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Analysis of Ja in the global economy:

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  • Analysis of Ja in the global economy:

    Someone lent me a documentary (commanding heights: The battle for the world economy) I was amazed at the things that were said (were the same stuff I was saying on this site)on the documentary. One of the main arguments which was given a whole segment; was that in order for nations to move from poor to rich the populace hast to be empowered with education and access to capital within the system.

    Yes ben your Idol Lee Kuan Yew is there, Bill clinton, Vincente Fox.

    I can't believe I was so much on point. I'm saying if a simple man as myself can see this. Why can't the present govt. and corporate backers (with their sophisticated techniques in analysis) see these things.

    I used the substitution technique on Bill Joy's essay (why the future doesn't need us() to show our looming dilema but I was mocked and viewed with contempt. Massive it won't
    be pretty if China and India thrives in prosperity. They will demand and can afford more food. The price of food will naturally rise. In the documentary Bill Clinton is advocating trade to enrich economies (obviously a strategic move) Where will that leave us? What will we have to offer in this advance market? Gambling and prostitution?

    Wi corner dark.

  • #2
    Okay, I took something from the transcript:

    MR. FRIEDMAN: Well, well, let’s just look at those figures a little
    bit. Yes, India has a billion, fifty million people so divided over
    that the per capita income is, as you say, about a little under a
    thousand dollars a person. But at the center, if you actually broke
    down the statistics, there are three hundred million Indians in the
    middle class...

    MR. WATTENBERG: Right.

    MR. FRIEDMAN: ...or what they defined as middle class, who have a
    much higher standard of living than that and going much higher every
    day. And numbers here really matter. Let’s assume the same number of
    Indians are geniuses as Americans. Same percentage. That five out of
    every one hundred Indians is a genius and five out of every one hundred
    Americans is a genius, okay. Well, sheer numbers matter. That means
    as the world flattens out, they’re going to have a lot more geniuses to
    be able to plug and play than we will.

    MR. WATTENBERG: But tell me what you mean again by – or you say the
    world is flat.

    MR. FRIEDMAN: Right.

    MR. WATTENBERG: Why isn’t it round? And I know you come back at the
    very end of the book and say it really is round.

    MR. FRIEDMAN: Right. Here’s what I mean. What I mean is that
    let’s say you were one of those Indian geniuses. Well let’s – let me
    go back to an example that Bill Gates gives in the book. Thirty years
    ago if you had a choice of being born a B student in Bethesda,
    Maryland, where I live, or a genius in Beijing, what would you have
    chosen thirty years ago? No question. You would want to be a B
    student in Bethesda. Your life chances as a B student in Bethesda were
    so much greater than a genius in Bangalore or Beijing because you were
    trapped in crazy socialist systems and in China in a cultural
    revolution. When the world is flat, Ben, you do not want to be a B
    student in Bethesda because every genius in Beijing and Bangalore can
    now, with this new flat platform, bring their skills to the world
    market. Or better yet, have the world market come to them. You can
    now innovate without having to emigrate. That’s a big deal.

    MR. WATTENBERG: Yes, but you still have a great deal of emigration.
    And I know some people are going back because of all the things you
    say, and you’ve written about it very eloquently. You have this open,
    truly democratic country which China does not have.

    MR. FRIEDMAN: In the case of India you have this truly

    MR. WATTENBERG: India you have - with a lot of the problems that
    democracy brings – but I don’t think – my own view, if I had to bet
    between poorer India and richer China, I’d bet on the democracy, on
    India long term. I mean, I don’t know that it’s going to happen but
    that – has any country that has not been democratic over an extended
    period of time really made it?

    The above in red is key to JA. As I said the info age will give us a chance but if we don't take that chance; it will be unmerciful. How many of us back in the 70s heard of some guy or girl that was brilliant and just sat there wasted? It won't happen in the info age if we position ourselves properly.

    Then again I'm only beating my gum because most on here is dead set on
    gambling and prostitution.

    The above is one of the clear weaknesses of the JLP; they don't understand the new global economy. Market forces will doom them and their coporate backers in time. The plantation master approach will not work! It's a thing of the past.


    • #3
      Jawge, its not only the price of food that will rise if India and China continue on thier road to first world status. The price of bauxite for example will rise, as will the price of a hotel room in the Caribbean. These will all cause more investment in ventures that can supply these things.

      My point is that there is much more to gain than to lose from more properous nations in the world. We just have to get ourselves ready for it. I will agree with you that currently we are not ready though.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        Jawge, have you read Friedmans book, "The World is Flat?"

        I think you should, he goes into great detail on the issues I know you are interested in.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          It was given to me by a
          friend, started it but didn't finish. I was impressed with the techniques described that UPS used. Will pick it back up (person gave me freakanomics too, because I gave him confessions of an economic hit man and technology in the early civilization)

          Right now mi have sci-fi whey mi can't put down, plus work related material. I will try to squeeze it in though. tried reading on the train but it's just not happening

          Bill Joy is right.


          • #6
            Boss yuh know how mi
            feel bout the hotel rooms. Wi need ah civil rights bill for JA to reap the true benefits from the tourist industry. Bauxite is a very sticky subject.
            I think we should close our mines (yeah I know many will balk at me for this) but in the interest of Ja's security and stability, I would say leave bauxite alone.


            • #7
              Nah man.. wi have JAMAL and when last dem burn a book ?

              Wi safe !


              • #8
                Jawge stop talking about what you know very little.

                If you would like to learn about the JLP.. just ask.

                JTI people were shocked... quote: "Wow, they actually get it !"

                Sooo.. keep bleating in ignorance or seek knowledge.. your choice.

