Monday, November 05, 2007
Dear Editor,
We are living in a country where violence is disrupting our entire society. To control crime, we need serious people, experienced in fighting crime. This is why I endorse Reneto Adams to be the next police commissioner.
I know this is a "pipe" dream, but I think he is the best person for the job. All others on 'that list' would be at the mercy of the political directorate.
Since there is no easy solution to be found for our crime problem, stringent measures need to be taken.
News of the police killing criminals is welcomed. Can you imagine how peaceful it would be if we were able to rid the society of three of them everyday or every other day? It's brutal, but that is a stand that needs to be taken.
These criminals are not making it easy, so we have to fight fire with fire. The Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Defence Force need to organise their operations. Yes, there are going to be a few innocent victims within that mix, but this is war and there will always be casualties of war.
Esworth Williams
Dear Editor,
We are living in a country where violence is disrupting our entire society. To control crime, we need serious people, experienced in fighting crime. This is why I endorse Reneto Adams to be the next police commissioner.
I know this is a "pipe" dream, but I think he is the best person for the job. All others on 'that list' would be at the mercy of the political directorate.
Since there is no easy solution to be found for our crime problem, stringent measures need to be taken.
News of the police killing criminals is welcomed. Can you imagine how peaceful it would be if we were able to rid the society of three of them everyday or every other day? It's brutal, but that is a stand that needs to be taken.
These criminals are not making it easy, so we have to fight fire with fire. The Jamaica Constabulary Force and the Jamaica Defence Force need to organise their operations. Yes, there are going to be a few innocent victims within that mix, but this is war and there will always be casualties of war.
Esworth Williams