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Clinton circulates "dressed Obama"

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  • #16
    yes and it would have been played if he followed up on Tavis Smiley and his ****************ery over the weekend. some people just dont know when


    • #17
      Originally posted by Islandman View Post
      The Obama picture came from Clintons camp and the flyer came from Obamas camp. Both have acknowledged this.
      It is being flatly denied that it came from the Clinton camp. In fact, the only source CNN can confirm is that the Obama people claim the Clinton people are circulating the picture...and they cannot confirm it is even being circulated. (Just heard that from Wolf approximately 6.02pm - 4 minutes ago).
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #18
        They say this last night after sitting back all day yesterday while the photo was being debated! The drudgereport.com site has quite a bit of crediblity and I believe them that it came from the Clinton camp.

        Captain, the ship is sinking....fast!!
        From the ABC news site...

        During a Monday conference call with reporters, Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson said that the former first lady's campaign "did not sanction" the leaking of the photo. But he stopped short of denying whether a Clinton aide may have passed it to the DrudgeReport.

        "I'm not in a position to ask 700 people to come in," said Wolfson.

        Back in October, The New York Times identified Tracy Sefl as the Clinton campaign's conduit to the DrudgeReport.

        Asked by ABC News on Monday if she gave the photo to the DrudgeReport, Sefl, who is vice president at the Glover Park Group, said, "no."

        Like Wolfson, she could not speak for all Clinton campaign associates.

        Asked if she has contacted the DrudgeReport to seek a correction to its claim that the Clinton campaign is the source of the photo, she said, "No comment."
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #19
          CLEVELAND — The Democratic presidential contenders yesterday prepared for a bruising debate here tonight by accusing each other of dirty politics after a photograph surfaced of Sen. Barack Obama wearing a turban and Muslim-style robes.

          The Obama campaign said Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York engaged in "shameful, offensive fear-mongering" by circulating the photograph, which showed the senator from Illinois wearing traditional Somali dress on a 2006 trip to Kenya, his father's homeland.

          Clinton campaign officials disavowed the photograph.

          They accused Mr. Obama of using the photo flap to "distract and divide" voters from Mrs. Clinton's attack on his wavering foreign-policy stances and his negative campaign in the blue-collar battleground state of Ohio.

          "We've seen the tragic result of having a president who had neither the experience nor the wisdom to manage our foreign policy and safeguard our national security," Mrs. Clinton said in the speech in Washington. "We can't let that happen again."

          She said her rival's vacillation between pledges to meet with rogue dictators and threats to unilaterally bomb Pakistan displayed the same instincts that President Bush had in the rush to war in Iraq.

          Obama's foreign-policy team questioned whether the quality of Mrs. Clinton's judgment matched her claim of 35 years of experience. They faulted her 2002 vote for the Iraq war, her vote to declare the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist group and her unwillingness to meet with foreign adversaries.

          "What's important on Day One is to get it right," Obama adviser Susan Rice said.
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

