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Sounds like a page out of Adams' book

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  • Sounds like a page out of Adams' book

    six a one, half dozen a de odda.
    Remember his hilarious declaration that he will make the JCF the best.. in the World.
    He hasn't demonstrated his eagerness to distance himself from the illegal activity(extra-judicial), missed sending a clear message to the members of the JCF; a huge indicator that our force is corrupt.
    Isn't prison punishment....isn't it our solution to criminals.......do we need to tell our Commissioner?
    Oh and then he intends to increase the force by decreasing the number of stations.....,I do not think he has a viable plan. I see no evidence of one.
    An inauspicious beginning?

    ""I am appealing to the shottas, the gunmen, the criminals. The life of badness is a short one. You will either be killed by your cronies, rival gangs or the police," Lewin said, "Give up your guns. Come back to the mainstream.""

    'Shottas' beware!
    New police chief tells criminals to give up their guns
    BY KARYL WALKER Observer staff reporter walkerk@jamaicaobserver.com
    Friday, December 21, 2007

    Newly installed police commissioner, Rear Admiral Hardley Lewin yesterday warned the nation's criminals to put down their guns and give up a life of crime or face the consequences.
    Police Commissioner, Rear Admiral Hardley Lewin gestures as he makes a point during his first press conference on the job yesterday. (Photo: Karl McLarty)
    At the same time, Lewin, who retired as Jamaica Defence Force chief of staff at the end of October, said that he intended to place more cops on the streets by closing down some police stations.
    Lewin made his appeal to gunmen during his first press conference as police commissioner at the Police Officers' Club in St Andrew.
    "I am appealing to the shottas, the gunmen, the criminals. The life of badness is a short one. You will either be killed by your cronies, rival gangs or the police," Lewin said, "Give up your guns. Come back to the mainstream."
    Lewin, who empathised with traumatised relatives of those murder victims when he recalled that his mother and her close friend were shot dead in June 1990 at Buckfield in St Ann, said the country was no longer prepared to turn a blind eye to lawlessness.
    "I believe the Jamaican people are so battered and bruised that they are ready to declare that enough is enough," said Lewin. "I invite their mothers and fathers, where they exist, talk to your sons."
    Lewin takes the reigns of the constabulary at a time when almost 1,600 Jamaicans have been murdered and more than 250 civilians fatally shot by police since the start of this year.
    However, the 'shottas' (street name for gunmen) were not his only target.
    He blamed a culture of greed, selfishness and corruption for the present state of disorder in the society.
    "We need a new resolve. For four to five decades we have sewn the wind and we are now reaping the whirlwind," Lewin said.
    The police commissioner also said he would work to alter the current mindset of the men and women under his charge and redefine the role of the police in society.
    "It is a para-military force. To keep down insurrections and riots, to keep the natives in check. It was never designed as a police force," Lewin said.
    There are over 100 police stations and posts scattered across the country and Lewin promised that shutting some of them would not be long in coming.
    He said the police in the stations would be deployed in the troubled communities surrounding them.
    "We are going to shut down some stations, by doing so we are going to put more police out there," Lewin said.
    He called on the privileged in society to make haste in bridging the divide between the rich and poor and promised to tackle corruption in the police force hands on.
    The new commissioner was also critical of the worn-out attempts to hatch a new crime plan.
    "We should be attacking the root causes and not the symptoms," Lewin said.

  • #2
    What is your problem?


    • #3
      Mi really duh all dat writing fi nutten?



      • #4
        Originally posted by Rockman View Post
        Mi really duh all dat writing fi nutten?

        I read it but I still can't figure out what you're on about.


        • #5
          At this stage I look for the various indicators, however subtle, in order to have an idea from now whether he is up to the task. The declaration that he will make the JCF... the best in the World is not only comical, it also something promised that cannot be delivered.
          The police force is more corrupted than ever, if you are quick to highlight corruption in the society, then addressing the corruption in your JCF should be of utmost importance.His failure to cite prison as an option(quotation in my previous post)may suggest he embraces extra-judicial killings....



          • #6
            Originally posted by Rockman View Post
            At this stage I look for the various indicators, however subtle, in order to have an idea from now whether he is up to the task. The declaration that he will make the JCF... the best in the World is not only comical, it also something promised that cannot be delivered.
            The police force is more corrupted than ever, if you are quick to highlight corruption in the society, then addressing the corruption in your JCF should be of utmost importance. His failure to cite prison as an option(quotation in my previous post)may suggest he embraces extra-judicial killings....

            The police commissioner also said he would work to alter the current mindset of the men and women under his charge and redefine the role of the police in society.

            "It is a para-military force. To keep down insurrections and riots, to keep the natives in check. It was never designed as a police force," Lewin said.

            He called on the privileged in society to make haste in bridging the divide between the rich and poor and promised to tackle corruption in the police force hands on.

            The new commissioner was also critical of the worn-out attempts to hatch a new crime plan. "We should be attacking the root causes and not the symptoms," Lewin said.
            From what I read I don't see how you came to your conclusion.


            • #7
              When we hear the word corruption we think of 'following the money", sadly Money(the love of it I am reminded)isn't the only or greatest evil, murder is.
              The commissioner can tell me when he has redefined the JCF, I suspect that is the only way for to know.



              • #8
                This is a bold start. HE is think a bit out of the box. In closing down stations. It is a good sign that he is reassigning top officers. Show he plans to start fixing the problems from the top. This will not be easy, but I am convinced that a few well executed convictions of corrupt cops will have a major impact on corruption in the force and will show that the force can be changed. Ususally in this type of thing there are a few really bady apples that spoil the bunch. And if you can purge the pack of a few of those many others will pull back from their corrupt behavior. This guy seems to have given this much thought to have hit the ground running like this. I hope he gets all the support he needs.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Seuss View Post
                  ... I am convinced that a few well executed convictions of corrupt cops will have a major impact...
                  Nice words there. One could also say execution of convicted corrupt cops!

                  Just listening to him you can tell that he was impressive in his interviews for the job. Can't see Reneto doing nearly as good.

                  The only bad thing with Lewin is he sounds exactly like another army man, the Captain.

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    Sound like Rockman still upset his application was rejected...


                    • #11
                      Reneto Adams and Jamaica's Crime problems

                      Yesterday I went To a christmas party at a printing office on Jamaica Avenue in Queens. while there I observed and participated in a few discussions regarding Jamaica's plight regarding crimininalities and immediate solutions. There were VP Records owners and executives, Lawyers, CPAs, Doctors, The Director of Immigrant Services, Ex-police officers from both Jamaica and the USA, Nurses, Mechanics, along with a few "Shottas", DJs and members of the dance hall faternity. Almost unanimously every expatriates supports Adams treatment of criminals but not adams for Commissioner.

                      At one point I was the only person in the room denouncing extrajudicial killings. with one voice each person was intimating that the police should shoot each and everyone suspected of murder and that would solve Ja. problems and drive fear in our criminals.
                      In Essence, I left this party wondering and questioning my own personal views, and was left with an indelible dilema towards my beloved country. Can we realistically come up with any viable solutions in our life time, or can our children's children be a part of the solution or continue on this path of distrutive behavior.
                      Can these members of the diaspora be right, can we drive fear in the criminals minds and hearts, Are Amnesty Internationals and the various civil rights group hampering our progress of doing our own "ting" towards crime eradication as put forth by these lovely ladies and gents.
                      I wonder..I wonder...I wonder...What can we do as individuals towards the solution. I hope another Christmas will not come and I am still wondering and still listening!!!
                      "Everyone who knows me understands that I hold no prejudices in this regard....In the family atmosphere of the {RBSC}telethon, I forget that not everyone knows me that well." ....attributed to Jerry Lewis....


                      • #12
                        peejay, i will maintain that the punishment for illegal possession of a gun and all crimes in general is not severe enough and does not act as a deterrent to criminals...

                        if gun murder is among the highest in the world, then the punishment should be the most severe in the world... zero tolerance on illegal gun possesion...

                        due to the high rate of repeat offenders, every person who commits any felony should be fingerprinted and have their picture taken and stored in a database... persons arrested and charged with gun possession, murder, witness intimidation should be held without bail... it makes no sense to arrest these criminals, release them on bail for them to commit more crimes (murder, witness intimidation, etc.) while they await trial...

                        i would be in support of at the minimum 15 years mandatory for illegal possession of a gun, plus 5 years for every shot... murder should be a mandatory 25 years to life without parole...

                        if a murder was commited while committing another crime with an illegal gun, the minimum should be a mandatory 40 years in addition to 5 years for every shot... no exceptions...

                        further, the person who orders a killing should get double the existing penalty of the murder who pulled the trigger...

                        for attempting to intimidate a witness and pervert the course of justice, the offender should receive a minimum 25 yrs mandatory...

                        the leader of jamaica is not serious about halting gun crimes... the punishment should make people afraid of being around a gun or have a gun anywhere in their surroundings...

                        imagine a shotta's mother or a baby modda facing 25 yrs because a gun was found under the mattress... someone's gonna have to tell the truth about how it came to being there...
                        'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                        • #13
                          a few things, one is the badmen have to be punished, no two way about that. Some will not be taken alive, that saying the police have to do proper investigate work and work with the communities, while build trust in the people.

                          At this time the people are willing to listen to the police and give them some benefit of the doubt as the Badness gone too far for even borderline people, but with another killing of wholesale innocent people could turn the tide in no time, so they better take advantage.

                          yes some policies can change things but also the image of the force have to change too. When so many police can come out and say the force is corrupted some changes have to be made.
                          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                          • #14
                            So far I like the Captains actions and results.
                            I hope the trend continues for both men.

