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Obama and the US Presidential elections

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  • Obama and the US Presidential elections

    Truth is there was slavery!
    Truth is there were times the whites thought other races were not to be considered equal!
    The truth is some whites still believe that other races are not equal!
    The truth is Obama is the only non-white in the presidential race!
    The truth is Obama's presence is electrifying!...and he draws great media attention!
    ...so anyway you look at it...forget the denials and the exhortations to look beyond race...the contrast of Obama as black and the rest as white is stark! ...so those who have biases based on colour...matters not how hidden the biases...colour...the inherent biases based on reactions/feelings/attitudes towards colour/'the colour of man' is a part of this election!
    ...so saying this elections is not about race is at best a half-truth.

    ...and, pushing the race card and or stoking the fires of some whites deep-seated reluctance to consider all men equal benefits the Republicans only!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    The sad truth is that Obama has tried his best to make this about all Americans regardless of the color of their skin. Yet the media and the Clintons have chosen to see so much of this lenses tinted by race. I will say this again ... on the night of the Iowa caucuses MLK must have smiled from his grave as this man was being judged purely on the content of his character, inspite of his skin color. Let us continue that trend.

    The more the media portray's this man's run as a 'black presidency' the more we ensure that it will aleinate many none-blacks and ensure his defeat.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Seuss View Post
      The sad truth is that Obama has tried his best to make this about all Americans regardless of the color of their skin. Yet the media and the Clintons have chosen to see so much of this lenses tinted by race. I will say this again ... on the night of the Iowa caucuses MLK must have smiled from his grave as this man was being judged purely on the content of his character, inspite of his skin color. Let us continue that trend.

      The more the media portray's this man's run as a 'black presidency' the more we ensure that it will aleinate many none-blacks and ensure his defeat.
      The Clintons?
      I must be blind!

      ...it was the media that 'edited' Bill Clinton's "fairytale" comment to send the message of race!

      ...and, it was blacks, including Obama and his spokespersons who either fell for the 'drag tongue' media ploy or fearing Obama would be researched and questioned on his record...who blew up the edited report and gave life to the 'race issue'!

      The facts are Obama has not really been questioned on his 'record' previous to Bill's comment. Contrast that to Hillary being hauled over the coals on her's!

      As Edwards said "fair is fair"! Obama thinks he can 'cherry pick' Hillary's record and or comments and speak to them being the sum total of her record and when Hillary does the exact same thing he whines!

      What we have seen about Obama so far is great orator....inspiring speaker...little real substance to the words.

      In a nutshell his message is - Have vision of what America can be! Have hope in the future! I will lead you to a great place!

      Hillary cannot stay with him as orator or at the giving of inspiring speeches...but, her record of accomplishments - been there, done that - far outstrips his!

      Obama reminds me of Boxhill! Great manifesto...great JFF press releases! ...but, where is the juice?! ...where is the beef?! On what bases do we judge his ability to deliver? Where is the past rrecord of delivering?
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        What benefit would the Clintons have to make it about race?

        They are trying to hide from any racial comment.

        Any negitive comment about blacks will benefit Obama.

        Good debate last night by all three.
        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Assasin View Post
          What benefit would the Clintons have to make it about race?

          They are trying to hide from any racial comment.

          Any negitive comment about blacks will benefit Obama.

          Good debate last night by all three.
          Could not agree more!
          Anyway you look at it Obama is being used by those who would benefit! - as I said in another thread - ONLY THE REPUBLICANS benefit!

          i) ...both Hillary and Obama are making 'commercials' for thye Republicans to use in the 'real elections'...i.e. presidential elections - Republican vs whichever of Hillary or Obama come out ahead in the democratic elections.

          ii) ...Edwards is a non-factor. He cannot win...he shall not win the democratic the run off. So the republicans are not teeing off on him. ...ofcourse if the improbable happens that Hillary and Obama so wound themselves...inflict so much damage on selves that the democratic party has no choice but to, at the convention by-pass both...i.e. get the delegates to switch votes as the voting/polling occurs and dismiss both...the Republicans would zero in on Edwards as a tax and spend liberal....with no experience to led the 'war effort'.

          iii) ...the race card/getting the electorate to elevate differences of race to decision making breaker on where/how some whites shall vote...the 'rednecks' and 'the hidden biases against minorities' of other whites will surface...and, even in the deep recesses of 'unconscious thought' it likely affect whites moving against Clinton - Hillary the wife of the 'first black president'...and, Obama who is...uhhuh? ...you guessed it - black!

          Solidifies the anti-Clinton/anti-balck votes for the Republicans. Remember the country is basically half/half --- Republican/democrates...
          ...with 'swing votes'/'other issues' making the difference!
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            whether Hillary or Borack the republicans going to come heavy and dirty. If is Borack them a go make it a racial thing to alienate voters, them a go try make Borack look like Al Sharpton on Coke.

            If a Hillary we know all the things them a go dig up.The repbulicans will benefit from any alienation. A the only chance them a go have fi win.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #7
              Karl the only hope for
              Hillary right now is none other than Rudy I think the
              republicans are working to fix that. karl you seem to understand the
              whole dynamics. Why? because I saw where you posted that Bill has
              an inside track to the US power elite. I won't say anything about Obama because it tends to make those who like him upset (I will just let things play out).

              I see posters on here getting upset if one does not see Obama as they see him. This is not Jakan politics. I wonder if they know that many americans (including blacks) like George W. Bush? (sitting president).

              Karl yuh know bout an dat is good.


              • #8
                your arrival at 'ONLY THE REPUBLICANS benefit!' conclusion is so baseless, i am embarrassed for you... do you think its a first for dems to go at it in seeking a nomination... do you not think that americans are used to heated debates as their candidates seek the nomination... do you think what goes on in the party primaries have any true significant bearing on the general elections...

                i can assure you that obama is more likely to receive a republican vote than hillary... that is where the battle lies... winning a percentage of the republican vote...
                'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                • #9
                  McCain is not squeaky clean either
                  boss. The clintons seem the type that will fight fire with fire. They are not Dukakais (sp) Don't forget Bill is a Southerner too (I love the southern drawl btw ) and he can talk the talk.


                  • #10
                    Baddaz, please explain this
                    to me:"i can assure you that obama is more likely to receive a republican vote than hillary" Thanks.


                    • #11
                      All the Clintons have to ask is

                      Do you want a 71 year old to be your president?

                      He will be 79 if he serves two terms. I am sorry but I wouldn't vote for a 71 year old and one with some form of cancer at that.

                      The republicans a sidestep it but the Democrats need to throw it out there. McCain in my opinion is easy to beat.
                      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                      • #12
                        I truly wish it was that easy.


                        • #13
                          would you vote fi a 71 year old cancer patient for President?
                          I wouldn't
                          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                          • #14
                            See that's my point; one cannot assume that
                            the rest of the US sees things the way one does. Now put the cancer patient (with his rich family tradition and background) against Obama and see who comes out the winner. I think the cry baby episode will come back to haunt Hillary. I see them mobilizing the "old Tool" that was used on Daddy Bush. I really don't know if it will work this time.


                            • #15
                              jawge... among republicans, the clintons represent all that is wrong with american politics... among republicans they are hated... sometime last year, way before obama was a household name, hillary was viewed unfavorably by 80% of republicans... at the time, obama was viewed unfavorbly by about 35% of republicans...

                              now we all know that the poll is not totally accurate, but allowing for even a high margin of error +/- 10, its highly unlikely for anyone to overcome that differential...

                              the way i see it, and i am no expert, obama stands a better chance of winning the national election than hillary... nothing against hillary, i have always supported her and think she would be a good president... in this case, taking all that i know, difficult as it may be without race bias, obama is the best choice for the democrats to win the national election...
                              'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'

