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Mr Warmington we expected, but Mr Chuck???

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  • #16
    That's your response, Lazie? Come one, man.



    • #17
      Originally posted by Sickko View Post
      Attack is the wrong choice of words Lazie, choose some thing else...you have it in you to do better
      As I indicated to Sass yesterday, everybody claimed that I am biased, therefore it would have been better if you, Mosiah or KArl reported what Chuck said.

      I reported what the man said, Karl Samuda has suspended the distribution of checks in his constituency, suh lets hear unuh complain that he is involved in political victimization nuh?

      Chuck stated that Warmington spoke for 30 minutes, RJR played a 45 second clip of the entire speech yet none of you pause to consider what Chuck said? I wonder why? I did make it known he was on the radio, why unuh never tune in to hear what he was saying?
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #18
        Stick to Warmington. Wi can get to Samuda later.



        • #19
          Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
          Stick to Warmington. Wi can get to Samuda later.
          When the previous gov't was distributing hurricane relief checks close to the general elections, the JLP reps complained that the checks were being used to buy votes. Now they're in gov't they're taking steps to avoid the same controversy, Samuda said he has suspended it, according to Chuck, that was the point Warmington was making, but no, unuh nuh want to hear that.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #20
            After all that spinning and running around like a headless chicken or Jaimie Lawrence in the Jamaican midfield he has still not said a thing, maybe it is the bootheels going down his throat slowly that is gagging him
            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
            Che Guevara.


            • #21
              cause it seemed so incredible that someone could be so stupid.

              however, seeing the quotes, it game over!


              • #22
                Thank you, willi. Now, if only we could get some others to have the same decency and honour...sigh

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #23
                  Don't bother, Lazie. Next topic!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #24

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                      When the previous gov't was distributing hurricane relief checks close to the general elections, the JLP reps complained that the checks were being used to buy votes. Now they're in gov't they're taking steps to avoid the same controversy, Samuda said he has suspended it, according to Chuck, that was the point Warmington was making, but no, unuh nuh want to hear that.
                      Lazie sometimes you should just quit when you are behind. It is unfortunate how we cant resist the temptation to defend the indefensible fom Trafigura, light bulbs, the mother of all garrisons and now this, cho man when you do this you lose credibility and I am one of those who think you are credible.


                      • #26
                        Hyperbole and innuendo raise all the red flags neccessary:

                        Mr Chuck went on Nationwide Radio's This Morning show and spoke the most arrant nonsense in defence of Mr Everald Warmington, who set back this country 100 years, having clearly lost his reason in front of a Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) crowd Sunday night in Old Harbour, St Catherine.

                        It came as no surprise to us that Mr Warmington, the current minister of state for water and housing, is reported as warning supporters that they would not receive hurricane relief cheques if they did not vote for his party in today's local government elections.

                        As quoted in our Tuesday edition, the member of parliament told the JLP supporters that he had advised Labour and Social Security Minister Pearnel Charles that hurricane relief cheques for Old Harbour Bay residents, whose homes had been damaged by Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and Hurricane Dean this year, should be issued from his South West St Catherine constituency office, ostensibly so he could be sure that cheque recipients had actually voted JLP.

                        "Dem talk 'bout Ivan Money, it coming up now. Three thousand a you from Old Harbour Bay expect fe get. You know what a tell de minister sey. I told Minister Charles. Don't send one striking cheque down ya till after Wednesday (election day)," Mr Warmington said. "Don't send none... After Wednesday, what is yours is yours and what is mine is mine. Mek sure de vote is mine."

                        It got worse: "People sey dem put Warmington dey already, but it nuh done yet. The first thing I am going to do after Wednesday is go on my computer an look if yuh vote fe get de cheque. A tell de minister sey mek sure sey when him a issue cheque him issue them from 40 East Street, Old Harbour for yuh should not want Government benefit if yuh don't perform or participate in governance."

                        1. Set back the Country 100 years ???

                        2. REPORTED as warning supporters ?? Reported by who ? and why 'reported' either he did or he did not.

                        3. OBSTENSIVELY so he could be sure ?? Drawing an inference and claiming an ability for Warmington to determine who voted for JLP.. hmmm.

                        Reasonable piece of propoganda.

                        "A tell de minister sey mek sure sey when him a issue cheque him issue them from 40 East Street, Old Harbour for yuh should not want Government benefit if yuh don't perform or participate in governance."

                        Excellent principle. Citizens should NOT want Governement benefits if they are not prepared to perform or participate in governance.

                        Warmington was weak in separating his arguments and as a result gave mixed signals providing fodder for propogandists.. he probably needs a good communications expert or speech writer.

                        Warmington must understand that we change course and he will be held to a HIGHER standard as a JLP representative. It is like being black in American.. you must work TWICE as hard as your white counterpart to validate your position.. don't try and fight it, accept it and act accordingly.

                        I like the varying responses from the JLP.. it demonstrates INDEPENDENCE of thought, a nice break from the CULT lockstep mentality of the PNP.


                        • #27
                          ok... i'll submit that he has more command there... whether or not he is sensible on those choices... still up for debate...

                          a weh mi frend lazie deh dwoh eeh... mi know him back broad, suh mi know a nuh nuttten
                          'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                          • #28
                            Have you said your piece? Good! You may run along, now!

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #29
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                              • #30
                                Is that an order by the Garrison heads ?

