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  • #16
    Butch` makes donation to Flankers.

    (From The Gleaner)


    HOTELIER GORDON `Butch` Stewart will be investing $250,000 in the Peace and Justice Centre in Flankers, St. James. The one-year-old centre offers a range of services to the community, including a homework assistance programme, mediation, a skills training project and the distribution of food...
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #17
      Stewart's $1/2 million donation to help Old Harbour Bay hurricane victims

      Carl Gilchrist
      Wednesday, September 05, 2007

      SANDALS Chairman Gordon 'Butch' Stewart continued the disbursement of the $10 million he pledged recently to assist victims of Hurricane Dean, with a $500,000 donation on Saturday to Catholic priest and founder of the Stella Maris Foundation, Monsignor Richard Albert.

      The presentation took place at the Royal Plantation Golf Resort & Spa in Ocho Rios and, according to Stewart, brought the total amount disbursed so far to about 40 per cent, or $4 million.

      "The farming community is the next stop," Stewart said. "We want to buy a lot of seeds under the RADA programme. Our people are trying to find the neediest people to assist."

      Albert, who has been working in Kingston's inner-city communities for decades, accepted the donation and said beneficiaries would include persons at Old Harbour Bay who lost everything during the hurricane.

      "It will go towards those who have lost everything, to provide simple things like mattresses," Albert said.
      Albert said all needy persons would benefit, both Catholic and non-Catholic.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #18
        Jamaica: Sandals group donates $500,000 to repair basic school and health centre

        MONTEGO BAY (JIS), Friday, August 31, 2007 - Chief Executive Officer of Sandals Resort International, Gordon 'Butch' Stewart, presents a cheque for $500,000.00 to Marilyn Nash, Manager of the Flanker Peace and Justice Centre, for repair works on the Flanker Basic School and the Flanker Health Centre in St. James at Sandals headqurters in Montego Bay. The two community facilities were damaged by Hurricane Dean on August 19.
        Hundreds of residents from the community of Flankers in St. James are to benefit from a $500,000 donation from Sandals Resort International, which will be used to effect repairs to the basic school and the health centre.
        These community facilities received extensive damage to their roofs by heavy winds associated with Hurricane Dean, which devastated sections of the island on August 19.
        According to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sandals Resort International, Gordon 'Butch' Stewart, who handed over the cheque on (August 29), to Manager of the Flankers Peace and Justice Centre, Marilyn Nash, $350,000 would be spent on the basic school, while $150,000 would be spent on the health centre.
        "Sandals had reserved some $10 million to assist in hurricane recovery for groups and organizations and we want to spread it around a bit. We have developed a 25-year relationship with the Flankers community and have observed the work they are doing with the basic school," he said.
        "A tremendous amount of our staff members are from Flankers. We want to thank the people of Flankers as this relationship has been beneficial to all. Some of the hardest working people that you can ever find anywhere in the world, are from Flankers. For me, it's just a pleasure that in time of need, we can offer our help to them," Mr. Stewart added.
        Accepting the cheque at the Sandals headquarters in Montego Bay, Marilyn Nash said that her team was grateful for any intervention from Sandals, due to the family relationship that "has proven to be real." "We lost most of the roof at these two facilities and so the money will be used to repair the damaged structures immediately. On behalf of the many citizens in Flankers, I say a big thank you to Mr. Stewart and the Sandals family," Mrs. Nash said.
        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


        • #19
          Scaly is a football fan like mi self ... does Sandals pumping 500,000 into Reno FC count as giving back? Doesn't Sandals sponsor a football league. I knew they did up to a few years back.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #20
            Originally posted by Assasin View Post
            do a little more research on Butch giving back. My advise to you is don't move with the crowd on that.
            I need to do no research, is only becuase me nuh want call no name.

            That's why sometimes I stay away from certain just couldn't resist this one.


            • #21
              upporting the Caribbean, 2003

              Bill Clinton Pledges Support For Caribbean Region
              January 20, 2003
              Castries, St. Lucia

              by Ernie Seon
              The Jamaica Observer
              Former United States President Bill Clinton has pledged to work diligently toward helping the Caribbean in its continued struggle for access to the global economy.
              At the same time, Clinton said that as of today members of his AIDS Foundation will intensify their work in the Caribbean in their continued efforts to fight the scourge.
              "I hope that I can be of more help to you and I hope we can sell a model for the whole world in respect of the work we do on AIDS. I hope to help you grow your economy and do it in a way that supports the current US Government."
              Clinton said he did not think there should be any partisan difference in what he wanted for the US in its relationship with the Caribbean.
              "I am grateful for the contribution the people of these islands have made to the strength and vitality of the USA," he said.
              But speaking to about 200 politicians and business leaders at a banquet at the Sandals Grande Hotel Saturday night, Clinton shied away from criticizing US President George W Bush's administration, focusing instead on how the world's "interdependence" had made it easier for groups like the al-Queda terrorist network to slip into the United States.
              "Al-Queda took advantage of open borders and easy access to murder 3,100 people, so interdependence is not enough," Clinton said. "We need more partners and less terrorists through aid, trade and debt relief."
              Clinton voiced support for the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas, which strives to create a hemisphere-wide free trade zone, and spoke of the need for protecting the watery borders between the United States and the Caribbean.
              "We need to work together, and first with a security strategy to protect ourselves," Clinton said.
              He added: "We know we are neighbors, we know generally we like each other, we have had friendly relations, but we have undervalued the extent to which we are completely dependent on each other in going forward."
              The 9/11 terrorist attacks, he said, hurt the Caribbean as much as it hurt the USA, and as the narcotic traffickers obtain a bigger foothold in the Caribbean, they sell their goods that go to the bodies of children in the USA. At the same time, he noted that if the Caribbean does well, the USA also does well.
              "We are living in a world in which all people who love freedom and desire opportunities are interdependent, but we are also interdependent with people who do not share our values, hopes and responsibilities," he said.
              "If you live in an interdependent world the only way to make it work is to have shared defenses, shared responsibilities and shared values, otherwise the wreckers take control," Clinton added.
              "On September 11th when these people were all killed in the USA, they were killed by people who took advantage of the same forces of interdependence that brings people to the Caribbean," he said.
              But Clinton contended that interdependence was not enough, adding that it was necessary to move from interdependence to an integrated community of shared benefits, shared responsibilities and shared values.
              However, Clinton said there were two major obstacles to building that kind of world, one represented by terrorists and the other less obvious by the many people who were doing well in the world and thinking that they could forever plan for themselves what they deny other people.
              The US, he said, had to realize that in an interdependent world you cannot have the life you want with only a security status, but one that will create more partners, and fewer enemies and terrorists and that's why the United States needed to do more to develop the Caribbean and other places.
              "We have a responsibility to share the benefits of the future with you, and do more to promote the economic growth of poor countries and allow the 130,000 million children in the world an opportunity to receive an education, and allow their people to survive the scourge of AIDS".
              He said that one of the most impressive things he has seen about the whole AIDS fight is the commitment of Caribbean Community (Caricom) leaders to ensure that they nip this epidemic in the bud.
              Chairman of Sandals Chain Gordon "Butch" Stewart, who met with the former US president before the banquet, said Clinton was preparing to return to the Caribbean soon, possibly in April, having been immensely impressed with all that he had seen here and heard from those he met.
              "He took an instant liking to St Lucia and the Sandals Grande property and its accommodation and called on his delegation to explain exactly why they were spending only one night here," he said.
              Stewart said the Clinton visit was a "win win"' situation for St. Lucia and the Caribbean and it would be difficult to put a price tag on his visit.
              "He made a lot of people happy today, at his hotel, in the market and at the golf course, and the world will know that he came to St Lucia," Stewart told reporters.
              Clinton said he thoroughly enjoyed the time spent at the downtown Castries market where he was thronged by more than 2,000 locals and visitors, and playing golf at the 18-hole Cap Estate Golf Course, on the island's north coast. - Additional reporting by the Associated Press
              Before his dinner engagement, he also had talks with heads of government of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. (OECS) and Caricom's point man on HIV/AIDS, Prime Minister of St. Kitts & Nevis Denzil Douglas.
              Clinton said that his delegation included several persons, who as of today, will begin work on HIV/AIDS in the Eastern Caribbean and extending over the next several months.
              He said his AIDS Foundation had already made major strides in its effort to make health care for AIDS victims more affordable not only in the Caribbean but in three African countries which they had agreed to assist. "In The Bahamas for instance, we have already been able to negotiate an 80 per cent reduction in the price they were paying for medication that will help keep people alive," he said. "This all means that to reach our shared goals working together is simply not an option but a requirement, and to achieve economic prosperity we will also have to achieve other challenges that affect prosperity directly and indirectly," Clinton said.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                Scaly is a football fan like mi self ... does Sandals pumping 500,000 into Reno FC count as giving back? Doesn't Sandals sponsor a football league. I knew they did up to a few years back.
                hahaha unhuh funny no rahtid !

                when Bill Gates was worth around 35bil a year his charitable donations were a pittance for someone with so much wealth and was embarrased in front cover story by Worth Magazine so he stepped up and formed the foundation with his wife and father and now does much better.

                u tink a few j$100 thousand is anything for Butch ?

                u think a project here and there is what I mean ?
                Everyone does that.

                I am taking about much more substantive giving of self, money, resources and taking on causes that make a big different and are representative of his wealth...............u tink $500,000 to football team or a few thousand to a farm project is anything for Butch or an Issa ? Please.


                • #23
                  Where is our black businessmen in all a dis? Some who a make some big money?

                  They are a part of the plantocracy too?

                  Butch has been giving not just a year or two ago but fi a long time. It nuh matter how Gates start give but the fact is he has now dedicated his time to giving worldwide.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #24
                    Well said Scaly and that is why our youth
                    is confronted with a no way out situation. Especially since the advent of
                    all inclusives (futher narrowing and chanelling the money in one direction).

                    I would like to see an all inclusive open up in Florida or London, even france. They seem restricted to third world countries. Why?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                      Where is our black businessmen in all a dis? Some who a make some big money?

                      They are a part of the plantocracy too?

                      Butch has been giving not just a year or two ago but fi a long time. It nuh matter how Gates start give but the fact is he has now dedicated his time to giving worldwide.

                      Nmae one black business man in Jamaica who even comes close to Butch or any Issa or Matalon or any other of them ?


                      • #26
                        Lazie have sense nuh man. Who is that
                        mobile unit benefiting? The poor people that must take taxis for various shifts? These poor lives in Salt spring, Green pond, Glendevon et al. That
                        vehicle (which is dime a dozen here) is not for the jakan populace.


                        • #27
                          Are you also aware of the gratuity concept in the all inclusive that is divided equally amongst workers? When I work in a regular hotel the only persons who made tips were the bellmen, the waiters, bartender and the housekeeping staff. Well when they charge gratuity it is divided amongst the chef, the ground staff, and others who don't normally see a guest. While I don't support the no tipping policy other swear by it.
                          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                          • #28
                            Scaly why yuh bad so? Now all
                            dem ah go hang now, cho


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                              Where is our black businessmen in all a dis? Some who a make some big money?

                              They are a part of the plantocracy too?

                              Butch has been giving not just a year or two ago but fi a long time. It nuh matter how Gates start give but the fact is he has now dedicated his time to giving worldwide.

                              One more thing let's see how much is given to cuases that have no direct effect on tourism, Gates builds software systems for computers bid is the single biggest financial contibutor to AIDS which have nothing to do with each other.


                              • #30
                                them nah fi come close. for most their percentage donation don't match Butch Stewart and nuff a dem tell you straight and direct "them nah give you nothing".

                                Nuff Jamaicans who have them wealth hide it and act like them a sufferer.
                                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

