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Employers warned to brace for higher wage claims

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  • Employers warned to brace for higher wage claims

    Public and private sector employers are being warned to gear up for higher wage claims in the wake of the continuing rise in the cost of living.

    The warning has come from the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU).

    With forecasts of higher than projected inflation due mainly to the effects of the rise in oil prices, trade unions are said to be preparing to clamour for bigger wage packages for their members.

    Acting President of the JCTU, Wayne Jones, says this will be manifested in coming weeks when wage contracts come up for renewal.

    The increase in basic living expenses has major implications for the Public Sector Memorandum of Understanding which comes up for renewal early next year.

    Pre-negotiation talks have already started between the Ministry of Finance and trade union officials.

    And for the first time the Nurses Association of Jamaica (NAJ) says it will include an inflation rider in its new wage claim.

    This will provide for additional salary adjustments if the annual increase in inflation is higher than projected.

    NAJ President Edith Allwood-Anderson says the clause will protect nurses' salaries from being significantly eroded due to increases in the cost of living.

    The NAJ's claim for the 2008 to 2010 period is to be submitted to the Finance Ministry before the end of the month.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    At last we will get a rationalization of the Public Sector.

    End of the Welfare program...

    Who can't produce haffi retrain.. oddawise... dem days dark...

