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Ban the guns!

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  • Ban the guns!

    Date: Jan 29, 2008 11:37 AM
    Subject: Manning's R.I.P. We have lost another past student , class of 2000.

    Love Triangle Turns Deadly
    <IMG height=3 width=193 border=0>
    by Paul Clarke

    A suspected love triangle turned deadly Wednesday, when one man was shot and killed while sitting in his mother's business place in the Grange Hill community of Westmoreland. Dead is Kevon Myers, 24 years old, of a Grange Hill address.

    Police reports are that at around 8:45 Wednesday evening, Myers was assisting his mother inside the bar she operated in the community when three men entered and proceeded to order drinks. However, two of the men went outside while one remained presumably to collect the purchased items.

    But things were to become ugly, as according Sonia Fletcher, Myers' mother, the would-be assailant began to behave in a very suspicious manner. Not long after, the man pulled out a handgun from his waist and pumped three bullets into Myers who fell to the ground.

    "When I realized what was happening I saw that them shot him in the head. It was pure blood," she said. "I could not believe it. I just could not believe it," Ms. Fletcher reiterated.

    Myers was then rushed to hospital but later died while undergoing treatment.

    According to the eyewitness, all three men escaped in a waiting Toyota Corolla motorcar. Only just though, as they were fired at by an off duty cop who was nearby when the incident unfolded. It is, however, unclear if any of the three men were hit.

    When the Western Mirror visited the family home a few hundred yards from the scene of the crime, an obviously shocked Fletcher was being comforted by family members and friends, but could not hide her grief, as her eyes then red with crying and for the lack of sleep looked aimlessly at the verandah wall.

    "It was all because of a woman, all because of a woman," she said while trying to hold back the tears.

    She said he was a very good son, describing him as very kind, always willing to offer help.

    "Kevon was always by my side. I will always remember him making me breakfast in the mornings and taking it to me, even when I was in bed. That was how special Kevon was to me," Ms. Fletcher said.

    What must make the situation even harder to grasp is that Myers was to have left the island for vacation overseas, a fact that his mother is obviously taking to heart.

    But nothing could be of comfort to a grieving mother who saw her only son being killed right in front of her.
    A distraught Fletcher told the Western Mirror that since the incident, she has not slept,

    "As each time I close my eyes all I see is the replay of the murder that I wish was only a dream."
    "Luckily, he did not get any children as they too would be mourning this most evil deed," Ms. Fletcher added.

    The Savanna-la-Mar Police who are carrying out investigations into the murder have held for questioning the man whom it is said to be the third party of this love triangle that ended in the slaying of Myers.

    Investigations are continuing.<IMG height=10 width=20 border=0>
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    So them one whe Mosiah say down a Tivoli, dem have License fi them?

    Sad fi see another senseless Killing like that still.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      Karl do you notice how the gunmen are behaving? As if
      they are untouchable and no fear of the law. Look at the Mobay
      killing and this one. I see Somalia with her arms outstretched an waiting.
      Wi coming home.


      • #4
        Wheh yuh expec with a labourite Govt.

        Beginning of the end...

