Wednesday, 09 January 2008
The Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA), which represents the islands approximately 20,000 public sector teachers, is seeking a one hundred per cent hike in wages over the next two years.
The new contract period starts April 1, 2008 and ends in March 31, 2010.
JTA President Ena Barclay says the claim was submitted last year.
"We have submitted a salary and fringe benefits claim for the period 2008 to 2010 where we are requesting increases in salary and conditions for service. The percentage we are requesting in the first year is 50 per cent and in the second year 50 per cent in addition to allowances which cover a wide range of items," said Mrs. Barclay.
The JTA President says the association wants the reclassification exercise completed before the wage talks begin.
She said the association is hoping that at the end of the negotiations teachers are satisfied.
Mrs. Barclay says the JTA remains optimistic that the Government will look favourably at the claim bearing in mind the pressing demands and the high expectations from teachers.
Tuesday Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Finance, Dwight Nelson met with several bargaining groups to iron out issues relating to the signing of another MOU.
Mr. Nelson said it was agreed that the unions will submit claims within another week, paving the way for further negotiations.
The Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA), which represents the islands approximately 20,000 public sector teachers, is seeking a one hundred per cent hike in wages over the next two years.
The new contract period starts April 1, 2008 and ends in March 31, 2010.
JTA President Ena Barclay says the claim was submitted last year.
"We have submitted a salary and fringe benefits claim for the period 2008 to 2010 where we are requesting increases in salary and conditions for service. The percentage we are requesting in the first year is 50 per cent and in the second year 50 per cent in addition to allowances which cover a wide range of items," said Mrs. Barclay.
The JTA President says the association wants the reclassification exercise completed before the wage talks begin.
She said the association is hoping that at the end of the negotiations teachers are satisfied.
Mrs. Barclay says the JTA remains optimistic that the Government will look favourably at the claim bearing in mind the pressing demands and the high expectations from teachers.
Tuesday Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Finance, Dwight Nelson met with several bargaining groups to iron out issues relating to the signing of another MOU.
Mr. Nelson said it was agreed that the unions will submit claims within another week, paving the way for further negotiations.