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Hahahaahahahah Wait Till Don1 See Dis
Dem too phacking thief, and this is just the beginning.
Kern's mother owes UDC $2m
Corporation paying GCT on unpaid rent for 2 state-owned Negril beach parks
Monday, March 03, 2008
The state-owned Urban Development Corporation (UDC) alleges that it is owed almost $2 million by the mother of scandalised politician Kern Spencer in unpaid rent for two beach parks at Long Bay in Negril, Westmoreland, highly placed UDC sources said yesterday.
The uncollected rent dating back to October 2005 had attracted General Consumption Tax (GCT), the UDC sources disclosed in a corporation document, a copy of which was obtained by the Observer.
According to the UDC, between 2002 and 2003, it leased two beach parks in Negril (Long Bay Park #1) to an entity called Bayside Restaurant and Pub based in Black River, St Elizabeth and headed by Mrs Peggy Ewen, mother of Kern Spencer.
"The required rent for both parks was a paltry $60,000 per month. Yet UDC personnel found it impossible to collect from Mrs Ewen and many months would go by without any payment being made," the UDC source said.
Spencer and members of his family, including his mother, are under police investigation triggered by Contractor-General Greg Christie's report on the alleged misuse of state funds in what is now dubbed the Cuban light bulb affair.
Kern Spencer, former state minister in the energy ministry, and two others are out on bail after being arrested last week, as police deepened their probe into the scandal over new energy minister, Clive Mullings' claims that apparent hanky panky led to the then government spending millons of dollars on the Cuban light bulb project, a gift of four million fluorescent bulbs from Cuba to the Jamaican people.
Last week also, police raided property owned by Ewen in Black River, but press reports did not ascertain if anything was taken by detectives.
The UDC source said Spencer occasionally made payments and transacted other business on behalf of his mother's company. The UDC also noted that one of its (UDC) senior executives, Jewel Spencer, was related to Kern Spencer.
But the corporation did not say whether the executive had anything to do with the rental of the beach parks to Ewen.
The document stressed that the UDC had invested over $10 million in infrastructure development and construction of sanitary and recreational facilities in the parks before "giving" them to Spencer's mother.
Each park is over three acres of prime beach property in Long Bay, part of the world-famous seven mile beach in Negril, it said.
Top executives of UDC at the time allegedly refused to act and the Bayside Restaurant and Pub was allowed to operate the public beach parks without paying rent for almost two years," the UDC document further alleged.
"As of today, Bayside has not settled this debt and over $1,200,000 is owed for rent. In addition, Bayside refused to cleanup massive piles of debris dumped ashore by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and, under pressure from the Hanover Public Health Department, the Hanover Parish Council and local residents, UDC had to spend over $600,000 cleaning up both parks.
"This amount should have been repaid by Bayside, but to date it has not been refunded. After months of persistent pressure from board members, UDC's top management finally evicted Bayside in October 2005 with outstanding payments of close to $2,000,000 which to date has not been paid."
The corporation also claimed that the rent charged to Bayside for each park was small compared to the amount charged to another tenant, Cosmos Restaurant for a smaller parcel of land on which the tenant built his own facilities.
"If any of the small craft vendors or other UDC tenants owe more than three months' rent, UDC staff are instructed to padlock their doors or gates," the document said.Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi
Bricktop: That one has me rolling!
...but on the serious side it falls right in with the conviction of Kern and a trial has not even begun?"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
why mention me???
Some pointers for you:
1. The cartoon - It's not particularly funny- it's too "obvious" for me... I prefer subtlety. Plus we have seen maybe 50 versions of a distressed Kern recently from this cartoonist.... so what's new?? Pampers are a nice touch though.
2. I have made clear my position that those guilty of crimes in Bulbgate (and any other matter of misappropriation of state funds) should be punished ..... we await the disposition of this case but from published reports of the facts... a conviction and sentence would not be a surprise and would be entirely appropriate.
3. I have also stated here that the mere fact that the heavy hand of the law has come into play on this issue is a great and salutary lesson for the youth of the country especially... regardless of their party affiliation. I support any investigation of corruption by Jamaican authorities where there is reasonable belief of illegality. To foreigners I tend to pay much less notice... they have foreign axes to grind, not the Jamaican small axe.
We need stronger law enforcement to temper indiscipline in the country as well as the larger issues of corruption and violence.
In view of the foregoing it's puzzling why you and perhaps others might feel that I may have been troubled (?) by the cartoon or even give it a second glance.
You either (1) do not read my posts sufficiently (2) only selectively read my posts (3) have difficulty following my reasoning.
Whatever particular affliction it may be in your case ... it's quite common here, so the onslaught of misguided conclusions is quite expected.
One reliable measure of the intelligence applied by people to debating is their ability to discern, identify and understand nuances in positions i.e. the existence of shades of grey ... not just black and white.
Most here I suspect have that ability but many allow themselves and their arguments to be consumed by partisanship and pettiness. Unfortunately those are some of the most voracious posters.
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007