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Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign manager backs Obama

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  • Bill Clinton's 1992 campaign manager backs Obama

    Posted: 12:15 PM ET

    (CNN) — CNN has confirmed that David Wilhelm, Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign manager, will endorse Barack Obama’s presidential bid Wednesday afternoon.

    Wilhelm, a former chair of the Democratic National Committee, is a superdelegate to the party’s convention this summer. He had not previously announced his support for either of the two remaining White House hopefuls this cycle.

    Obama has captured a narrow lead in the overall delegate count, but still significantly trails Hillary Clinton in the race to capture superdelegates, party leaders and elected officials who can choose to support any candidate they wish regardless of their state’s primary season vote.

    It is possible the support of superdelegates may prove decisive this cycle.

    Obama campaign manager David Axelrod called the nod “very important,” saying the seasoned campaign strategist “knows Ohio backwards and forwards, so it’s a hugely valuable endorsement for us. He’s going to be a big part of our team.”

    He added that Wilhelm represents a move of former Bill Clinton supporters into Obama’s camp.

    The campaign tells CNN Wilhelm’s endorsement will come during a 1 p.m. conference call.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Should superdelegates be declaring their hand? And what's with this delegate/superdelegate thing, anyway!? Can I be a superdelegate? Can Daryl Vaz be a superdelegate?



    • #3
      Clinton goes negative in new ad.

      Hillary Clinton is taking aim at Barack Obama in a new Wisconsin television ad for not agreeing to participate in a debate there.

      "Both Democratic candidates have been invited to a televised Wisconsin debate," an announcer says in the new 30 second spot. "Hillary Clinton has said yes. Barack Obama hasn't. Maybe he'd prefer to give speeches than have to answer questions."

      "Like why Hillary Clinton has the only health care plan that covers every American, and the only economic plan that freezes foreclosures," the announcer continues. "Wisconsin deserves to hear both candidates debate the issues that matter. And that's…not debatable."

      The ad is Clinton's latest attempt to put Obama on the defensive over his refusal to debate the New York senator more than twice between Super Tuesday and the crucial March 4 primaries in Ohio and Texas. Clinton, who has been widely praised for her debate performances this campaign season, had proposed one debate a week after Super Tuesday.

      The Obama campaign later agreed to two debates — one in Ohio at the end of the month, and a CNN/Univision debate in Austin, Texas next week.

      The ad is also a sign the Clinton campaign is still aiming for a strong showing in Wisconsin next Tuesday, despite the fact it is devoting much of its resources to the Ohio and Texas primaries a week later.

      Responding to the ad, Obama campaign manager David Axelrod said, "We've debated 18 times, were gonna debate two more, but we've got other business to do here in terms of meeting voters face to face."
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        McCain criticizes Obama for 'lacking specifics'

        John McCain took extended aim at Barack Obama during a Capitol Hill press conference Wednesday, hitting nearly the exact same themes Hillary Clinton did in a speech only about an hour earlier.

        "I respect him and the campaign he has run," McCain said. "But there is going to be time when we have to get into specifics, and I have heard not every speech he has given obviously, but they are singularly lacking in specifics, and that's when as the campaign moves forward, we will be portraying very stark differences."

        Those comments are among McCain's most pointed attack at Obama to date, a clear sign the Republican nominee apparent is increasingly viewing the Illinois senator as the Democratic frontrunner. The comments also closely echo criticisms Clinton launched earlier Wednesday morning when she said in part, "We need real results, not more rhetoric."

        McCain also took aim at Obama for recently being named the most liberal senator in 2007 by a recent nonpartisan survey.

        "It's not an accident that he has, according to the National Journal, the most liberal voting record in the United States Senate," McCain said. "I have on one of most conservative."
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          How is that negative? Bwoy, American politics - real poppy show. And we just mimic di chupidniss.



          • #6
            Liberal is a bad wud again?



            • #7
              dem trying to make it so...buzzwords is really the name of the political game....blah blah blah LIBERAL blah blah blah BIG GOVERNMENT blah blah blah RAISE TAXES blah blah blah ....

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                I know! It's so braindead! Squeal certain words and it's supposed to get some quarters scampering for cover. Sheesh!

                A few years back the litmus test was, did you serve in the armed forces. Now, it is whether you voted for the war. (That can be a good or a bad thing, of course.) Next thing, you'll be disqualified if you ever owned an SUV!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER

