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Growth vs Development..

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  • #31
    One question

    Can Jamaica grow corn and soybeans? If the world market prices of those commodities are higher than sugar and banana. Why are we still growing sugar cane and banana?

    If we are serious about development shouldn't we be doing SWOT analysis of what it is that we hope to do?

    We are still using the 60's model of development and its like we don't realise the internet exists.

    What is our strenghts and how can we maximize our return on investment from that?

    What about the remittances? is there any way we could use that to help our development or are we stuck on going hat in hand to the slave master?

    Look by now the man dem must know that I could care less about who a carry belly when mi say that WE are nothing but show off slaves so my suggestion is the quicker we get over it the better.

    The fact remains that we think only the USA can grow corn, wheat and cotton and we sit back and watch them underdevelop our countries while having us grow products not to feed ourselves but to export to them while they pay us little or nothing.

    First things first and in order for us to develop we need to find that switch that was turned off in our brain during slavery and after(with the tv) once we find that switch and turn it back on then we can talk bout development.

    What did they do to us? How come its so hard for us to THINK



    • #32
      It was even worse.

      Manley had the backing of ALL classes, the making for improved social cohesion and real human development in Jamaica.

      Didn't we ALMOST have it all? Daddy Manley should have been as fortunate and Jamaica would be a much improved place now.


      • #33
        Much is expected from he who is given much to begin with.


        • #34
          All classes? When, what year?


          • #35
            You mekking excuses for his failure.

            Manley realized he failed too. Look at his face in the interview in the docu "Life and Debt". He KNEW.


            • #36
              Yuh a jokah J.

              She was wieghed and measured and found wanting.

              Maybe some time in the wilderness will help her to wheel and come betta, but I doubt it.


              • #37
                Did you see my post to you last week?

                On another note, instead of corn and wheat (the latter not suited to us), why are we not growing Chlorella and spirulina for the alternative health food markets? That commands even higher prices and with our glorious sunshine and tgood water, we could make a mint! Also, we have varuious plants and herbs that are in demand. What Noni juice costs in Cali?


                • #38
                  Weighed and measured by
                  whose standards? The massa? Willi come better.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Islandman View Post
                    If the 60s was hell, and I certainly agree that there was a lot of inequality and injustice and the growth did not reach all levels of society, how would you describe the 70s? Do you think the "right" modifications were made to correct this or did we tear down the whole building ?

                    Or maybe you think the whole foundation was such that it had to be torn down? If so did we replace it with something better?
                    I think you are the first person here who has met me in thinking "we" and not the PNP (or JLP) on this?

                    There was one big fault of Michael Manley and our PMs (political parties) particularly from the Shearer elections onward - none of the parties could get the entire (OK - most of us) population on the 'same page'.

                    Many here do not remember as they are wrapped in 'partisan tissue' that both parties in each of their periods of managing the affairs of the country had some exceedingly good ideas. E.g. I constantly refer to Robert Lightbourne's 'screwdriver industry' policy among others...but, unfortunately the messages to the people including the 'concrete trearing down' of some good programs of past regimes and waste by renaming and rebranding as opposed to building on the brand some programs, was self-defeating.

                    No we did not tear down everything...but, too often we did not follow-up on. ...provide the maintenance and building on. It was like - two steps forward and one step backwards type progression. That type 'managing' slows growth and development...causes the country to miss some opportunities...and in some cases, too many cases, leaves us flounding behind where we could be...and shall cost us more in time and money to catch up.

                    I hope we all can look at the past - 1944 to present - with cold dispassionate eyes...acknowledge where we are & then come to some consensus on 'the way forward'.

                    No country is a failed country unless opportunites to 'make better' are not grasped. Jamaica is not a failed country. Opportunities abound. The question is; which generation (political party?) shall start the process of...first step to a culture of...grasping opportunities/the very many great opportunities to BETTER...first world status?
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #40
                      Never heard of the New Light Monvement? Whose Govt had the Matalons in it. People like Eric Bell, Butch Stewart, the Pringles, etc.

                      Mike carried uptown AND Downtown. I guess you were too young to know. I was young but I remember 1972 fairly well. Almost everybody i knew were "Power" people.

                      Is Georges mi go and I can tell you that MOST of the Chinese were PNP in the early 1970s and did not switch till 1975-6....some not until 1980!!


                      • #41
                        You sound like Don now. It is a good post.

                        You only fail to address one issue.

                        The last Govt got very very very corrupt and completely lost their way. They started badly by NOT taking strong action in the 1990s with the furniture scandal and it continued the slowly degenerating downward spiral. TRhis is why I watch ALL Govts, including this one. Its OUR money and we have to safeguard it.


                        • #42
                          By the electorate and by me. I dont need anyone's permission. Sorry.

                          Your constant reference to perceived bogeymen notwithstanding, I have made my case and stand by it.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Willi View Post
                            You sound like Don now. It is a good post.

                            You only fail to address one issue.

                            The last Govt got very very very corrupt and completely lost their way. They started badly by NOT taking strong action in the 1990s with the furniture scandal and it continued the slowly degenerating downward spiral. TRhis is why I watch ALL Govts, including this one. Its OUR money and we have to safeguard it.
                            Let's be dispassionate and fair!
                            Corruption has been with us a long time.

                            Question: What percentage growth has it seen election cycle through to election cycle?

                            What %age of annual budget lost through corruption during each government's reign?

                            I am thinking that the reality and or perception of corruption as having grown %age-wise is more a matter of greater media coverage and growing size of budget.

                            Let us not forget 'tiefin' occurred and it was kept 'hush-hush' in the earliest days...and, that for example, 2% of a budget of say $70,000,000.00 is a lot less dollars than 2% of a budget of say $2,000,000,000.00? Yet in this latter it would still be 2%!

                            ...and, if you look at dollars per person lost - then what was the population then...and, what is the population now?

                            ...and, what about what the earlier 2% of $70,000,000 could 'buy/do' and what the 2% of $2,000,000,000 can 'buy/do' today?
                            ...etc., etc.

                            Truth is I am thinking perception of 'losses through the scandals' if an accounting is done at all levels will prove 'trifling' when compared to individual $1,000 here and there by the 'ordinary worker' and 'loss time at work and or 'goofing off' and or underperforming by individuals... I wonder?

                            Improve governance and improve managing techniques...and efforts put into 'doing' and we may be talking multiples of billions...and, the reaping of appreciable leaps forward?
                            Last edited by Karl; November 6, 2007, 01:22 PM.
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #44
                              Onto whom much is given much is expected is so true but the saying alone don't convey the frustration at watching others play us day in and day out.

                              Like Jawge say its a good thing I started back reading the book of life as now I understand what understanding is and the way I see it some things are meant to be so why try and change them.

                              It was written and so we have to move with the crowd.

                              Willi this morning I have a meeting with a gentleman out here who is the main importer from Jamaica and I sat and talked with him before and trust mi he said that after 25 years in the business he has been trying and trying to tell Jamaica what can be done but no one listens

                              So I took your advice along with everyone else and 3 weeks ago in Chinatown I bought some herbs, Noni Juice and teas and gave the Noni Juice to a influential neighbor to drink(along with his wife) so now the next step is to get him on camera(Jamaica listens to white folks)

                              and to get the proper forum to present the products(free reggae concert for the family) Its not easy but what having a child is teaching me is patience and so all I do is put on brick by brick and no watch nothing as it must get built.

                              Noni Juice the big bottle goes for $36 and the Jamaican bitters can't stay on the shelf. They want our fruits and basically anything from Jamaica

                              Now its all about getting the logistics set up and selling them online

                              IN the end I learnt that in order to teach you have to also lead by example. Build it and they will come

                              Frustrating for an Aries but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step so a early juggling and we nah rush it


                              Sass mi ago link you

                              Chief Servant to the streets

                              Mosiah mi still alive


                              • #45
                                The issue not the discovery of corruption... the issue is the consequence.

                                Under your PNP of the past 18 years there was NO consequence..how could they be.. look who was the Prime Minister.. Mr. Scandal himself.. "I shall return"..

                                What moral authority did PJ have to punish corruption ?

                                'Youthful Exhuberance', 'Value for Money', 'Now dat wi reach..' read ends justify the means....

                                Then Portia come in but she claim shi nuh have nuh mandate.. COP OUT !

                                Continue to wiggle Karl, you only do yourself a disservice...

