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  • Who memba dis?

    Paulwell moving to break C&W's monopoly

    MINISTER OF Commerce and Technology Phillip Paulwell says Jamaica will sign a Memora-ndum of Understanding in mid-February with IRIDIUM, a North American based Infom-atics Company to provide a new satellite-linked mobile communications system, the Global Mobile Personal Communica-tion System (GMPCS).

    "This will allow individuals to utilise a Telecom facility installed in one location but can be used in any part of the world," Minister Paulwell told journalists in Montego Bay on Friday. Minister Paulwell's signature on the MOU will mean the immediate availability of the facility locally and this "should augur well for the tourism sector," the minister said. He added that competition from at least three other companies is expected shortly.

    The Commerce and Techno-logy Minister said Govern-ment's new Telecom policy allows for the introduction of such services, and such a move will further erode Cable & Wireless' (C&W), monopolistic claim on the telephony sector region-wide. The Minister was a participant of the seventh annual meeting of the Executive Council of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) held at the Holiday Inn in Montego Bay on Friday.

    "Jamaica is among the first of the Caribbean nations to give an indication to break lose of C&W's hold on the Telecom market and will be the first to sign on to GMPCS," said Secretary General of CTU Roderick Sanatan. Plan of action According to Sanatan, countries across the region have expressed dissatisfaction with the "monopolistic operations" of C&W. CTU is therefore advocating a plan of action to be dealt with in "1999 so that the year 2000 is entered on a clear understanding."

    The status of the negotiations of the telecommunications monopoly licenses region-wide, was the focus of the agenda of the CTU meeting. As such, it was accepted that the region needed to "adopt a common strategy and approach, C&W and Public Licenses Company-UK, with some urgency, to speedily make the necessary adaptations to introduce competition in the Telecom sector in the region," Minister Paulwell said. Members of the Union have agreed to forward these recommendations to the next CARICOM Heads of Government meeting for ratification. The CTU was established by CARICOM and is specialised to handle Telecom policies of the region.

  • #2
    Then this:

    Iridium Goes Bankrupt and Ends Phone Service

    Iridium World Communications Limited ended its phone service on March 17 after it failed to attract a buyer to save it from the auction block. The mobile phone company was unable to make payments on more than four billion US dollars in debt.

    Iridium once promised to deliver wireless telephone service anywhere in the world, but ended up filing for bankruptcy in August 1999.
    The prospect of final liquidation loomed after cellular communications pioneer Craig McCaw and his investment group pulled out of a plan to buy the company.

    A judge gave the company permission to bring its 66 satellites, worth five-billion-dollars, back down to allow them to burn up in the atmosphere, a process that may begin in the next two weeks.

    Meanwhile, the judge gave Iridium approval to spend 8 million US dollars to start closing its business, including giving severance pay to employees.
    The service, which began in late 1998, stumbled out of the starting gate, and never got enough customers to make it viable. Critics said its phones, which cost as much as three thousand US dollars, were too bulky and required a separate antenna for use indoors or in cars.

    Some 55-thousand Iridium customers are left with useless telephones.
    Iridium representatives in China are now considering ways to compensate more than nine-hundred Chinese customers. The compensation plan won't be known until next week.


    • #3
      How many people in Jamaica were affected by this?



      • #4
        Originally posted by Bricktop View Post
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        How many people in Jamaica were affected by this?
        Do you remember how much $$ the country lost cause he invested millions of dollars in IRIDIUM stock? The stock plumetted from $80 to $3. Care to ask that question again?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bricktop View Post
          Do you remember how much $$ the country lost cause he invested millions of dollars in IRIDIUM stock? The stock plumetted from $80 to $3. Care to ask that question again?
          Minister of Youthful Exuberance. Then to make matters worse if the PNP had won the election he would still be in charge of the Exuberance Ministry.

          You stay deh pay Mosiah mind, he is more concerned about being a good comrade.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #6
            I guess raising the level is really beyond you.

            I asked an innocent question. Unlike you, I did not keep notes on this Iridium thing. I wish you would quit putting motives in my post. Those false motives amount to LIES, Lazie. But then again, that has never stopped you from doing what you do.



            • #7
              Not fair lazie.

              I see Mo tekking on Karl in another post that proves otherwise.


              • #8
                He will tell you that I am only trying to appear objective. Where was Lazie when Courtney and Balla use to cuss me off and treat mi like a Labourite because of my posts?

                Without a doubt, my political leanings are PNP, but mi a nuh eediat.

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  I thought you were Rasta Party ?


                  • #10
                    Don't seh mi never did warn yuh...

