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Shouldn't an apology come from Karl too?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Comment View Post
    you know Karl, it would take nothing away from you if you apologized or not even that for who really cares, but if you merely changed your opinion. Because it is incorrect.

    You accused the man of acting unprofessionally in specific reference to this issue.

    You were wrong.
    Apology as per Lazie's suggestion on this topic?
    Will not happen!

    Change opinion of what...that the man has a "God complex?
    He would have to start acting in manner that would bring that about!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #17
      Do you think PJ Patterson or Vin Lawrence exhibited "God Complex" ?


      • #18
        Rest Easy Karl .. you are yet to surprise me since I've seen that your religion is PNP. Afterall, you're the same one that stated, "the figures may well be true, but no black dog fi monkey......"
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #19
          Originally posted by Maudib View Post
          Do you think PJ Patterson or Vin Lawrence exhibited "God Complex" ?
          Did either of the gentlemen act in a manner that suggested should not answer citizens?

          If yes...then that is arrogant!
          ...stupid even!
          ...and may very well be acting in God-like manner.

          Christie - gives interviews and or divulges info to the media when in my opinion he is to do his oversight and investigations without pandering to the media or preening in the press...but be quietly and without fan-fare doinghis job...and reporting honestly to the relevant authorities. He should take appropriate actions...submitting his finding to appropriate authorities where commendation(s) or condemnation or other actions, including where necessary institution of criminal proceedings would occur.

          Look the office is too important for a "Ken Starr like personality" with agenda of either self-agrandisement or favoring a political party or any other entity could even be considered a shadow over a contractor-general's behaviour.

          I cannot say Christie's actions favours the JLP, except that his public/media relations actions fit very well in/with a pre-election JLP. Certainly the public timing of the releases on his investigations pre-elctions appear to favour the JLP campaign strategy/cause. ...and in the light bug saga...why did his finding not go quietly to/through whatever route dictated by law and then the media learn if the finding either via parliament and or when the cops took action? Why previous to any of that?

          The contractor general actions I favour would/should give all the comfort of thinking it favours no one - just the facts causing the chips to fall where they may.

          A contractor general should in action and manner be above reproach.

          Once the behaviour of the contractor general causes questions to arise on why his/her "God-like preening"? ...the credibilty of actions will be questioned. There is wonderment on the possibility of findings being hidden...or persons being targeted and other persons being given a free pass...

          ...it leads to wondering if 'what assists in building the 'God-like image' determines which sins are exposed and which sins are ignored...which individual is targeted and which individual is given a free pass...which party is favoured and which is not, does the contractor general view polls and decide where to go, etc., etc?
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #20
            Oh ohh .... now mi see why yuh bittah!

            " cannot say Christie's actions favours the JLP, except that his public/media relations actions fit very well in/with a pre-election JLP. Certainly the public timing of the releases on his investigations pre-elctions appear to favour the JLP campaign strategy/cause. "

            You are aware that investigations proved that the info wasn't leaked by Christie nor his office? Better yuh quit Karl. Yuh not doing yuhself justice now.

            As a matter of fact, when and where did Christie act as if he should not answer to the citizens? This should be interesting.
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #21
              You have not been following the actions of PJ Patterson and Vin Lawrence over the last 18 years ?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Karl View Post
                Apology as per Lazie's suggestion on this topic?
                Will not happen!

                Change opinion of what...that the man has a "God complex?
                He would have to start acting in manner that would bring that about!
                In the execution of his duties (or otherwise), how exactly has this God complex manifested itself Karl?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Comment View Post
                  In the execution of his duties (or otherwise), how exactly has this God complex manifested itself Karl?
                  Question: Did Christie..or did he not...react to his being questioned by KD Knight and others in a manner that suggested/said he is above being questioned?
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                    " cannot say Christie's actions favours the JLP, except that his public/media relations actions fit very well in/with a pre-election JLP. Certainly the public timing of the releases on his investigations pre-elctions appear to favour the JLP campaign strategy/cause. "

                    You are aware that investigations proved that the info wasn't leaked by Christie nor his office? Better yuh quit Karl. Yuh not doing yuhself justice now.
                    i) The pre-election releases by Christie I mentioned above?


                    ii) the current impasse re - leaking of docs/info?

                    Too often you go into these crazy muddled 'treaties'.

                    As a matter of fact, when and where did Christie act as if he should not answer to the citizens? This should be interesting.
                    You do remember when KD Knight and others were questioning him and can recall his reaction to that questioning?
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Karl View Post
                      Question: Did Christie..or did he not...react to his being questioned by KD Knight and others in a manner that suggested/said he is above being questioned?
                      NO. Next point.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Comment View Post
                        NO. Next point.
                        I think you are wrong there. I seem to remember he reacted in a manner to his being questioned such that I commented on it.
                        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                        • #27
                          You SEEM to remember..

                          Heh, heh.

                          Kawl..Kawl.. Kawl..

                          Mi not even feel sarry fi yuh.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Comment View Post
                            NO. Next point.
                            I am still searching the site -- but I came on this post replying to Asassin -

                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #29
                              Karl, it is YOU who have it the wrong way around, and I am shocked and amused that you would use so frivolous an example as evidence of your assessment of the man.

                              It was K.D. Knight who time and again used his parliamentary privilege to browbeat this courageous civil servant.

                              Remember, this exchange you reference was in the context of a 2
                              billion dollar(!!??) overrun on a hotel. The question you have to ask is why would K.D. accuse Christie of "falling down on the job" when he was in the process of disclosing details of crony ism, nepotism and blatant disregard for contract procurement procedural guidelines IN THE FACE OF A TWO BILLION DOLLAR OVERRUN!!?? The publics' money.

                              I suspect the answer to that question is the same one that would cause you to quickly and falsely accuse the man of acting unprofessionally with regards his handling of the Kern issue. And that is Shame, embarrassment, humiliation, compromised morals, ignominy. Take you pick.

                              The truth is that K.D. did not want the substantive details of that investigation to be revealed, nor do you want for this investigation.

                              Because your loyalty to the party (like K.D.'s) is greater than your allegiance to the concepts of accountability and integrity and good governance. You are prepared to overlook huge and far reaching indiscretions by the PNP. By the tone and content of your writings here I can come to no other reasonable conclusion.

                              But anyway, here was Christie's response. And I quote....

                              "The bottom line, is that public officers must follow the prescribed procurement rules. They must do so irrespective of whether they like them or not. If they do not comply, they should be held accountable.

                              For what is at risk is not only the irretrievable loss of the trust that the public has reposed in its servants, but also the very principles and ideals upon which Jamaica's public sector procurement process is founded, namely, competition, independent scrutiny, transparency, fairness, impartiality, probity and ensuring that the taxpayer gets value for his/her money."

                              If you think that in so responding, it is indicative of a God complex then God help you..........


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Comment View Post
                                NO. Next point.

                                The above has Ken Chaplin saying Christie appeared to be angry on questioning of some of his conclusions. The questioning was by Dennis Morrison. Morrison is a PNP apologist...but as with any other citizen he has the right to question Christie...and Christie should use the tools (documents and facts) at his command to refute and or rebut Morrison's questioning and or attacks.
                                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

