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Showers of blessings?

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  • Showers of blessings?

    Showers of blessings?
    Lloyd B. Smith
    Tuesday, November 13, 2007

    A political cynic has pointed out to me that since the Jamaica Labour Party won the 2007 general election on September 3, the country has been weeping. That has been his interpretation of the persistent showers that have been falling since then. He went on further to list a number of woes afflicting the nation in the wake of Bruce Golding taking over as prime minister, including an increase in violent crimes, the spiralling prices in basic foods, gas and utilities, and a plethora of other negatives. All this has occurred against the background of the JLP's favourite slogan/buzzword "Shower".

    And even as the JLP, after some two months in office, prepares for its annual conference at which it is likely that the date for the local government elections will be announced, the "showers" continue almost unabated. Is this a classic case of "be careful what you wish for"? The plot gets even thicker when one factors in PNP Member of Parliament and former State Minister Kern Spencer's "showering" of Gordon House with his tears even as the Bulb Scandal unfolds like a daytime soap opera in prime time. What? Did I hear someone say, "More shower!"?

    Seriously, though, if I may be allowed to use a tried and true epithet, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going", it would seem to me that rather than giving the nation excuse after excuse, the Golding administration must become more proactive and get the job done. After all, that is why they were elected. To govern, not to continue to be purveyors of doom and gloom as they were wont to be in opposition.

    Listening to Prime Minister Golding on Sunday night during his first fireside chat to the country, one senses that he means well, despite the many challenges that already beset his fledgling regime. Clearly, he had to say something to an electorate that he and his party will be calling upon shortly to give it another mandate in terms of controlling local government. Timing is the art of politics and Mr Golding's time is perfect, both in terms of assuaging an increasingly worried nation as well as his troops who must now prepare for yet another battle on the hustings.

    Against this background, it is beginning to look as if it will be business as usual. In other words, "ole time sinting come back again". Where is the newness, where is the difference, Mr Golding? I know I will be pilloried by the motley crew of JLP supporters who feel that their "Golden One" can do no wrong, but that is one of the hazards of being a columnist that dares to take on whichever party is in power.

    As a Jamaican that is truly committed to this country, it is my fervent hope that Prime Minister Golding will achieve many of the objectives that emanated from his party's manifesto.

    However, in order for this to become a reality, Mr Golding must realise that his promise of an inclusive rather than exclusive government must be fulfilled. Current trends do not suggest this. Indeed, those of us who now dare to rap the Golding team on its knuckles are fast becoming personae non gratae.

    It is still early days yet, and what may be deemed to be showers of curses could well turn out to be showers of blessings for Golding and the JLP. To put it bluntly, the tough ones in the JLP need to get going. The country has had enough of the excuses, complaints and the pointing of fingers. Action time now, no more "bag o' mouth"!

    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Originally posted by Karl View Post
    Showers of blessings?
    Lloyd B. Smith
    Tuesday, November 13, 2007

    The country has had enough of the excuses, complaints and the pointing of fingers. Action time now, no more "bag o' mouth"!

    Yuh know I warned Boxhill about this!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      It's funny how the cartoonist
      from the observer keep pointing at the PNP (as if they are in govt.) and Mark Wignall keeps coming with his blame game. I would like to hear what Wiggy has to say about Bruce's speech.


      • #4
        No true leader comes with
        a bag of excuses. I told you guys long time ago that Bruce wasn't a leader. External influences, LOL


        • #5
          I guess after 18 years of excuses, one can get tired of it. LoL

          Some of these comment that are in the newspaper are just ludicrous.


          • #6
            Internal and external.

            Portia had a bag of excuses, the chief one was the most unforgivable.

            "Ah caan do nutten till ah have mi own mandate". What a crock!


            • #7
              and at the same time we didn't have
              the escalating prices as now. Willi your arguments are circular: I thought you said it was just bad luck that JLP won at this time?


              • #8
                Excuse me, did Portia face these challenges in her non-mandate?

                U are the circular one.

                Bad luck? Bad luck for WHOM?


                • #9
                  So I guess all those gas riots kept or prices down to US $1 per gallon. LoL

                  I already TOLD you that prices in Jamaica have been on a steady upward climb thru all Govts. Temporary reprieves from time to time only fool the naive. I rather anything discretionary be spend on medium long term investments in competitiveness, not on full belly stop gap populist measures. Where has that gotten us in 45 years??

                  Unless we structually change the economy and increase real income, then average standard of living will continue to fall.


                  • #10
                    Okay Willi explain why are these
                    external influences bothering Bruce and not the previous govt.? I'm sure you can recall; the many times when you and others came on this board saying time for a change. You said Bruce had the right formula to fix the ills and woes of JA. You even said INT"l investors would gladly embrace him. So what's the problem now? Is it the rains Willi?


                    • #11
                      Willi I suggest you take some time
                      sit and figure out how you are going to speak on the present dilema with the present govt. You then return to the site objective arguments explaining the sudden emergence of outside influences (bearing in mind that prior to Sept.3 it was the PNP) Thanks.


                      • #12
                        Dont be obtuse!

                        We are talking about short term constraints!

                        When did the previous govt face such a confluence of external adverse conditions??

                        The quality of the team will be judged on how they extricate themselves from such confines in the medium to long term, not by kneejerk populist initiatives that hurt in the long run.

                        Let us just end this here, as I cannot believe that you are that pig headed. I prefer to think that you are deliberately obfuscating as you got deeply wounded on Set. 3.

                        Hush, you gotta roll with the punches.


                        • #13
                          Stop talk foolishness.

                          You are supposed to be the eternal learner, so keep quiet and listen!


                          • #14
                            So now we are in a very unusual time
                            and it so happens that it's the JLP that's in GOVT. Is is what you are saying Willi?


                            • #15
                              Listen to what Willi?

