Things 'come to bump'
published: Friday | January 18, 2008
If you take a look at the last six months you would have to say the JLP are not exactly a lucky bunch. They won the election, but one could not really say that was a matter of luck, it seemed more like long, hard work. But having won the election, this term has been characterised by one turn of bad luck after another.
First, there were the after-effects of a hurricane; followed by some of the worst rains in memory. The rains left the roads looking like the Grand Canyon, traffic that was maddening, and cars badly in need of whee While the Government had to wait for the rain to subside to attempt to restore sanity on the streets, another insanity was just getting ready to blow.
The investment schemes were handed over to this new Government like an overblown balloon just ready to pop. And they are popping, with Mr. Azan the latest casualty, and news of Cash Plus not allowed to take any more customers. If there is a pyramid anywhere in that scheme, then the end is certainly near!
The mosquitoes were not even kind to the new administration. There is very little that could sway me to vote for one party or the other, but threaten me with dengue and my vote is up for the taking! Certainly, one cannot blame this administration for all these woes, but as luck would have it, as they say, things have just 'come to bump' now.
Precarious majority
To top off all of this, Golding has to lead the country with a very precarious majority. A majority that is further threatened by the present legal battles over certain Members of Parliament holding dual citizenship.
I asked a JLP insider about this just after the election and she informed me she was not worried, the court system moves so slowly in Jamaica that by the time the PNP actually got a judgement, it would be time for another election anyway.
Well, more bad luck, our legal system that is known for hand-written judgements, ganja smoking in the hallways and the most frequent word uttered is 'adjourned' for just about any excuse, is in this case acting with lightning speed and first-rate efficiency.
One might argue that the courts must give this matter priority as it concerns our constitution, yet, the bottom line is, it is really just a political game. Nobody really cares if our MPs have dual citizenship, just as it was never an issue in previous administrations.
I believe that in all honesty the will of the people was not compromised.
Our population's relatives live all over the diaspora, working and contributing to the well-being of this nation, dual citizenship is very much a way of life for our citizens. Certainly, more would have citizenship elsewhere if they could.
No justice
There are people facing grave injustice, others waiting in holding cells. There is justice that is not served each day in this country, but our courts are now focused on their part in this political strategy. It seems with this law we run the risk of losing some of our finest.
Danville Walker has been instrumental in cleaning up our electoral process; elections were an international embarrassment to our nation not so long ago. Shahine Robinson was one of the few JLP MPs that I knew of in the last 18 years, she seemed to be active and acted in the interest of her constituents throughout.
Surely, there are public officials we would rather see go than these. And isn't Abe Dabdoub ready for retirement or some university post by now, anyway?
The truth is, the task of running this country is a hard one, and the time has come to end the band-aid solutions placed neatly over a festering wound, or the cosmetic efforts to conceal the real issues. We have enough problems in this country to have to create more. I believe in upholding the law at all times, but I also believe in the greater good.
Tara Clivio is a freelancejournalist.
published: Friday | January 18, 2008

If you take a look at the last six months you would have to say the JLP are not exactly a lucky bunch. They won the election, but one could not really say that was a matter of luck, it seemed more like long, hard work. But having won the election, this term has been characterised by one turn of bad luck after another.
First, there were the after-effects of a hurricane; followed by some of the worst rains in memory. The rains left the roads looking like the Grand Canyon, traffic that was maddening, and cars badly in need of whee While the Government had to wait for the rain to subside to attempt to restore sanity on the streets, another insanity was just getting ready to blow.
The investment schemes were handed over to this new Government like an overblown balloon just ready to pop. And they are popping, with Mr. Azan the latest casualty, and news of Cash Plus not allowed to take any more customers. If there is a pyramid anywhere in that scheme, then the end is certainly near!
The mosquitoes were not even kind to the new administration. There is very little that could sway me to vote for one party or the other, but threaten me with dengue and my vote is up for the taking! Certainly, one cannot blame this administration for all these woes, but as luck would have it, as they say, things have just 'come to bump' now.
Precarious majority
To top off all of this, Golding has to lead the country with a very precarious majority. A majority that is further threatened by the present legal battles over certain Members of Parliament holding dual citizenship.
I asked a JLP insider about this just after the election and she informed me she was not worried, the court system moves so slowly in Jamaica that by the time the PNP actually got a judgement, it would be time for another election anyway.
Well, more bad luck, our legal system that is known for hand-written judgements, ganja smoking in the hallways and the most frequent word uttered is 'adjourned' for just about any excuse, is in this case acting with lightning speed and first-rate efficiency.
One might argue that the courts must give this matter priority as it concerns our constitution, yet, the bottom line is, it is really just a political game. Nobody really cares if our MPs have dual citizenship, just as it was never an issue in previous administrations.
I believe that in all honesty the will of the people was not compromised.
Our population's relatives live all over the diaspora, working and contributing to the well-being of this nation, dual citizenship is very much a way of life for our citizens. Certainly, more would have citizenship elsewhere if they could.
No justice
There are people facing grave injustice, others waiting in holding cells. There is justice that is not served each day in this country, but our courts are now focused on their part in this political strategy. It seems with this law we run the risk of losing some of our finest.
Danville Walker has been instrumental in cleaning up our electoral process; elections were an international embarrassment to our nation not so long ago. Shahine Robinson was one of the few JLP MPs that I knew of in the last 18 years, she seemed to be active and acted in the interest of her constituents throughout.
Surely, there are public officials we would rather see go than these. And isn't Abe Dabdoub ready for retirement or some university post by now, anyway?
The truth is, the task of running this country is a hard one, and the time has come to end the band-aid solutions placed neatly over a festering wound, or the cosmetic efforts to conceal the real issues. We have enough problems in this country to have to create more. I believe in upholding the law at all times, but I also believe in the greater good.
Tara Clivio is a freelancejournalist.