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Why U-tek Seaga?

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  • Why U-tek Seaga?

    Wednesday, February 06, 2008

    Dear Editor,

    Former JLP leader Edward Seaga has been appointed pro-chancellor of the University of Technology (UTech) in place of Dr Blossom O'Meally Nelson. According to press reports, Dr O'Meally Nelson was asked to resign, because of differences between herself and UTech president, Prof Errol Morrison.

    Mr Seaga's appointment raises a number of questions. First, what qualifies Mr Seaga to be pro-chancellor? According to the statutes governing UTech, the pro-chancellor is a university administrator who chairs the governing Council of the university. Does Mr Seaga have a track record in university administration or academia generally, that qualifies him to replace Dr O'Meally Nelson?

    As a matter of law, the pro-chancellor is appointed by the minister of education on the advice of the Council of UTech. I am curious to as what criteria were applied by the Council in "advising" the minister of education to appoint Mr Seaga.
    Why did the Council choose a retired politician who is almost 80 years old to replace Dr O'Meally Nelson? What qualified Mr Seaga for appointment as pro-chancellor? Why didn't the Council opt for a younger qualified person with perhaps less political baggage? Did the Council advertise the position of pro-chancellor or interview other applicants before selecting Mr Seaga?

    Given that UTech is partially funded by the public purse, transparency on the part of the Council is obligatory. In the absence of any explanation from the Council, it is difficult to resist the inference of partisanship on the part of the Council.
    While I hold no brief for Dr O'Meally Nelson, it seems that her resignation had less to do with her differences with Professor Morrison, and more to do with making room for Mr Seaga.
    This seems implicit from Dr O'Meally Nelson's published resignation letter, where she stated, "It is my view that officers of the university should not be regarded as political appointments and should not be subject to change with a change in government." I suspect that Mr Seaga would not have been considered, much less appointed pro-chancellor, were the JLP not in power.

    Mr Seaga's appointment is emblematic of Jamaica's decrepit culture of governance, which spurns meritocracy in favour of loyalty and long service.

    James Hunt Farnum Griffiths
    Maryland, USA
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Looking for an article or opinion written by James Hunt Farnum Griffiths prior to this.. going back 18 years in fact to try and find one.

    Think there was another hubbub when they attempted to name a street after Seaga...

    I understand Seaga record of Nation Building is unparalleled in Jamaica.. can someone offer some insight ?


    • #3
      He was much younger too,. and I guess being PM means he was in charge of UWI(had nothing with it being an intellectual ghetto though), which makes him more than qualify.
      Nah, it is a legitimate question.
      When was the Dr. fired, and when Seaga became aware he was being offered the job?



      • #4
        Dat clearly is political expediency!



        • #5
          We were drowning in that for 18 years and everybody was cool with it..

          Now all of a sudden 'conflict of interest', 'political expediency' are catch phrases..

          Strange country Jamaica.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Maudib View Post
            We were drowning in that for 18 years and everybody was cool with it..

            Now all of a sudden 'conflict of interest', 'political expediency' are catch phrases..

            Strange country Jamaica.
            Strange that all the above were your mantra just a short while past. Change of government and suddenly you are blind? Strange indeed!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              Really nice!
              I wonder what percentage of the budget will be slated for debt service?



              • #8
                Yuh come out of living in a room full of ******************** fi 18 years and den raise alarm when a dog **************** in yuh yard ?

                Yuh not serious.

