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Gun - Crimes! Unnuh mad! & My Dispassionate Way!

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  • Gun - Crimes! Unnuh mad! & My Dispassionate Way!

    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
    seems familiar?

    Cop ambushed

    Noel Thompson, Freelance Writer
    A POLICEMAN and the mother of his children were ambushed and shot dead by gunmen as they walked along a rocky dirt track early yesterday morning in the Peace View community in Albion, Montego Bay.

    Two bullets from the gunman's firearm silenced Special Constable Delroy Brown, 38, while a third killed 23-year-old Sheryl Reid, mother of two of his three children, close to her home.

    According to Michelle Morle, a friend who lives at the same house as Ms. Reid, Mr. Brown and Ms. Reid were returning from a night at the beach in Hopewell, Hanover, when they were shot.

    Police were still unsure late yesterday about the motive for the double murder. St. James's crime chief, Detective Deputy Superintendent Robert White, ruled out murder/suicide and robbery as motives for the killing. Mr. Brown's firearm, along with 13 live rounds, were still in his hand when the bodies were discovered.

    "We wouldn't want to attach a motive to the killing until we unravel the facts," Mr. White said. "No suspect has yet been held. Forensic exhibits have been collected from the scene and will be sent off to the laboratory for analysis."

    He said that it was evident that Mr. Brown had fired a single shot from his gun, but was unable to fire any more as the spent shell had lodged in the bridge and caused the gun to jam.

    Residents of the Peace View area told The Sunday Gleaner that they heard four explosions at about 1:20 a.m. and when they rushed outside, they saw the two bodies sprawled on the dirt track. Constable Brown's face was pressed against a rock with his right arm outstretched, still clutching his service 9mm firearm. He was dressed in a jogging pants and a merino.

    "Sandy", as Ms. Reid was popularly known, was found lying face down with one hand across her chest. She was clad in a pair of jeans shorts and striped blouse. She died one week shy of her 24th birthday.

    One bullet pierced Mr. Brown beneath the right armpit and another on the right hand, while Ms. Reid was shot in the mouth. The bullet exited through the top of her head.
    Their deaths have pushed the figure to 41 -- the number of persons slain in St. James since January and 610 islandwide. Constable Brown is the first lawman to be murdered in St. James since January.

    Mr. Brown, originally from Windsor Castle in Portland, was attached to the St. James Special Squad. He lived in the newly-built Cornwall Court Housing scheme with his common-law wife Dian Henry and their three-year-old daughter.

    Mr. Brown, who was on vacation leave, is the tenth police officer to be murdered since the start of the year

    Ms. Reid, a telemarketing sales representative, was employed to Sharpe Communications in the Montego Bay Freezone. She was killed about 30 yards from her gate.

    According to Ms. Reid's family members, Constable Brown had already given her a gold chain to mark her upcoming birthday. They said that when she asked him why he gave her the gift so early, he reportedly replied: "Mi nuh must live fi see yuh birthday so tek it from now."

    Ms. Reid, sources said, on Wednesday asked a neighbour to take care of her children if she died. The relationship between Mr. Brown and Ms. Reid produced two daughters, a three-year-old and a two-year-old.

    Yesterday morning at Ms. Reid's house a large crowd had converged on the rocky terrain. Her mother, Verona Wedderburn, said she last saw her daughter alive on Wednesday.

    "I called the house at about 9 p.m. on Friday and Mr. Brown was there. Him tell me sey him and Sheryl was going to the beach. A told Sheryl that she is to stay home with her children and give going out a break," a distraught Mrs. Wedderburn told The Sunday Gleaner. "A don't know how a going to cope but I will cry until I get over it."
    Miss Henry said she was also jolted by Mr. Brown's death. "I don't know how I will cope," she said, bowing her head in tears.
    ...and, you guys and ladies are against DISARMING the society?

    When gunmen come on you they do not say...stick their guns in their holsters, pockets, 'pants waists', or the gun-women put theirs in the purse and say "draw"...giving the intended victim that unfair (unfair because no one should be under such threats) last chance at living...they appear as normal persons going about their daily business or appear out of the blue - catching, as is their aim, the victim unawares....suddenly an instant away from 'being made a duppy'.

    If the intended victim has a gun or does not have a gun the result is the same - it starts and too often ends with gunfire from the gunman or gunmen! DUPPY TIME!

    What help does any gun on the victim provide? I'll answer - More often than not, it increases the supply of guns usually at what is more and more seen as the paltry life of the victim! ...puts one gun - (or put more guns) - to provide threat and possible hurt or kill the unsuspecting, on the street - in the hands of 'the DUPPY MAKER'!

    DISARM - ...and, make those without security forces authority...BUD!
    Random searches for and of all! ...their person, their effects and transportation vehicle.


    Let me go back to the days when there was no place in Jamaica I could not 'walk freely'...any of us could not freely go!

    btw - You do know that when the society is DISARMED the security forces will have to have extremely good reason to discharge a fire-arm? ...imagine the constraints having to explain and pass the bar of 'what is reasonable' and 'lawful' would have on cops and other security persons?

    Much more easy to 'put away' and or charge for manslaughter and murder of cops and other security persons...more wrong-doers would give up and suffer the consequencies of the courts as i) If there is a gun on their person - BUD and ii) no gun giving up means no killing and 'gun found'!

    OK! That would not happen immediately as the 'drying up' of guns on the streets would take time - BUDS cut down and guns taken off them...and, guns hidden and after a while becoming inoperable...the gun trade becoming less lucrative as an illegal gun is a death warrant...minds of population, including loved ones and relatives, would slowly turn against the having of an illegal gun! ...etc., etc....but, it would be a seen taking back of the streets.

    And how much is gun crime costing the nation?
    Yes?! xxxxx billions? ...say it again? xxxx billions?

    Could we then not afford to grant each family J$20,000,000.00 (U$300,000.00 approximattely) to inform on who has guns in the home and the actual recovery of the guns? Can we afford not to invest
    U$10,000,000.00 on such a program?

    Could we not pay the cash over a 20 year peroid? ...or, come up with other creative ways to do same?

    tek back di country!
    Must be the way to go!

    Criminals would be I think tripping over themselves to arrange through family to give up rivals ...and even give up friends and family members! ...after all is said and done wouldn't they do it...if as we say, "they are cold"!

    Last edited by Karl; December 7, 2007, 02:03 PM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    btw - You do know that when the society is DISARMED the security forces will have to have extremely good reason to discharge a fire-arm? ...imagine the constraints having to explain and pass the bar of 'what is reasonable' and 'lawful' would have on cops and other security persons?

    Karl, with all due respect... SHUT UP !

    "Man attacks Police with Knife" Memba dem amusing stories ?

    How do you propose disarming if you cannot demonstrate being able to stem the flow of ILLEGAL GUNS into the country from Haiti for example ?

    The 'Authorities' need to first demonstrate they can protect the people and secure the borders before they decide to 'ban guns'

    How yuh have suh much chat and yuh nuh haffi live yah suh ?


    • #3
      Agreed 100%!



      • #4
        Imagine man ah call fi tek wheh gun from Construction Moguls.. how man fi drive dem hexpensive SUV (or be driven it it) to work site and nuh have nuh firepower ?

        Talk tuh yuh bredrin fi mi nuh. Is high time him stap di nonsense now.


        • #5
          ...and, you guys and ladies are against DISARMING the society?
          The only people who should be disarmed are the gunmen & the private security firms who provide armed escort to the politicians.

          Karl & his other followers on the forum have no new ideas, and the failure of our leaders to adequately address crime has put us in this mess.

          When a white foreign journalist produced a report on crime and discussed the linkages with gangs and politicians, the negative reactions from the bourgeois elitists on the forum was predictable.

          The average law-abiding citizens must be given the means to defend himself, and the JDF & JCF lack the means to defend Jamaicans. Until Jamaica's leaders accept this, we are going to continue chatting nuff fart and bawling crocodile tears bout crime, and the inaction and failure to make a dent on crime shall continue.
          Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


          • #6
            I guess I could always bullet-proof it, no?



            • #7
              Suh yuh nah come out ah it ?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                Agreed 100%!
                Thought you would never so readily agree to a nonsense argument.

                Let me point you to the expected result - If you kill the market for a produce, the product ceases to enter where it is not wanted...there is no demand!

                Gunmen, gunwomen or would be gunmen and would be gunwomen purchase guns...eliminate those gunpersons and guns will not be shipped into a market that does not exist!
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hortical View Post
                  [b] The average law-abiding citizens must be given the means to defend himself, and the JDF & JCF lack the means to defend Jamaicans. Until Jamaica's leaders accept this, we are going to continue chatting nuff fart and bawling crocodile tears bout crime, and the inaction and failure to make a dent on crime shall continue.
                  That is what i am advocating!

                  What better defense than creating society where the criminals have no guns?!
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    Um.. suh di Gangs gwine fight each oddah with.. knives and machete ??

                    What gun law haffi duh with eliminating Gangs ???

                    In di middle of a war yuh gwine decide fi tek wi gun from di innocent civilians ???

                    Is where did madman come fram ?


                    • #11
                      How yuh duh dat.. Pass a Law ?

                      Take us through this process of 'disarming' and preventing access to guns in Jamaica.. mek mi si how yuh reason.


                      • #12
                        All bar een deh! Whey mi a come out fah!?

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          It have bathroom ?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Karl View Post
                            That is what i am advocating!
                            Karl are you advocating that people have the means to bear arms to defend themselves legally? Most Jamaicans lack the backbone and moral courage to support this.
                            Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


                            • #15
                              Karl what you postulated is a GOAL.

                              Now you need to give a workable PLAN.

