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Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

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  • Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

    I have long felt tat Ian Boyne is another pompous ass. His latest writing confirms this. Does he truly believe that the JLP has "misfired badly and miscalculated horrendously on the propaganda value of this 'revelation'"? Read the bumbling article only if you have time.

    The Golding gift

    published: Sunday | October 8, 2006

    Ian Boyne

    Bruce Golding succeeded in diverting attention from the censure motion against his point man Karl Samuda and kept the General Secretary off the front pages, but at a very high cost.

    Speaking in sonorous tones, with his brow appropriately knitted and his nose upturned from the apparently stifling scent of corruption, Opposition Leader Bruce Golding, surrounded by a grim-looking cast, could well have been nominated for the Oscars. But Golding had more in mind than play-acting.

    His call was for nothing less than the resignation of the entire Government: "Madam Prime Minister, it is necessary now for you to advise the Governor-General," he instructed, "to issue a proclamation to dissolve this Parliament so that elections can be held forthwith and so that the people of Jamaica can elect a Government that is worthy of their trust." He was not over.


    "This Government has acquired immunity to scandals, but there comes a time when enough is enough. That time has come! It is time for this wretched Government to go". Who said Golding was irredeemably boring and had no flair for the dramatic?

    By the next morning it had become abundantly clear that the Jamaica Labour Party did not really have the Mother of all Scandals to force Sista P to call the elections, for which the JLP has already been heavily campaigning, and which it has been hungering for the way jihadists hunger for virgins in Allah's paradise.

    Not only is there nothing illegal or provably untoward about the contribution of J$31 million from Trafigura Beheer, the Dutch trading firm, but not an iota of evidence has been provided by Mr. Golding to show any kickback arrangement.


    At the end of the week Golding was virtually running for cover, having misfired badly and miscalculated horrendously on the propaganda value of this 'revelation'. But I am not going to 'kill' Golding over this. I leave that to the angry PNP supporters.

    I believe Golding has inadvertently handed us a gift more favourable than the one given by Trafigura to the PNP.He has forced a national discussion on campaign financing and if we could just go a little further to the whole issue of money, politics and ethics, that would be grand. Though I fear that this myopic and tribalised society, with its undereducated chattering classes, will have neither the interest nor inclination for a serious philosophical discussion of some broader issues.

    JLP apologists in the media say a discussion of the issue of public financing of political parties is merely diversionary and we should really concentrate on the appropriateness of the huge gift(in Jamaican dollar terms at least) from the Dutch company. But it is puerile propaganda and dishonesty to ignore the issue of campaign financing and to concentrate on this contribution to the PNP, for if there is no set of agreed guidelines on accepting contributions, on what grounds is the mere receipt of contributions from abroad sleazy and slimy? That's arrant nonsense.

    It is a given that Tafigura was not merely being altruistic when it gave the PNP the $31 million. It did not give the PNP that money just because the company, like the PNP Party President, loves poor people and believes, like Portia, that the PNP is the best hope for Jamaica's poor. Trafigura gave the money to have some influence over the Government and to buy favour and goodwill. Let us not deny that and if the PNP propagandists believe they can spin it otherwise, they have little respect for the intelligence of the Jamaican people.

    But Trafigura's motive is no different from the motives of the local comp


  • #2
    RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

    Mo unlike you, I'm now interested to hear both

    sides. I want to hear where the JLP gets all this money from (to campaign ahead of time). This whole fiasco has aroused my interest. I guess because of your agenda; you are only interested in where the PNP finances are gained.


    • #3
      RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

      Mosiah (10/8/2006)I have long felt tat Ian Boyne is another pompous ass. His latest writing confirms this. Does he truly believe that the JLP has "misfired badly and miscalculated horrendously on the propaganda value of this 'revelation'"? Read the bumbling article only if you have time.
      I have read Ian Boyne's article and the call for examination of contributions to both of the political parties, letting the chips fall where they may and coming up with guidelines for campaign contributions is long over due.

      Your response to whatI see as long lasting and beneficial to to the country says you are inconsistent in your stances on corruption and you portray either a confused position and or dishonesty in your stated position on fixing the ill of coruption.

      You cannot have it two ways - 1.Corruption mustbe stamped out...but, 2. only when the corruption is engaged in by the PNP. Trying to promote both 1. and 2. does not wash. Ian Boyne's call is just! His read of the situation is right on point!

      The JLP and PNP should immediately disclose the source ofall the fundsreceived to run this election campaign. I have no doubt that if both parties do so egg will be on the faces of both parties.Let us face facts, both the PNP and the JLP have in their midst, at this present time, 'questionable characters'. I have no doubt that both parties have in their coffers, at this time, funds received from 'questionable quarters' and through 'questionable circumstances'.

      This bringing of the PNP to accounts is a golden opportunity to flush out the 'questionable dealings' and 'questionable characters'....all to the good of the country.

      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

        Karl, in another post you got it, then you just took 10 steps back. Why are you people so gullible?
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

          Lazie (10/8/2006)Karl, in another post you got it, then you just took 10 steps back. Why are you people so gullible?
          Mek mi tek a deep breath and come again...yuh a good person, suh yuh deserve hit...

          Something stinks here! ..but, it is good the stench has been exposed. Why, for Jamaica's sake, would any Jamaica loving person stop here? We shall have either a JLP or PNP crew in office after the next up both parties make sense in that whichever forms the next government comes with cleans hands and hearts! So it makes sense to lay bear the deepest corruptions and cleanse the parties - for the good of the country.

          The top has blown off this 'corruption'. As Mdmex says, this is the tip of the festering sore! mi seh clean hit up and jaaaazzzze hit hup!
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

            nobody said to stop there. As Mullings pointed out an audit of the contract needs to be done. Aren't you amazed the money the PNP get is more than the country mek off the deal?
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

              Karl (10/8/2006)

              You cannot have it two ways - 1.Corrupotion mustbe stamped out...but, 2. only when the corruption is engaged in by the PNP. Trying to promote both 1. and 2. does not wash. Ian Boyne's call is just! His read of the situation is right on point!

              Why do you feel that I only want the PNP to be cleaned up? Where did you get that from? Have we discovered some similar cheques that have been issued to the JLP?

              Karl, speculation abounds all around about all sorts of things - PJ's house in France, how our policemen get so rich, how did our politicians get so rich, who were at Peter King's pool parties, etc., etc. You certainly can't be implying that we should do nothing about what has been "proven" unless we come across proof for the other speculative issues, are you? Am I that naive to believe that the JLP has no shady deal in its closet?

              Of course not every thing written by Boyle is nonsense. Even Hitler had adoring neices and nephews. But I have seen enough from this clown.

              Karl, do you agree with Boyle that Golding is now "running for cover, having misfired badly and miscalculated horrendously on the propaganda value of this 'revelation'"?

              Well, it seems like much of Jamaica, the Gleaner, the Observer, the Herald, the JCC and the PSOJ will also be running for cover pretty soon.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

                I find it hysterical that people are accusing me of basically being a labourite propagandist! HAHAHA!

                What next? Tomorrow I shall become a big Burrell ally!

                I am not going to wait until all is told. We would all be dead by then. Let us deal with what has been revealed.

                Are you going to accuse former prime minister, PJ Patterson, of being a JLP crony as well?

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

                  [quote]Mosiah (10/8/2006)
                  Karl (10/8/2006)
                  You cannot have it two ways - 1.Corruption must be stamped out...but, 2. only when the corruption is engaged in by the PNP. Trying to promote both 1. and 2. does not wash.
                  Ian Boyne's call is just! His read of the situation is right on point!

                  Why do you feel that I only want the PNP to be cleaned up? Where did you get that from? Have we discovered some similar cheques that have been issued to the JLP?
                  Your firstresponse to the Boyne article.

                  Karl, speculation abounds all around about all sorts of things - PJ's house in France, how our policemen get so rich, how did our politicians get so rich, who were at Peter King's pool parties, etc., etc. You certainly can't be implying that we should do nothing about what has been "proven" unless we come across proof for the other speculative issues, are you?
                  Ofcourse not...that is why I am saying clean house - both parties!

                  Am I that naive to believe that the JLP has no shady deal in its closet?
                  Your postings certainly suggest either that or you are being ingenious in your postings!

                  Karl, do you agree with Boyle that Golding is now "running for cover, having misfired badly and miscalculated horrendously on the propaganda value of this 'revelation'"?
                  Golding has certainly has his goons pulling back from his early utterances.He has certainly now seen the wide extent to which the Jamaican people are using his expose to call for probes of both parties. Could it be he now fears for what JLP dirt he may have put squarely...brought into focus?

                  Well, it seems like much of Jamaica, the Gleaner, the Observer, the Herald, the JCC and the PSOJ will also be running for cover pretty soon.
                  It seems as if reaching out behind the scenes have already commenced. Retractions, moderation and careful choosing of words after the initial 'jumping on the Bruce's train' has definitely commenced.
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    RE: Ian Boyne - what an idiot!

                    Yuh don't know what o'clock a strike, Karl. This is the mother of all scandals. The sooner the PNP realises this, the better for them. Shouting at the media and at organisations will only make matters worse.

                    Meanwhile, your stance is neither here nor there, and cannot stop this runaway train.

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER

