Track stars wed
published: Sunday | November 4, 2007

Photo by Janet Silvera
Female sprinter Veronica Campbell and her husband Omar Brown, exiting the St. Augustine Anglican Church at Coral Gardens, Rose Hall, [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Montego [COLOR=orange! important]Bay[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], yesterday. The service was attended by Prime Minister Bruce Golding and wife Lorna, and several athletes, including Tyson Gay and Merlene Ottey.
published: Sunday | November 4, 2007

Photo by Janet Silvera
Female sprinter Veronica Campbell and her husband Omar Brown, exiting the St. Augustine Anglican Church at Coral Gardens, Rose Hall, [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Montego [COLOR=orange! important]Bay[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], yesterday. The service was attended by Prime Minister Bruce Golding and wife Lorna, and several athletes, including Tyson Gay and Merlene Ottey.