(I think the word Yuppy is dated though) Or should it be the resurgence of the Browning
Mo yuh tink yuh can jine dis club anymore?

Keeping fit and healthy, requires regular exercise and a proper diet. While it may be easy to maintain a proper diet, exercising requires time and discipline. But what if you could shorten your workouts and still maximise the benefits? Well you can, with the Power Plate machine.
The Power Plate is a vibration device that stimulates the body's natural response to vibration. Muscles contract between 25 and 50 times per second, accelerating the work out.
Available exclusively at In Motion Dance and Fitness Centre, the machine facilitates muscle toning as well as weight loss. An hour in the gym is cut to just 15 minutes on this machine, according to its manufacturers.
Fitness instructors
Shana Santalla, a Power Plate fitness instructor from South Beach Florida, was in Jamaica recently to train fitness instructors on how to use the machine. Santalla told Flair that the machine has been around for 10 years and was originally developed by Russian scientist Vladimir Nazarov, to prevent the deterioration of astronauts' muscles while they were in space. Actors, athletes and dancers, as well as regular people, now enjoy the benefits of the machine.
According to Santalla, the benefits of the machine include: increased blood circulation, increased bone mineral density, decreased cellulite, accelerated weight loss, increased muscle strength and flexibility, improved range of motion, it also eliminates strain on your joints (like the effects of weights over long-time use), and it induces the growth of human growth hormone which helps to repair your muscles.
Full body workout
"Usually a session consists of a stretch, a full body workout and a massage," Santalla explains. There is an unlimited number of positions that can be done on it. "Any part of the body that you can work out in or outside of the gym; legs, upper body, abdominals, you can do on this machine," Santalla adds.
Persons who suffer from osteoporosis and arthritis can also benefit from this machine. Three times a week for 30 minutes is her recommended routine.
Suzanne Mahfood Ho-Tai, owner of In Motion, told Flair she decided to add the machine to the range of exercise equipment at her centre because of its benefits.
"I like the health benefits. It is important to keep fitness dynamic, people can become bored (with their workout routine) so it's good to change," she said.
The Power Plate helps to increase flexibility. Here Helga Marzouca stretches her legs.
The cost for one session is $2,500, 10 sessions cost $2,000 each or 20 sessions for $1,800 each. Or you can just join the gym for $7,000 monthly.
Flair visited In Motion to experience the machine. The first position assumed was the squat. Holding the position for just one minute gave the same effect of about five minutes. During the stretch, you could feel each muscle being worked.
The massage was very relaxing, almost therapeutic. An itchy feeling followed by a warm tingle was felt after the session. Santalla explained that this was due to the increased blood flow. Itchy legs or an itchy nose is normal.

Keeping fit and healthy, requires regular exercise and a proper diet. While it may be easy to maintain a proper diet, exercising requires time and discipline. But what if you could shorten your workouts and still maximise the benefits? Well you can, with the Power Plate machine.
The Power Plate is a vibration device that stimulates the body's natural response to vibration. Muscles contract between 25 and 50 times per second, accelerating the work out.
Available exclusively at In Motion Dance and Fitness Centre, the machine facilitates muscle toning as well as weight loss. An hour in the gym is cut to just 15 minutes on this machine, according to its manufacturers.
Fitness instructors
Shana Santalla, a Power Plate fitness instructor from South Beach Florida, was in Jamaica recently to train fitness instructors on how to use the machine. Santalla told Flair that the machine has been around for 10 years and was originally developed by Russian scientist Vladimir Nazarov, to prevent the deterioration of astronauts' muscles while they were in space. Actors, athletes and dancers, as well as regular people, now enjoy the benefits of the machine.
According to Santalla, the benefits of the machine include: increased blood circulation, increased bone mineral density, decreased cellulite, accelerated weight loss, increased muscle strength and flexibility, improved range of motion, it also eliminates strain on your joints (like the effects of weights over long-time use), and it induces the growth of human growth hormone which helps to repair your muscles.
Full body workout
"Usually a session consists of a stretch, a full body workout and a massage," Santalla explains. There is an unlimited number of positions that can be done on it. "Any part of the body that you can work out in or outside of the gym; legs, upper body, abdominals, you can do on this machine," Santalla adds.
Persons who suffer from osteoporosis and arthritis can also benefit from this machine. Three times a week for 30 minutes is her recommended routine.
Suzanne Mahfood Ho-Tai, owner of In Motion, told Flair she decided to add the machine to the range of exercise equipment at her centre because of its benefits.
"I like the health benefits. It is important to keep fitness dynamic, people can become bored (with their workout routine) so it's good to change," she said.
The Power Plate helps to increase flexibility. Here Helga Marzouca stretches her legs.
The cost for one session is $2,500, 10 sessions cost $2,000 each or 20 sessions for $1,800 each. Or you can just join the gym for $7,000 monthly.
Flair visited In Motion to experience the machine. The first position assumed was the squat. Holding the position for just one minute gave the same effect of about five minutes. During the stretch, you could feel each muscle being worked.
The massage was very relaxing, almost therapeutic. An itchy feeling followed by a warm tingle was felt after the session. Santalla explained that this was due to the increased blood flow. Itchy legs or an itchy nose is normal.