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Do we discuss the

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  • Do we discuss the

    Republican debates round here? Well ... I watched the debate last night and to me Romney did the best in the debates. The turn off for me was when all of the candidates with the exception of Ron Paul stated that the war in Iraq was the right thing.

    It is clear that all of them are lining up for Hillary .. let me rephrase that ... they're looking forward to facing Hillary for the presidential election. For how they went after her last night, its clear they see her as an easier target.

    What I like about the GOP race is how Gulliani, who was leading in the polls for early out is now hoping to win in Florida. I certainly how he loses.

    John McCain and his false (evil) smile isn't convincing for me .. and the way he positions himself to convince the public that he will continue the course in Iraq is even more a turn off.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Originally posted by Lazie View Post
    Republican debates round here? Well ... I watched the debate last night and to me Romney did the best in the debates. The turn off for me was when all of the candidates with the exception of Ron Paul stated that the war in Iraq was the right thing.

    It is clear that all of them are lining up for Hillary .. let me rephrase that ... they're looking forward to facing Hillary for the presidential election. For how they went after her last night, its clear they see her as an easier target.

    What I like about the GOP race is how Gulliani, who was leading in the polls for early out is now hoping to win in Florida. I certainly how he loses.

    John McCain and his false (evil) smile isn't convincing for me .. and the way he positions himself to convince the public that he will continue the course in Iraq is even more a turn off.
    They see her as the logical target.
    If their positions on the war is what they think is their strong suite...then "I was against the war from before the war" Obama would be the easier target.

    They expect Hillary to be the democratic choice! ...and, they are correct she shall be the Republican's opponent...and to their dismay she shall win the Whitehouse!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      I was struck by the difference in ideology. Their focus is so much on being a conservative. As if that is all that counts and no other potilical viewpoint is welcome. Still spouting the usual drivel about guns, gays and abortions.

      It was also noticable the difference in diversity between the GOP and Democratic candidates and audiences. So-so white males on stage. Not even a hispanic. And same for the audience.

      They rarely articulated the kind of issues that affect the poorest among us, the way you will hear the dems talk about a mill worker or a single mother. Very limited disussion of healthcare or mortgagfe meltdown.

      All their solutions still focus on so-called trickle down econimics. Give coporations tax breaks to create jobs. Problem is too many of those jobs are created overseas. And to little trickles down. Even Romeny touted his record of solving problems by talking to lobbyists.

      They want smaller government yet that group plans to stay in Iraq indefinitely - you cannot do that without expanding the army. Isn't the army part of the government?

      I doubt I will ever be able to vote for the repugs.


      • #4
        Erm lazie
        For how they went after her last night, its clear they see her as an easier target.

        Could it be that they already know that Obama won't be nominated? Just a thought and stupid question?

        Lazie do you think that the troops should come home and leave the US should leave the middle east alone?


        • #5
          the ony involvement the us can have in the middle east is to have troops there?

          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


          • #6
            No we don't
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #7
              an advocate may counter your argument by saying: given the escalating volatility and instability the troops are necessary to protect the interest of the USA. I really don't know as these matters are very complex and
              I'm a simple man.

              Are you of the belief that the US could be involved without the troops? If yes please explain. Thanks.


              • #8
                absolutely...consider that the volatile environment that now exists was escalated by the invasions of afghanistan and iraq, moreso iraq.

                as colin powell said "the we're here because we're here" argument is flimsy!

                you create a situation then say that you need to be there because of the situation that you created?

                the situation between the arabs and the israeli's will never be solved, short term peace may be brokered but it will never be solved because it does not have it's genesis in the need for a palestinian homeland, nor is it based us military presence in saudi arabia...

                it has merely exacerbated the situation..iraq is an ANCIENT society with a long history of cultural norms, how dare a 200 year old democracy dictate to the how they should live their lives?

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #9
                  Your point is noted. Thanks
                  for your contribution.

                  BTW; emotions aside, how does this argumet below relates to
                  US interests and its security in the middle east?

                  it has merely exacerbated the situation..iraq is an ANCIENT society with a long history of cultural norms, how dare a 200 year old democracy dictate to the how they should live their lives?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jawge View Post
                    Erm lazie
                    For how they went after her last night, its clear they see her as an easier target.

                    Could it be that they already know that Obama won't be nominated? Just a thought and stupid question?

                    Lazie do you think that the troops should come home and leave the US should leave the middle east alone?

                    Jawge .. with you stupid questions are the norm. Based on how they targeted just her, its obvious that they have what to go after her with in their campaign ads.

                    Why should the US be trying to solve other people's problem when they never seeked any help from the US? As Ron Paul said the country is heading for bankruptcy and the're wasting all this money in the middle east when that money could be used to solve problems in the USA.
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11
                      okay Lazie; they are scared out of their wits of
                      Obama. They also have tons of dirt on clinton; hence it would make sense to go after her.

                      yes the US should just mind their own business and bring the troops home.

                      Quick question: Do you drive a motor vehicle lazie?


                      • #12
                        Can't wait for the final nail to be placed in Giuliani's political ambitions, amongst other things.

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          No boss not you
                          but me. I just can't wait.


                          • #14
                            Ron Paul have more sense than the whole a dem combined!

