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Vasciannie’s advice to the dpp

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  • #16
    sorry willi but i did not see where you said that... and my disappointment your support of the introduction of the multitude of issues by maudib, that had no relevance to the discussion of whether vasciannie acted with competence as counsel...

    its all good willi... everyting kriss said way...
    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


    • #17
      Originally posted by Assasin View Post
      The fact is if the PNP was in power it would never would have been investigated.
      cannot agree with the above statement

      Originally posted by Assasin View Post
      I doubt any PNP will go a jail
      not sure of the above... if people were found guilty of breaking the law, the appropriate punishment needs to meted out... if that means jail or fine or both, so be the case... further, the fervor with which this gov't is pursuing this, i would not be surprised if jail would be the sentence if anyone is found guilty of accepting bribes...
      'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


      • #18
        B, The PNP had a chance to clear it up and until now some a say the JLP only a try score points which is true to an extent but the point is that a some elements in the PNP start it and they don't need to be sheilded.

        In you notice in the House the PNP choose not to vote for or against letting the investigators in.

        My take is that the Dutch law don't allow companies to give money to politican as donation so Trafigura couldn't say it is a donation so they say is for business transaction but what are they going to charge the PNP with? Bibery? How much Jamaicans go to jail for bibery? This will show how corrupt some of our politicians are and especially the ones in the PNP but I don't think they will go to jail but you don't know what the Trafigura exec them tell the investigators already.
        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Baddaz View Post
          willi, i expected better from you... really... the class warfare and color issue and afrocentricism and dastardly acts by trafigura has nothing to do with the application of the law or the support of the application and interpretatioin of the standing conventions and acts...

          based on what i read, i am conviced that vasciannie was only interpreting the standing un treaties and advising the govt on the best way to move forward so that the govt would not be found in contravention of jamaica laws, u.n. conventions and existing mutual assistance act... that would the expectation of any competent individual acting in vasciannie's capacity at that time...

          The problem is that many of us here start our analysis of an issue with a CONCLUSION based on a visceral reaction to the outcome.
          We have a preferred outcome and if that is not satisfied we try to find facts or a spin on events that would support our preference and negate the actual outcome.
          No one can point out that his opinion was in error.

          Vasciannie is being victimized because of his criticism of Golding for bailing out of the NDM.... nothing else. Golding is being small minded but.... that's the definition of a Jamaican politician.

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #20
            'We have a preferred outcome and if that is not satisfied we try to find facts or a spin on events that would support our preference and negate the actual outcome.'

            regretably, thats true...
            'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


            • #21
              i will continue to say.. let the chips fall where they may... as long as due diligence is exercised in accordance to the existing laws and protocols and the constitution of jamaica isn't breached i will be satisfied...
              'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


              • #22
                You people are beginning to believe your own BS.

                How long ago was the Dutch request made ?

                What steps were taken by the then Govt to faciliate such requests ?

                What is the dancing around about ?

                The PNP govt was not interested in the Trafigura case being pursued and they found a legal angle with the assistance of Mr. Versacci which kept them safe simply by their inaction. Problem solved for the PNP.

                The JLP are now in power and justice can take its course. Versacci is not the only person qualified for the job and certain of his antecedents do not place him in a position of confidence with the new Govt... the resistance being met implies a lot at stake.. ah wondah who a fret suh.


                • #23
                  Your last statement is how do you say.. a CONCLUSION based on a visceral reaction to the outcome and belies ignorance of the facts.

                  It is also simplistic and naive.


                  • #24
                    Hmmm.. seems like I touched a nerve.

                    Your last statement is the definition of ironic.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                      No one can point out that his opinion was in error.
                      argument dun!

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #26
                        No it is NOT.

                        He gave the answer that suited a conclusion.

                        It was not in error, but it was premeditated.

                        I am blaming him, as if he did not, what would have been the consequence???


                        • #27
                          I think you just gave an opinion.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #28
                            True. So did you. LoL

                            You know what I mean though.
                            Unlike others, mi know yuh well intelligent, so yuh can gwaan. LoL


                            • #29
                              this is where you show yourself to be an idiot... you lack the capacity to engage in a meaningful debate without you resorting to your standard political drivel... speaking of moral compass... you wouldn't know what a moral compass is, even when its being forced up your ass...[/QUOTE]

                              With an act like that you better change that to IMMORAL COMPASS!

                              With this fellow if such a compass was green, he probably would willingly take it for the team, such is his blind devotion to that cause.

                              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                              • #30

                                And it's TEAM!

                                BLACK LIVES MATTER

