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Name for Stewart's PM tabloid

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  • #16
    Was Bill Gates fined Billions of $$$$ by the European Union?
    Did he have to settle with the US Government? How soon we forget.

    I can give you a whole heap.

    Unfair competition by stealing other peoples idea and out marketing them. In case you don't know wordperfect, dbase, Lotus, netscape, and many other small companies. Many have successfully sued and won.

    The have cheated the US consumers by putting out known faulty product just to rush to market and then fix it later as the case with so many version of windows, office etc.

    Bill Gates Microsoft is no agent and they have stole many other people's technology.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jawge View Post
      Sass what loophole did Bill Gates take
      advantage of (within the US public coffers). Thanks, I can't wait for you to educate me here.
      Never heard of tax benefits of ESOP? I know of one Seattle accountant that showed that this tax situation was generating MORE cash flow than Operations at MS in the tech boom 1990s. Of course, no one paid him any mind, as Gates had waaayyy to much influence. I saw the calculations and was forced to agree.

      Dis world yah nuh easy. Never say never.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Assasin View Post
        Was Bill Gates fined Billions of $$$$ by the European Union?
        Did he have to settle with the US Government? How soon we forget.

        I can give you a whole heap.

        Unfair competition by stealing other peoples idea and out marketing them. In case you don't know wordperfect, dbase, Lotus, netscape, and many other small companies. Many have successfully sued and won.

        The have cheated the US consumers by putting out known faulty product just to rush to market and then fix it later as the case with so many version of windows, office etc.

        Bill Gates Microsoft is no agent and they have stole many other people's technology.
        DOS was NOT a Microsoft invention! Dem buy it and then turn round license it to the idiot people dem at IBM and the rest is history.


        • #19
          The Firewall vs the Welcome Mat

          Originally posted by Willi View Post
          Wait Don, yuh only have a problem with him now?

          When he was rescuing PNP Govt with 22 to 1 rate or a part of the New Light Movement in the 1970s, he was OK?

          Butch is certainly looking to feather his nest more, but the PNP has laid a solid foundation for him in the past. Besides, if he is progressing as Jamaica progresses, what is the problem? We only need to make sure that the system is fair.
          It's simplistic to just say that I have a problem with Stewart or that I have a problem with him "progressing". He is entitled to his political views as is everyone as well as being entitled to progressing.

          I even agree with him that the change in government was a big positive for Jamaica... it reaffirmed and strengthened our democracy. I have stated this here more than once in the past.
          I will try again to explain my viewpoint which is somewhat more nuanced than you appear to suggest.

          My "problem" occurs since we have only 2 daily newspapers - both controlled by extremely narrow and elite interests. Thankfully, in the Gleaner's case they currently operate in a relatively professional manner with seemingly minimal overt partisan politicking or promotion of the personal interests of the owners. I believe the Gleaner also welcomed the electoral change..... but does not display the immaturity one sees in the Observer.

          With the Observer currently, what one sees is a newspaper that from an editorial standpoint actively and openly campaigns for one side of our political divide. This even when the electoral period has passed. On top of that they routinely print self serving Sandals/Butch Stewart press releases and parade that as "news". As a one time mass media student and full time lover of newspapers, stuff like that makes me cringe. Jamaica is not well served by such policies.
          This is what I deem prostitution.

          I (and other advocates of a free press) believe there should be a firewall between the owners of important media outlets and their editorial policy. Set strategic direction yes but not day to day operations.
          This issue is especially acute in a print media landscape as deformed as Jamaica's.
          There does not seem to be a firewall between Stewart and the Observer editorial office ..... on the contrary a welcome mat has been installed. The editors there are mere parrots of whatever his current thinking is. Problem is: where else can they go for a job? Man haffi eat a food.

          If Jamaica had say as many newspapers (with broad ownership) as we do TV or radio stations, it would not really matter to me what one or the other did or how they operated. When 50% of your country's dailies reflect the whims of one man- that's an issue for me... and I believe it should give pause to discerning people as well.

          What Stewart did in the 70's in supporting the local currency was a wonderful act of patriotism which at the time I supported heartily.

          What does that have to do with the current Observer issue? ..... NOTHING.

          I learned long ago to keep separate issues..... SEPARATE.

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #20
            I can't see how anyone can have a problem with your position. But they will because you have declared your colours.

            Well said, Don1!



            • #21
              the fact is unnu expect too much from Butch. He always had a big mouth and not because he bought the paper he is going to change.

              The fact is I also read the Sun Herald online and it is very tilted as well, but the fact is as long as they are getting readers they will continue to print. You read even the NY times and other big paper and you can see their editoral bias as well, but we have to pick out the work of the good journalists and see the difference.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #22
                well maybe we need more journalist like Cliff Hughes who are willing to go out and take a chance. If is even to publish blogs or daily diaries on the web or start out with community based newspaper.
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                  It's simplistic to just say that I have a problem with Stewart or that I have a problem with him "progressing". He is entitled to his political views as is everyone as well as being entitled to progressing.

                  I even agree with him that the change in government was a big positive for Jamaica... it reaffirmed and strengthened our democracy. I have stated this here more than once in the past.
                  I will try again to explain my viewpoint which is somewhat more nuanced than you appear to suggest.

                  My "problem" occurs since we have only 2 daily newspapers - both controlled by extremely narrow and elite interests. Thankfully, in the Gleaner's case they currently operate in a relatively professional manner with seemingly minimal overt partisan politicking or promotion of the personal interests of the owners. I believe the Gleaner also welcomed the electoral change..... but does not display the immaturity one sees in the Observer.

                  With the Observer currently, what one sees is a newspaper that from an editorial standpoint actively and openly campaigns for one side of our political divide. This even when the electoral period has passed. On top of that they routinely print self serving Sandals/Butch Stewart press releases and parade that as "news". As a one time mass media student and full time lover of newspapers, stuff like that makes me cringe. Jamaica is not well served by such policies.
                  This is what I deem prostitution.

                  I (and other advocates of a free press) believe there should be a firewall between the owners of important media outlets and their editorial policy. Set strategic direction yes but not day to day operations.
                  This issue is especially acute in a print media landscape as deformed as Jamaica's.
                  There does not seem to be a firewall between Stewart and the Observer editorial office ..... on the contrary a welcome mat has been installed. The editors there are mere parrots of whatever his current thinking is. Problem is: where else can they go for a job? Man haffi eat a food.

                  If Jamaica had say as many newspapers (with broad ownership) as we do TV or radio stations, it would not really matter to me what one or the other did or how they operated. When 50% of your country's dailies reflect the whims of one man- that's an issue for me... and I believe it should give pause to discerning people as well.

                  What Stewart did in the 70's in supporting the local currency was a wonderful act of patriotism which at the time I supported heartily.

                  What does that have to do with the current Observer issue? ..... NOTHING.

                  I learned long ago to keep separate issues..... SEPARATE.

                  In principle I can agree with your position and you should know I have no problem with you personally. You are cool in my books. We may not always agree, but not a big thing.

                  However, I disagree that the issues are separate.

                  We can agree to disagree on this one, however as a concession, I will keep an eye on the Butch situation (I am not yet alarmed) as it is obvious that media ownership concentration can lead to adverse consequences. However, in my mind, I am presently more inclined to be afraid of Clark than Stewart (based on character and past deeds)!


                  • #24
                    OK boss.

                    Originally posted by Willi View Post

                    In principle I can agree with your position and you should know I have no problem with you personally. You are cool in my books. We may not always agree, but not a big thing.

                    However, I disagree that the issues are separate.

                    We can agree to disagree on this one, however as a concession, I will keep an eye on the Butch situation (I am not yet alarmed) as it is obvious that media ownership concentration can lead to adverse consequences. However, in my mind, I am presently more inclined to be afraid of Clark than Stewart (based on character and past deeds)!
                    no problema.

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #25
                      When did the Observer start this practise ?

                      Last Year ?

