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More fire at Fiesta: Construction worker crushed to death i

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  • More fire at Fiesta: Construction worker crushed to death i

    More fire at Fiesta
    Construction worker crushed to death in heated riotHORACE HINES, Observer West reporter
    Thursday, February 28, 2008

    Workers pointing to the bicycle, trapped under the truck's front wheel, belonging to 47-year-old painter Peter Evans who was crushed to death by the truck. (Photo: Horace Hines)

    POINT, Hanover - A construction worker employed to the US$150-million Fiesta Hotel was crushed to death by a truck which hit him off his bicycle yesterday morning as turmoil between rioting workers and security guards escalated at the main entrance of the facility.

    The dead man has been identified as 47-year-old painter Peter Evans of Baulk, Hanover.

    Yesterday morning's furore was sparked by the security guards' refusal to allow the workers without passes to enter the facility.

    According to an alleged eye-witness account of the grisly accident, a fast approaching truck, which purportedly developed brake problems, got out of control and slammed into Evans - who was still on his bicycle -just after he was processed by the guards.

    He was pinned under the truck and dragged a short distance by the racing truck, which is used to transport material to the work site. When the truck came to a halt it was discovered that Evans' head was crushed. He died on the spot.

    "The truckman hit the bicycle and same time the bicycle drop and man roll down inna the road and the truck have him deh draw him come down here so him head bust," said one man.

    But, other furious protesters contend that Evans was inadvertently shoved into the path of the moving truck by a security guard.
    Angry workers set the guard house and a motor vehicle belonging to the developers ablaze in retaliation.

    A strong contingent of police, led by the Commander of the Hanover Police Division, Deputy Superintendent Dermot Lawrence, worked tirelessly to restore calm at the site. However, as they ordered the enraged workers off the premises, they were forced to take cover from a hail of stones hurled at them by the rebellious workers. The cops fired warning shots and tear gas to disperse the fuming mob.

    This incident comes exactly a year after the February 27, 2007 incident which prompted the indefinite suspension of work at the site, following a violent clash between construction workers, the police and security guards.

    In that incident a construction worker was shot and injured, while fire was set to three offices and several motor vehicles belonging to the Spanish hotel chain.

    The Fiesta Group is constructing a 1,600-room at Point estate, Hanover which has been plagued with problems and controversy ever since construction started two years ago.
    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
    - Langston Hughes

  • #2
    This must be a friggin haunted site. Problem after problem!

    Don't think I would care to stay in it - too much duppy
    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
    - Langston Hughes


    • #3
      The results of PNP Termite model.

      Karl, when exactly did the rot really take hold ?

      "Black Man Time" is my guess.


      • #4
        This is not the same site that was having the problems.

        Meanwhile, my construction site, in one of Kingston's most deadly areas, is incident and accident free. I wonder why the difference.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
          This is not the same site that was having the problems.

          Meanwhile, my construction site, in one of Kingston's most deadly areas, is incident and accident free. I wonder why the difference.
          Probably due to the extortion payments.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #6
            Mosiah - this site has had it's share of problems too
            ================================================== =

            Gov't team links Fiesta collapse to faulty work
            BALFORD HENRY, Observer writer balfordh@jamicaobserver.com
            Friday, October 12, 2007

            A government team, which probed the recent collapse of a section of the Fiesta Hotel in Hanover, has attributed the accident to the failure of the contractor to use metal scaffolding and props in the construction work.
            The team, which included Minister of State for Transport and Works, Joseph Hibbert, and Minister of State for Local Government Robert Montaque, has recommended that the Hanover Parish Council introduce penalties for breaches of its terms and conditions for building approvals.
            Four persons, including a Dominican engineer, were injured on the hotel site on Thursday, September 20, when an upper-level concrete slab collapsed. This was the second such collapse of formwork at the site.
            Hibbert and Montaque, along with a technical team, were assigned by Prime Minister Bruce Golding, under whose ministry local government falls, to investigate the matter and make a report to him.
            In their report to the Prime Minister, the team said that:
            "The cause of collapse is attributed to a failure of individual false-work props supporting the freshly poured concrete, which resulted in a progressive collapse of the entire section under construction.
            "The temporary false-work was comprised of locally sourced 'round wood posts' stacked and simply nailed at mid-height upon each other to make up the required ground-to-floor false-work height (six metres)."
            The report stated that the Parish Council, in its conditions of construction approval to the developer, stipulated that "only quality metal scaffolding and false-work props be used in the construction of the concrete works". This condition was subsequently relaxed to allow for a variant solution comprising a mix of "4x4" sawn timber and metal scaffolding and false-work props.
            The team concluded that if the the conditions laid down by the Council were followed, "the likelihood of a collapse would have been minimised."
            They suggested that these conditions must be adhered to for any similar concrete works on the Fiesta site.
            The team also recommended that:
            . the Parish Council obtain from the developer a revised programme for the remaining works to complete this phase of the project and require that no further works proceed without its prior consent;
            . the approval from the Council should require strict adherence, on the part of the developer, to the applicable conditions of approval and the further use of locally sourced round wood props be discontinued;
            . with immediate effect, the developer should be required to provide all workers and approved visitors to the site with requisite safety gears, including helmets and reflector vests;
            . and that in light of the accidents, the Parish Council should consider formulating and issuing, as deemed appropriate, specific penalties for breaches committed by contractors of any of its terms and conditions of approval.
            The 1,600-room hotel is being built by Spanish investors at a cost of US$150 million (J$10 billion).

            ================================================== ===

            Section of unfinished hotel collapses, two injured

            Saturday, September 22, 2007

            LUCEA, Hanover - Two workers were injured yesterday when a section of the problem-plagued, multimillion-dollar Fiesta Hotel development at Point in Lucea collapsed.
            Project manager at the 1,960-room hotel development, Lafel Frile, said one Jamaican worker and a Dominican engineer were injured when safety scaffolds folded while workers were pouring concrete at a section of the building. He said the collapse occurred in a section of the site where both wooden and metal scaffolds were used.
            "They are out of hospital now and hopefully will return to work tomorrow (today)," Frile last night. "We will be working with our safety engineers and the parish council to ensure that everything is okay," he added.
            Meanwhile, the parish's fire chief, Assistant Superintendent Dolfin Doeman, said his workers were on site up to late last night digging through fallen concrete to ensure that no worker was trapped.
            According to Doeman, the building collapse yesterday after 4:00 pm. "The information I have is that three workers were injured and have been taken to the hospital," he told the Observer.
            The hotel developed has been problem plagued since construction commenced. Workers have continuously complained of poor working conditions, resulting in a stop order issued against the development earlier this year.

            ================================================== ===

            Rioting forces shutdown of hotel project
            Worker shot and injured; offices, motor vehicles destroyedHORACE HINES, Observer staff reporter
            Wednesday, February 28, 2007

            The main office of the Fiesta Hotel development at Point, near Lucea in Hanover, goes up in a thick pall of smoke yesterday after protesting workers set the building ablaze. The workers, who were upset that persons without identification cards were not allowed to enter the premises, stoned security personnel on duty. The situation worsened when a worker was shot and injured, as angry workers stormed the construction site, where they set fire to buildings and motor vehicles.
            LUCEA, Hanover - Work on the US$150-million Fiesta Hotel development at Point, near Lucea, has been suspended indefinitely, following a violent clash between construction workers, the police and security guards.
            One construction worker was shot and injured, while fire was set to three offices and several motor vehicles belonging to the Spanish hotel chain.
            The injured worker, Alvan Campbell, 54, of Prosper in the parish, was admitted to the Cornwall Regional Hospital and was last night said to be in stable condition.
            Last night, Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller, in a statement, called for a full investigation into the disturbance, and expressed sympathy to the injured worker.
            Simpson Miller, according to Jamaica House, instructed her minister of development, Donald Buchanan, to convene an urgent meeting of the parties involved to try and arrive at an early resolution.
            Assistant Commissioner of Police Clifford Blake (left) addressing workers in front of the Fiesta Hotel development at Point, near Lucea, after an uproar in which sections of the property were set ablaze by protesting workers .
            According to a member of Acid Security firm, employed by Fiesta, the conflict began after the management of the Spanish hotel chain gave orders that workers without identification cards should not be allowed on the premises.
            The security officers said the situation worsened after guards closed the gates at 8:00 am and refused to allow workers without IDs to enter.
            Workers, upset that they were locked out because they did not have their IDs, threw bottles and stones at security guards, who opened fire in defence, hitting Campbell, who had only just alighted from a cab and was in the process of paying his fare and was not a part of the stone-throwing workers.
            However, angry workers, in retaliation, ripped open the gate and set fire to the canteen located near the gate of the property, the main office, the equipment office and six motor vehicle, including two trucks, destroying them. Six other vehicles received minor damage during the riot.
            Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
            - Langston Hughes


            • #7
              Nope! No such luck fi di gunman dem. Man a bad man and wi nuh duh di extortion ting.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                Yes, but the one with the mysterious mishaps, as opposed to workmen behaving badly (for the most part), was the Bahia Principe in St. Ann.

                Anyhow, it boggles my mind why so many accidents. Since my return to Jamaica, not one of the sites I have worked on have experienced any such thing.

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  ah rite a get yuh nuff, no mysterious happenings, so no DUPPY will haunt this one
                  Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                  - Langston Hughes


                  • #10
                    LOL !! WHOOEEE !!

                    I don't think they call it that on the QS report.

                    Heh, heh.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                      Nope! No such luck fi di gunman dem. Man a bad man and wi nuh duh di extortion ting.
                      Alright sah!
                      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                      • #12
                        I was told that a contractor went and dug up the grave yard by the molasses tanks, and dump the remains in one hole, they some how do not know that they should perform a Libation(Cermony). That Point propery once belong to a Ms Mudie, who use to donate a cow for the Lucea Xmas treat. There is an old wharf there also a Fort at the top of the hill, a very active place in those days. I just got an e-mail asking for help to find a relative who was in the Army and died in the early 1800's, and I was told that it was a grave yard for Soldiers and sailors, maybe the Parish council can say otherwise.

                        Dem better go perform that cermony.


                        • #13

                          Erm, TDowl, this is a family forum, rated G for general audience!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #15
                              Check the UDC Construction record prior to "Black Man Time".

                              Continue to fool yuhself... likkle Nigeria wi name....

