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The keys to happiness; Massive

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  • The keys to happiness; Massive

    if you want to be happy ah yaad, read this

    Get happy right now: 10 keys

    Monday, February 25, 2008

    Getting that car is not has hard as it used to be! (Photo:Naphtali Junior)
    Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus offered his take on happiness eons ago. He said sagely, "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking".
    Happiness. Who says you can't find it? What do you want? A better job? Stable relationship? To travel the world? To get closer to God? Most people's wish to find happiness is usually concentrated around fulfilling their material and spiritual goals, yet many don't understand that being happy is a choice - you choose, despite the circumstances. This week we offer a guide, for how you can make the life you have count, and ideas for how to improve the little things, and make use of the many opportunities you have to realise your dream of happiness - opportunities you may not have known were right in front of your face.

    1. Put some oomph into your relationship
    When you first met your mate, we're sure you couldn't stop gushing about your relationship and how wonderful things were going to be. But then, after the reality of bills, kids and daily living set in, you probably found your priorities being shuffled and that the honeymoon had to make way for reality.
    If you can relate, you're in a rut and there's no better time than now to get things going again. After all, it's the little loving things that matter in that quest for everlasting happiness in your relationship.
    Why don't you:
    * Start giving gifts 'just because'? Treat him often so that he feels connected to you (and won't feel the need to get treated elsewhere!) His happiness will guarantee yours.
    * Each day, ask yourself what you can do to make your spouse happy. It can be as simple as bringing him breakfast in bed or making(or microwaving) him his favourite apple pie.
    * Start talking with him about your hopes and dreams again. When the talk leaves from diapers and dirty dishes, you'll realise that there's a whole new world of opportunities to communicate again out there!
    * Make another anniversary - or several. The only celebration you two have shouldn't be that once a year bubbly fest. Why don't you make a memorable massage anniversary; one for the day you met or got engaged, using it as excuses to give a little more love more often?
    * Go on a date. Call him up and make reservations for dinner and clubbing like you used to.
    *Hold hands or walk arm in arm. PDA is a wonderful thing. - PC
    2. Be happy with your body and look nice on a budget
    Accept that there are some things you can change, and some things you can't. (Photo:Garfield Robinson)
    Think you're too fat? Too thin? There comes a time in a woman's life when she has to either work to change whatever's bothering her, or stop the whining and accept her body for what it is. So if you're plump and loving it or skinny and sassy, good for you. If you're one of those women caught up in changing things, there's no time like now to get those resolutions started and work at it.
    Why don't you:
    *Be healthy instead of obsessive. If you have a goal, find a meal plan and stick to it. Give yourself a timeline for completion and work at it. If you feel you can't do it on your own, get a friend to help you.
    *Take stock of what makes you comfortable and happy and try to get to that 'place' as often as possible. For example, if a certain outfit makes you feel thin, why don't you try to get multiples so you feel happy all the time?
    *Accept that there are some things you can change, and some things you can't. Your nose is there to stay, so are your hips and the size of your bust. Sooner you accept it, the happier you will be.
    *Understand that models in magazines are hugely Photoshopped and critics have their flaws too. Once you know that perfection is unattainable, you will appreciate what you have.
    *If you need to look good, but are on a budget, try things like doing your own haircare at home and saving the bucks for something meaningful.
    Don't focus on your flaws, instead appreciate the great things you have - like killer legs or a bust to die for!
    - PC
    3. Get your spiritual life revved up
    Regardless of your beliefs or how you choose to worship, two things should be important - your happiness and contentment, both with others and with yourself. You should have what the Bible refers to as that 'peace that passeth all understanding', that the world didn't give and cannot take away!
    Why don't you:
    * Take time out each day to meditate and communicate with God.
    * No matter how busy you get, find the time to seek God's counsel. Sometimes just saying 'Thank you Lord' is enough!
    * Before venturing out, 'acknowledge Him and he will direct your path'.
    * If you feel the need to shout and get angry with someone, stop and remember that 'a soft answer turneth away wrath but grievous words stir up anger'.
    * Feed on a diet of healthy wholesome music, literature and movies, things that will edify and uplift your spirit.
    * Give thanks for simple things and for the not so simple things.
    * Be thankful for the persons sent in your life to guide you along.
    * Love others - even those who are unlovable!
    * Make the effort to do good each day.
    *"Dedicate your heart to the Lord because there is indeed no greater joy and peace that can be found," says Pastor Jasmin Brown. "From Him comes true unbridled happiness!"
    - DHW
    4. Score a better job
    Rewarding work brings with it happiness. (Photo:Michael Gordon)
    Caught in a job funk? "Work is how you pay rent for occupying space on earth. People need meaningful and rewarding work," Dr Leahcim Semaj, Change Agent, says.
    Since rewarding work brings with it happiness, here are some keys to moving from that nine to five bore, and onto a new and exciting career.
    * Acknowledge that the job you are in may not be the one that you want to be in - even if it pays better but is not something you love and look forward to doing each day!
    * Do some soul searching to see what you are really good at and educate yourself in that area.
    * Make yourself marketable! It doesn't necessarily have to be a university education if you can't afford one, but seek out and do courses related to that vocation.
    * Call around to find vacancies in the industry. Speak to church or other group members to see whether or not they know of job openings. Call your best friend at her job and ask about openings (if you don't have a best friend in the industry you love, find one!)
    *Call and find out the HR manager's name and e-mail and e-mail your resume directly, so it doesn't get lost in the muddle.
    - DHW
    5. Save money when you're not making a fortune
    The secret of those who are good savers, isn't necessarily that they have more money to float around, but because they are disciplined, and know the tricks to make their money stretch.
    Why don't you:
    * Buy in bulk, whether it's detergent, diapers, canned goods, soda - bulk items cost much less than buying retail. Try it for a month and compare budgets to see the savings.
    * Do competitive shopping whether it's for your Internet or cable service or for your food and clothing. Shop around. Ask friends, you'd be surprised at how much saving even a few cents add up.
    * Shop during 'sale out' days. Buy Christmas items in January for the next year. You'll get a much better deal then.
    * Swap books and CDs with friends, or ask them to make copies for you of CDs you want. It saves you buying them new.
    * Some of the best things in life can be free - or below cost. Look for two for one specials and grab them up. Some of the best things are also available downtown. So grab some jeans and a friend and go to a wholesale.
    * Think about the value of buying used over new. Take furniture for instance, or gym equipment, baby toys and such. The Sunday classifieds are a great source of finding yard sales with used items cheap.
    - PC
    6. Make money on your money
    Whether you're earning a fortune or surviving on chicken feed, you should understand that saving for a rainy day is a valid endeavour that every lass should take up. Here are a few tips for really making some serious money on what you have.
    1. Save in other currencies. Open a US dollar or other account at a local bank and buy FX to put in the account. Let it be your rainy day fund and you won't have to worry about it losing value over time.
    2. Invest. Even if you're not a risk taker, many institutions offer you the chance to use your money in low risk schemes that still guarantee you interest at the end of the period. Call around for the best schemes and arrange for a salary deduction so the money goes directly to that account.
    3. Buy real estate with a friend. This may seem like an intimidating venture, but it's possible if you're committed to making money. Have NHT points that you aren't using? Get together with a friend, access the benefits and purchase a home that you can rent. In time, and with the money you make, you can purchase more properties.
    - PC
    7. Get that house, get that car
    Owning your own car and house is one of the many ways that you can make yourself happy! The feel of your own keys gives a sense of independence and will definitely bring a smile to your face.
    Thankfully, getting that car is not has hard as it used to be!
    You can save for it, or make use of one of the many loan schemes offered by the various credit institutions.
    Here's an example, making use of the 'salary advantage' package offered by NCB
    Step 1
    *Take in your last three pay slips, a job letter, a current utility bill bearing your name, TRN and a valid ID.
    *Fill out the form provided. This will ask for your income and expenditure, statement and assessment of liability
    *The loan officer will determine whether or not you qualify for the loan by running your answers through a scoring system. From 1 to 6 is acceptable. The age and value of the vehicle will determine the amount of loan
    *Go car hunting!
    Step 2
    After identifying the car:
    *Get a Proforma invoice, valuation reports and fitness from the vendor and take these back to the bank
    Step 3
    *The bank will issue a commitment letter for you to take to the vendor who will release the original documents for the vehicle.
    *Visit the tax office to licence the vehicle.
    * Insure the vehicle and take documents back to the bank, which will release the cheque to the vendor.
    * Within three to four days you can be driving your vehicle!
    NB: NCB will lend you 100 per cent if the vehicle is between zero to five-years-old or up to 3.5 million and 90 per cent from six to 10 years old.
    Get that house
    We all dream of owning our own homes if we haven't yet done so. Not only is it a lifetime investment but a sure comfort! However unrealistic it may seem, it is not impossible. With proper planning and the right resources, it can be achieved!
    An example: For a buyer earning a gross income of $85,000 monthly and wanting to purchase a $8 million house on the open market, here is what you need to do.
    * Identify the house you wish to purchase.
    *If you are a current NHT contributor, you are entitled to a loan of $3.5 million. But you can join with your spouse or family member for a combined loan of $7 million.
    * You can borrow an additional $1 million from another lending institution,if you do not have this amount in hand.
    * Visit the mortgage information booth at the NHT.
    * Fill out the forms provided.
    * Pay 15 per cent deposit to the seller.
    * Take in the registered title, NIS, TRN, last two pay slips, verification of gross income and contributions (letter from employer), copy of title, signed sale agreement, deposit receipt, surveyors report, valuation report and letter of commitment from the other financial institution.
    *The trust will require five per cent for service charge, which could be included in the monthly payment.
    * Ensure that you employ the services of a lawyer.
    * Monthly payment for a $3.5 million loan will be 25,000 for 25 years.
    NB. Monthly payment is dependent on your age and gross salary -DHW
    8. Live the high life on a budget
    Ever wondered how the people you're SURE are earning around the same salary you are, manage to survive month by month and splurge while you're sitting at home worried about the bills? They may have just found ways to make the best of the systems in place. Just because you don't have a fat wallet doesn't mean you have to go without life's little pleasures.
    Here are some ways to join the fun, and live the high life too, on a budget.
    * Outsmart the airlines
    Travel is a wonderful thing and it doesn't have to be an expense. One way to travel often and cheap, is to sign up with airlines like Spirit and enjoy their dirt-cheap airfares. With luck, you can find fares as low as US$9 to destinations. Also, travel in April to October, the off season when airlines lower their fares substantially. Another sure bet is to be flexible - for example, Tuesday and Saturday flights on some airlines are significantly cheaper than other days.
    * Call overseas on your computer
    You don't need credit, nor do you need to build up a hefty phone bill for those oversease calls anymore. Tools like Skype and Yahoo Messenger allow you to call any country for free on your computer (on another person's computer) and talk for as long as you want without cost.
    * Bid at auctions for items for your home
    Look for auctions and yard sales in the newspaper and go join in the fun.
    Some great antiques can be found at autions right here in Jamaica. and you can furnish your home in style, while looking like you spent tens of thousands. Furniture polish and a good cabinetmaker can bring back any old piece to its former glory.
    * Two years in Europe?
    Programmes like the UK's working holidaymaker schemes allow commonwealth citizens to travel to the UK on a working vacation for two years. You get to live and work there, and why not skip to France while you're at it? Check out the British High Commission's website for more information.
    - PC
    9. Educate yourself
    Nothing brings happiness like knowledge, and those who constantly seek to educate themselves are some of the happiest people around. This doesn't mean that you have to spend your life on the UWI campus, but educating yourself means enlightening your mind and making use of all the opportunities out there to enrich your experiences.
    Why don't you:
    * Seek out scholarships and fellowships and apply, apply, apply. Google 'Commonwealth scholarships' and you'll be amazed at the many that are available. Or check out the various embassy websites and see what they have to offer Jamaicans. You can be educated at someone else's expense, you only have to be committed to try hard to get a place!
    * Pore over newspaper ads for little chances to improve yourself. Why not try out that voice training course at CPTC? Why not try an art class at
    Edna Manley? Why not go and learn pottery or karate?
    * Join the library. It may seem passé, but the library still offers a chance to get yourself some knowledge - and it's free. Call up your local
    library and see what new things they have to offer you.
    * Learn a skill. Always wanted to knit or crochet? Always wanted to learn Latin dancing? It's a form of education too y'know. Art expands the mind and does make you a more interesting person to be around!
    - PC
    10. Get out of that 'I'm a failure funk
    The things you're insecure or upset about - no matter how small they seem, can make that quest for happiness less of a reality. Whether your disatisfaction lies in your marital status, a failed relationship, bad paying job or some other perceived ill, it impinges your ability to be totally happy. There are some things you can change though, and others that are beyond the scope of your control. For those you can change, you should make every effort to make that change happen. For those you can't, you have to get the will to accept that and learn to move on.
    Getting out of a funk - no matter what the cause - isn't as hard as you think. The magic lies in realising what is causing the problem, and working assidiously to change it.
    Consider these:
    *You and you alone have control over what happens to you. Have confidence in yourself and you'll be amazed at the resuts.
    *If finding the confidence seems a mammoth task, emulate comeone you admire. Ct confident, even if you're not feeling it, and people will take note.
    *We all have talents, it's up to us to hone the ones we have. Find your talent, and use it.
    *Don't et others' opinon of yu intimidate you. The only thing that matters is that you love yourself.
    *Regain that passion and innocence you had as a child. Go to the park and play ball, ride in the revolvig teacups at Putt N Play. It's never too late to chase your dreams.
    *Make an effort to be positive even when everythin else isn't.
    *Live your life the best you can. Live your dreams.
    - PC

  • #2
    folks it's actually that easy. who's oprah's guest today ?

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      easy if you hang with the models in
      in picture 1 and 4 that's what they are really saying.


      • #4

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          Each day, ask yourself what you can do to make your spouse happy. It can be as simple as bringing him breakfast in bed or making(or microwaving) him his favourite apple pie.
          Sorry, happiness begins and ends with me. For if mi nuh happy, how the hell can I make somebody else happy.
          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
          - Langston Hughes


          • #6
            The models look real happy, so it
            gets infectious from there on.


            • #7
              Me can just see people following advice #7, and getting really unhappy!
              Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
              - Langston Hughes


              • #8
                awrite mary j blige!!!!

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  their job is to LOOK happy!

                  "taken in, taken again"..mike and the mechanics

                  Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                  • #10
                    hence you are saying that
                    you know for a fact that they are unhappy?


                    • #11
                      no i don't. do you know for a fact that are happy?

                      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                      • #12
                        then why even mention it? How do you know
                        that they were paid? I see smail and laughter, hence?


                        • #13
                          is true, they could have posed for free to get the exposure....

                          suh wait deh....mi neva realise that all those ads on tv and radio were actually REAL! baxide!your world a di bomb!!!

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            Check my post again and see if I
                            said anything about TV ads. Thanks.


                            • #15
                              i was the one who made the comparison....I know for a fact that they use models for pictures in articles such as this.....

                              how yuh ack like such a simpleton most of the times suh? i accept that you might not be acting but DAMN man!!! yuh come een like molasses.....

                              and before yuh get righteously indignant, no yuh neva seh nutten in yuh post about sugar refinery!

                              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

