead one to believe that you work with the administration in some official capacity. Feel free to clarify or not.

                                My particular contribution is analysis and exposure of buffoons. You provide a target rich environment.
                                Thanks for being so accommodating.

