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Gun - Crimes! Unnuh mad! & My Dispassionate Way!

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  • #16
    But mi cyaan tell yuh what and what into it!



    • #17
      Thanks! That's a good way of putting it!!



      • #18
        note to self...mosiah and maudib AGREE on cuffing karl.....

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #19
          Welcome to the world of shifting alliances!!

          Never a dull day here.


          • #20
            Not gonna happen Karl;
            Ja is finished. I will explain in detail in another post.


            • #21
              But unnu nah read di board?! I am always on the side of justice and decency. Whoever wants to follow suit does so at the risk of becoming an ally of mine.

              Karl has been talking some major crap on this board for a while, IN CAPS at dat! But is still mi bredren, and when we talk on the phone it's like I'm talking to my own dad! Mind you, he died several years ago.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #22

                Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                • #23
                  my dad.

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #24
                    Lawks - unuh is much FUN to be around
                    Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                    - Langston Hughes


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Karl View Post
                      That is what i am advocating!

                      What better defense than creating society where the criminals have no guns?!
                      Karl - our criminals are First Class criminals, them will find ways and means to get the guns. ...And don't forget that some of the criminals are not street boys and gals, they are Men and Women in NATIONAL UNIFORM!

                      So our first task is probably to get at those in the uniforms.
                      Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                      - Langston Hughes


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MdmeX View Post
                        .., they are Men and Women in NATIONAL UNIFORM!

                        So our first task is probably to get at those in the uniforms.
                        There is a court jester on the forum called Jawge, I wonder if him see this quote?
                        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                        • #27

                          Yeah, Karl is a very nice guy fi real.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Willi View Post
                            Karl what you postulated is a GOAL.

                            Now you need to give a workable PLAN.
                            Time to get everything in place and activate plans 60 days.

                            30 days
                            First as priority outfitting and refitting security forces, health services - war response hopitals/i.e. quick response units both in the field and back offices...all other areas, inclusive of telecommunication centers and lines, transporation, equipment, etc., etc.

                            If it means flying in outside experts and workers...MUST BE DONE!

                            THEN - next 30 days
                            First serious series of meetings with Security Forces - police and soldiers. Then meeeting with legally armed guards.

                            Then - relevant bodies: Fire Services, Health Services, Ambulance Services, Schools and other education institutions, churches, service clubs, private sector service organisations i.e. PSOJ, MAJ, etc.

                            Everything in place - All personel - All police vehicle fixed! All other police ancillory equipment at 100% capacity... ditto for Army, Air Foce, Air Wing...All Fire Trucks, the how and where to staff, equip, re-equip...active aggressive response units to snuff gun-criminal lives and to save lives...etc., etc., etc., etc., etc....

                            ...then coordinate on all electronic media outlets...

                            Address nation with the requisite serious tone of voice - wipe a tear away would be good when you hit the stats on the terrible deeds and the 'thrown in' real family tragedy(ies) (sniff emoticon) - ...throw in real figures on loss to some real families who lost a breadwinner and others that lost potential 'star' pupil/adult with unrealised potential...

                            ....then on to figures ...build to climax - potential loss to an industry...potential loss to the country...

                            ...then the government proposes -

                            1. THERE SHALL BE NO DECLARATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY! (We all uinderstand the power of such a declaration to the collective pyche of each individual and the nation.

                            Unline it - saying at least twice -

                            1. ...an immediate disarming of the society excepting for the government security forces. Guns are to be turned in at the nearest police stations ...and, these designated government facilities - (stop all the businesses they were set-up for - computers pre-loaded with programs
                            to record and automatically back-up and store the info...etc.

                            - e.g. The Record Office along the road to Ferry would be a good spot...

                            tomorrow between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. SIX Hours only!

                            Ofcourse only legal gun owners will turn in the guns. Three shall be lines and

                            3. Anyone found with a gun who is not a member of the security forces is considered a threat to civil society and an immediate danger to the rest of society...each and every member of the security force is advised to approach with caution and consider the subject within measure/under juridiction of the use of deadly force being exercised...(license to not take undue risk and to act on the advice/info broadcast as to 'approach with caution and to use deadly force on the assumption that the individual cop, his/her collegue or collegues and or member or members of the public is in immediate danger of being harmed...sotto voice - naturally di gov dun seh BUD dem a BUD in a nice way!).

                            2. ...Tivoli, Arnett, Hannah Town, Payne Lands, Boys Town, Rockfort, Back Bush, Areas in Mobay, May Pen, other trouble spots identified in other towns and villages, etc. cordon off with Soldiers...

                            3. Police to search all individuals and vehicles and 'effects' going in and out. - Leave for work and to go about business earlier to arrive on time. You are going to arrive home later than normal as searches shall be carried out at the behest of the security forces and the security forces must be obeyed!

                            4. Hospitals and Health Institutions, Ambulance Services, Fire Services, Volunteer rapid response units and or organisations on high alert - for emergency response to those hurt during this cleaning up of the country. (The language must be inclusive and convey by tone and choice of words seriousness and depth with which the 'cleaning up will be undertaken....no may but shall and will...must...order given, etc.

                            5. Coast Guard and Airwing (police and solders/navy...and, other millitary and para-millitery outfits to observe and search our watercraft and keys, etc.) move on that area.

                            Each and everyone free to move about as each and everyone wants to move about....subject to orderly processing of searches and the time decided by the security forces and manner directed by the security forces on how the searches are carried out. (in other words if the security forces establish a line - everyone must proceed as directed and or follow in natural order of the line...if the security forces...say at a football match tells someone who wishes to explain why he/she should be allowed to enter the sport arena...say "Right this way Sir or Madam"...then you must go "right this way"...and, "right this way" could depending on the decision taken by the security mean searches and verification of info you provide....etc.

                            The security forces members will be respectful but firm...orders will always be proceeded with 'nice' Sir or Madam...will you kindly...etc...but, they must be obeyed promptly...failure to obey will be 'resisting arrest'...and, the individual shall be immediately arrested and indepth processing and evaluation on possible reasons of 'the why' on the failure to comply with the lawful order was not carried out - As the reluctance to comply may among other things be an effort to distract or delay or in any other way hide, suppress or mislead...information on ID, mission, etc. must be investigated and cross-checked (including holding te individual in isolation and making the appropriate checks with so-called family and other contacts...including searching those relatives, family members...places of abode, etc.

                            Thorough and complete investigation - like checking phone records and cross checking with carrier.

                            In other words anything not considered 'civil behaviour' means the individual can be taken into custody and investigated. ...and, let us be clear that idea of what is 'civil behaviour' is determined by the security personel...not the individual.

                            Unnuh tek hit fram dere into preparations and instructing at the small unit and individual level and operating of same with adequate telecommunications...for flow of info up and down the chains,....various chains...

                            THEN FOREVER so we shall never again not have such rot - WITH REFINEMENT and MODIFICATIONS as to keep us civil.

                            Means nuff-nuff money affi spen...to get everything ready before 'kick-off'...butta a suh! Dis damn fool-fool way of allow crime to as reality put us all in jail MUST STAP!

                            btw - Willi: I hope you did not expect me to post my 50 department guides and 500 pages of "THE PLAN" here?

                            I am sure you can fill in the blanks on personel needed - security forces, government employees from departments not involved previously in security operations, volunteers...and, the MUS an BOUN of the rest of the population excepting criminals (the self made instant BUDS) who *MUS fall in line to make this work!

                            *Like the "Sir or Madam would you please..." or the unspoken you shall be detained/and, is detained/arrested/or shot!
                            ...i.e. just on chance anyone out there does not understand what I am proposing...EACH CITIZEN MUST OBEY!
                            Last edited by Karl; December 7, 2007, 12:39 PM.
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Hortical View Post
                              Karl are you advocating that people have the means to bear arms to defend themselves legally? Most Jamaicans lack the backbone and moral courage to support this.
                              Security forces, only!
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by MdmeX View Post
                                Karl - our criminals are First Class criminals, them will find ways and means to get the guns. ...And don't forget that some of the criminals are not street boys and gals, they are Men and Women in NATIONAL UNIFORM!

                                So our first task is probably to get at those in the uniforms.
                                To nullify!

                                The rest of society does not bear arms!
                                Why then did you shoot?

                                Better come damn good i.e. it must be irrefutable that that was your only recourse...
                                - or, guess who is going to jail or be the next DUPPY (gallows)?
                                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

