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This is how biased and silly the Observer has become:

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  • #46
    is it only in the states, can you shout fire in a crowded mall or stadia. I still dont see the reference you are trying to make. My point was simple they are debating a dual citizenship rule which is much to do about nothing and an illegal gathering rule which should be enforced. Yes they are important but I think corruption charges against a sitting MP is also important dont you. Or is your judgement clouded by the beautiful sisters in the opposition. Is DM still in that party or have you moved on?


    • #47
      No OJ they are talking about the incident with
      the senior Police officer. I won't even take you up on the DM argument, because clearly you don't know Jawge. Do a little research pon mi, whey
      mi did live inna mi dad rural (hills of St.James) suppen wi jump out at yuh.

      Mi hear say Di JLP haff 4x DM so if ah did woman, mi would ah be cheer leadah fi labour.


      • #48
        no boss the sistren from St. Ann have it lock them cant beat that. But which hills of St. James. I drove through Anchovy going to whitehouse westmoreland the other day and there is so much potential. Suh wha you said next time mi fi stop and get the history and check the evidence?


        • #49
          again the video you speak off is the illegal gathering thing right.From the video I thought both side handled it in an unprofessional way. Obviously there is some history between the very vocal cop and the MP and I wish the MP would leave is wive at home and dont put her thought those things but to each their own


          • #50
            WHAT?!!! that is what i mean yuh read sup'm and nuh fully grasp it and then wax lyrical on it...

            what if there is a fire in a crowded theatre?

            that particular restriction on the first amendment is NOT even remotely relevant to the vaz issue! who did he make the "bloodshed" argument to? to the crowd or to someone on the telephone?

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #51
              Pardon moi, Prof. Lazie

              Originally posted by Lazie View Post
              First thing, I don't debate ... I'm here to educate the misguided like you. Then again, as the saying goes, you can take the horse to the water but yuh can't force him.

              In all your attempt to give the impression you are some expert debater ... all you did was display how much of a hypocrite you are. The weekly rantings of Dawn you overlook as one writer, but art work of the cartoonist you and comrade Mosiah use as proof of the Observer declining? You jokers only prove that the proverb one fool lead many is so true.

              Now you're a teacher?

              I suggest that you work on your grammar, comprehension, syntax and sentence construction first before you claim that exalted title. Spell check systems undoubtedly help with your spelling but your grammar and flawed comprehension abilities speak volumes. For your sake I hope that systems that assist in those areas are developed.
              Perhaps others below even your level may recognize your pedagogical pretensions.... if so they flatter only to deceive you.

              For your enlightenment, I did not reference any cartoonist in my posts. I stated my opinion on the Observer and its obvious partisan pandering.... undiminished even 6 months after the political silly season.

              Anyone who is both fair minded and possessing even a general knowledge of media content analysis can determine that the Observer is dancing to a certain political tune and is currently not a balanced publication in its editorial policy. The Gleaner beats it by a country mile on that score.

              I maintain the view that because the print media is so thin in Jamaica and with it's ownership resting in narrow, elite hands and subject to their whims - our democracy is not well served and indeed, is endangered by such a situation.

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #52
                You are a joker of no mean order.

                Yuh know who Oliver Clarke is ?

                Yuh know who him owe him skin tuh during a certain Financial Crisis ?

                The media during the 18 year attack on Jamaica by the PNP was appalling in its 'silence'.. and yuh have the nerve to come in here and talk about media bias as if is someting new and is only one media house ?

                Big people in yah suh wid sense.. is mussi last year yuh born..

                Tek wheh yuhself Satan.


                • #53
                  Moral equivalence?

                  Originally posted by OJ View Post
                  Don1 do you think the Media houses in Jamaica are any different from those in any country. I would say the action against Vaz is much to do about nothing while Spencer should be handcuffed by now. The fact that the observer editorial is downplaying the vaz issue is not such a bad thing. I would agree that the other papers should be highlighting (which they have) the Spencer issue in the bigger view on corruption and by either side of the aisle
                  I have not been following the Observer's coverage of the Vaz issue sufficiently enough to make an informed judgment on that.

                  The law should take its course in both those issues you mention. If the courts find that Vaz's allegiance to a foreign power disqualifies him from sitting in Parliament - he should be removed. Maybe he can run for Congress instead.
                  If Spencer is guilty of crimes - whatever sanction that is indicated for such crimes should be applied. Under the law however, he is innocent until proven otherwise. If he is not a criminal at the very least he is a fool... maybe he should consider another line of work removed from access to public funds.

                  There is no issue of moral equivalence here. Why these two issues must be juxtaposed..... beats me.

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #54
                    A candidate for the Teacher

                    Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                    You are a joker of no mean order.

                    Yuh know who Oliver Clarke is ?

                    Yuh know who him owe him skin tuh during a certain Financial Crisis ?

                    The media during the 18 year attack on Jamaica by the PNP was appalling in its 'silence'.. and yuh have the nerve to come in here and talk about media bias as if is someting new and is only one media house ?

                    Big people in yah suh wid sense.. is mussi last year yuh born..

                    Tek wheh yuhself Satan.
                    Were you born mentally defective or did you have to work on it? Or is it an issue of not taking your medication as prescribed?

                    When you learn to construct sensible arguments I may engage you further. I don't mind debating people with opposing views.... as long as the views are not born of fevered partisanship as yours clearly are. Such people I have learned can't see past their noses and debate is a futile exercise.

                    Right now you are clearly out of your league and not worth even the minimal effort it takes to defeat your silly prattling.

                    See Prof. Lazie for instruction.

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #55
                      me too! we don't have to choose one over the other. let both of them run their course.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #56
                        Mi give yuh instructions ahready.

                        Posit an argument worth of debate.. until then is pure lick yuh ah get inna yuh headback !

                        Media in Jamaica is a joke.. bias is the least of their problems.


                        • #57
                          Fair enough but I thought they were juxtaposed in some claiming the observer was hard on kern and protective of Vaz by the depiction of the cartoonist. At least thats what I got but I could have been mistaken.


                          • #58
                            point taken

