Clinton Has a Negro Son

More of Clinton's Black WomenDalrymple also confirms our earlier charge that Clinton has had several black mistresses. One is Lencola Sullivan, "Miss Arkansas" of 1981. Former Clinton aide Larry Nichols says that Clinton was so attracted to her that he traveled to New York at state expense on three occasions to date Lencola.
Deborah Mathis is a former reporter for "The Arkansas Gazette." He carried on a sexual relationship with her, both in Little Rock and later in Washington. Today; Mathis works for AP and Clinton has favored her at press conferences by recognizing her questions which are always friendly.
James Dalrymple writes that the relationship between Bill and Hillary is strictly business. Trooper Perry who guarded the Governor's mansion says that on more than one occasion he overheard Hillary referring to Clinton as, "that sorry son of a bitch."
One night after returning late from a date with a 23-year old perfume salesgirl, Perry heard all kinds of cursing from the "First Lady." The next day he went up to their bedroom and found broken pottery all over the floor and a fist-sized hole in a cupboard door. Such stories are legendary in Little Rock. It typifies Clinton's fear of his wife and her loathing for his constant philandering.
Both troopers Patterson and Perry say that the marriage has been a sham for years. Patterson writes:
"They have only one thing in common - a dislike of each other. They are two people bound together in a common cause - political power - while acting out a charade of a loving marriage. The arguments are bitter and frequent, with almost daily snarling confrontations."
Patterson recalls how they used to leave the mansion each day in the same car and ignore each other until they emerged before the cameras hand-in-hand and smiling fondly. However, Patterson says that Hillary knew about Bill's many affairs beginning back in 1978. This is confirmed by Gennifer Flowers who said,
"Bill had told me for years that the marriage was a dead duck. I guess he was tied to her for political reasons. And she knew about me. She damn well knew. She knew everthing."
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- Clinton's Fanaticism for Race-Mixing Linked To His Having a Black Son
Clinton's appearance in Little Rock to hold the door open for the now-aged black students to re-enter Central High was a ploy to promote race-mixing. His proposal for an official "Presidential apology" to blacks for slavery of 132 years ago and his call for America to become a nation of minorities in which no group holds a majority is a blatant call for the end of the White American majority for all time to come! Could there be a dark secret behind this radical stand? Could Clinton be seeking justification for his many affairs with black women, including having a son by a well- known Little Rock prostitute? Could Clinton's bizarre behavior be part of an attempt to justify his own past? Where Is Clinton's Former Black Girlfriend Bobby Ann Williams?
The British Press has continued its investigation into Clinton's affair with the black Little Rock prostitute Bobby Ann Williams. London Daily Mail columnist James Dalrymple, wrote on Jan. 14, 1997, that Bobby Ann Williams and her sister Lucille Bolton passed two lie detector tests proclaiming that Clinton is the father of her illegitimate son Danny. Arkansas State Trooper Buddy Young states that in 1983, he drove Clinton and the black women to his mother's home near Hot Springs for a sex orgy. Clinton's mother was conveniently out-of-town. In 1984 Bobby Ann had a baby boy she named Danny. He looks exactly like Clinton. He has refused to take a blood test to confirm or deny the allegation.

Deborah Mathis is a former reporter for "The Arkansas Gazette." He carried on a sexual relationship with her, both in Little Rock and later in Washington. Today; Mathis works for AP and Clinton has favored her at press conferences by recognizing her questions which are always friendly.
- The True Relationship Between Bill and Hillary
- The True Relationship Between Bill and Hillary
James Dalrymple writes that the relationship between Bill and Hillary is strictly business. Trooper Perry who guarded the Governor's mansion says that on more than one occasion he overheard Hillary referring to Clinton as, "that sorry son of a bitch."
One night after returning late from a date with a 23-year old perfume salesgirl, Perry heard all kinds of cursing from the "First Lady." The next day he went up to their bedroom and found broken pottery all over the floor and a fist-sized hole in a cupboard door. Such stories are legendary in Little Rock. It typifies Clinton's fear of his wife and her loathing for his constant philandering.
Both troopers Patterson and Perry say that the marriage has been a sham for years. Patterson writes:
"They have only one thing in common - a dislike of each other. They are two people bound together in a common cause - political power - while acting out a charade of a loving marriage. The arguments are bitter and frequent, with almost daily snarling confrontations."
Patterson recalls how they used to leave the mansion each day in the same car and ignore each other until they emerged before the cameras hand-in-hand and smiling fondly. However, Patterson says that Hillary knew about Bill's many affairs beginning back in 1978. This is confirmed by Gennifer Flowers who said,
"Bill had told me for years that the marriage was a dead duck. I guess he was tied to her for political reasons. And she knew about me. She damn well knew. She knew everthing."

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