Whistle-blower [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]Legislation[/COLOR][/COLOR] to be tabled in Parliament
Friday, 25 January 2008
Cabinet has given approval for the tabling of a Green Paper on the proposed Whistle-blower Legislation in the House of Parliament.
It has been further decided that public comments on this matter should be through a Joint Select Committee so as to inform the preparation of the Bill.
The Whistle-blower Legislation is intended to establish procedures for the disclosure of information about wrongdoing, as well as to provide for the protection of those persons who disclose the wrong-doings.
Attorney General and Justice Minister Dorothy Lightbourne, in making the submission to the Cabinet, outlined several recommendations and the options to enable the enactment of the proposed legislation.
When enacted, Jamaica would join the growing number of Commonwealth nations which have or are considering the enactment of such legislation.
The Whistle blower Legislation is increasingly being viewed around the world as a necessary and effective tool to combat corruption in both the public and private sectors.

It has been further decided that public comments on this matter should be through a Joint Select Committee so as to inform the preparation of the Bill.
The Whistle-blower Legislation is intended to establish procedures for the disclosure of information about wrongdoing, as well as to provide for the protection of those persons who disclose the wrong-doings.
Attorney General and Justice Minister Dorothy Lightbourne, in making the submission to the Cabinet, outlined several recommendations and the options to enable the enactment of the proposed legislation.
When enacted, Jamaica would join the growing number of Commonwealth nations which have or are considering the enactment of such legislation.
The Whistle blower Legislation is increasingly being viewed around the world as a necessary and effective tool to combat corruption in both the public and private sectors.