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Obama raises $32 million

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  • Obama raises $32 million

    Obama’s $32 Million Haul

    By Jeff Zeleny

    LOS ANGELES – A $32 million month.
    That’s how much Senator Barack Obama has raised so far in January, according to his campaign manager, David Plouffe, who announced the first fund-raising tally of 2008. The campaign attracted 170,000 new contributors during the month, he said.
    “Obviously this contest could go on for some time in the primary.'’ Mr. Plouffe said, speaking to reporters on a conference call earlier this morning. “We think the strength of our financial position and the number of donors does speak to financial sustainability.”
    “If this ends up going through March and April, we think we’re going to have the resources necessary to conduct vigorous campaigns in every state to come.”
    In 2008, presidential campaigns are required to report their fund-raising totals every month. The official filing with the Federal Election Commission will come in February, but the Obama campaign was eager to preview their $32 million figure today.
    Since Mr. Obama began his presidential bid a year ago, the campaign has signed up 650,000 contributors, many of whom are contributing far below the $2,300 maximum limit and are able to donate again and again.
    Mr. Plouffe noted that many of the contributors also play another role: campaign volunteers in the 22 states holding contests on Feb. 5 and in the string of states to follow.
    “Their financial support is obviously very, very important, but just as important is the volunteer support that they give us in these states,” Mr. Plouffe said. “We think we do have a decided advantage over Senator Clinton in terms of the amount of voter contact that we’re doing.”
    The campaign is spending record sums of money, too.
    In addition to the advertisements already airing in the Super Tuesday states, Mr. Plouffe announced that commercials will begin airing tomorrow in Louisiana, Washington state and Nebraska, the next round of contests on Feb. 9, as well as Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia, where voters weigh in on Feb. 12.
    Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi

  • #2
    Wonder how Hillary is doing?
    Very well, thank you?!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Heh heh. I am sure she is not hurting either but I am surprised that Obama has been able to maintain such a high level of funding.

      BTW the debate last night was very good for both candidates and the Democrats overall . With the Republicans in disarray and their hard-core supporters threatening to boycott MCCain on the grounds of him being a liberal, the Democrats are looking better every day.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        I wonder if the republicans are donating to him in order to help him win then raise the race issue.
        The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

