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Intellectual Ghetto and its contribution

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  • Intellectual Ghetto and its contribution

    "All this talk of labor-intensive industries and their relationship to job creation is essentially a throw-back to the late 1960' and 70's, when some of the regional economists who were associated with the 'New World Group' ( such as the late Lloyd Best and Norman Girvan) were putting forth the idea that the problem of development in the Caribbean could largely be attributed to what they termed the 'over reliance on capital-intensive industries' that were linked to the process of attracting foreign investments into the region. These gentlemen equated development with full employment and so, therefore, any technology that reduced the need for living labor was perceived as inimical to ''national'' development. This led to the advocacy for a nationalist -oriented 'appropriate technology' project as a solution to the problem of growing unemployment. What this reflected was their lack of understanding of the contradictory process of capital accumulation ( which they imprecisely called economic growth, hence their concept of ''growth without development ''). In other words, most of the individuals within the ''New World Group'' did not possess a scientific and theoretically coherent grasp of the process of capitalist accumulation. Their thinking rarely went beyond ideological notions of what was objectively and subjectively possible-- within the Caribbean region----at any given moment in the process of globalizing capitalist production.

    We should also note that several of the individuals who were pushing these ideas at UWI in the 70's, are still promoting them (albeit in slightly disguised forms) in the context of their positions within the regional economic and political organizations. In other words, there is some degree of intellectual continuity that is taking place."

  • #2
    Let me ask you this: Has
    Grace kennedy ever set up a research foundation at UWI?


    • #3
      Better yet give me your
      thoughts on this:

      have observed long enough and will now say the truth:
      Ja is a slavery society with the plantation masters just shifthing a little to other industries (tourism, manufacturing and any service commodity). Betram reports shows that the plantation masters (now called private sector) still hold a little sway on Ja's politics. How long? Not long and we see this manifestation in the last election. Market forces and the global economy are forcing them out of the picture (hence their last ditch and despereate attempt to come from behind the scenes and directly run the govt.)

      We blame UWI but that's for the casual observer; let's take a serious analysis. Through the years the plantation masters reaped profits but never reinvested in JA. Did the plantation masters directly invest in grants for UWI professors to do research in marketing and economics (the tourism side that is) No? They dole out these petty schorships to students, even if these students go abroad and do research the knowledge stays there and the students return. Did Grace kennedy ever set up a research foundation at UWI? No, but they expect quality students. They like to get students from abroad who leaves all the research data abroad. The above can be applied to other manufaturing entities.

      What we are now seeing is the effects of global economy; where all countries must open up to foreign competitiors. In the supermarkets here Grace is under pressure from intrests with bases in S america and Asia (canning the same products). We see the Spaniards coming with their own money to invest in tourism here. It comes as no surprise that intrests here are trying to now run the govt. (which is to no avail). A casual observer said that the Spaniards give an inferior service in tourism. My question is why doesn't our local corp. venture into western Europe and North America with their superior brand? research is the key and if you go to any Univ. in the states you will see buildings (at times) marked the Toyata photonics lab or Chrysler marketing research. This way corporations say ahead with cuttinge edge technology and marketing techniques.


      • #4
        UWI Is an Intellectual Ghetto.... period.

        Their burden is great as the 'Leading' institute of Higher Learning in the country.

        UWI has to organize itself to a state of relevance..

        Who throws money at 'poor' system ?


        • #5
          Ben look at this question
          closely pay attention to the word ever key operative). Okay?

          Grace kennedy ever set up a research foundation at UWI?"


          • #6
            Why does Grace need to setup a research foundation at UWI ?

            You think setting up a research foundation will solve UWI problem ?

            Grace ???!

            Ah Bwoy.


            • #7
              If you are asking that question , it only
              shows that you are venturing in arenas that are beyond your scope.

              Tell me if any of the local corp. in JA has ever funded any research at UWI.

              Quick question: How important is research and development important to
              a corporation's income and viability?


              • #8
                Jawge, you speak the truth. Jamaican businessmen have been left behind. They have not been involved in any meaninful productivity..then they complain when other nationals come in and take over their businesses and banks. They are so caught up with themselves, lifestyles, designer cars and job perks that defy any business logic that when they realize they are too far behind to catch up. But yes, they remain in business because they are propped up by Government, get preferential contracts depending which party in power...what we have in Jamaica are traders.
                Don't expect anyone to agree with you..not politically correct enough...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Exile View Post
                  Jawge, you speak the truth. Jamaican businessmen have been left behind. They have not been involved in any meaninful productivity..then they complain when other nationals come in and take over their businesses and banks. They are so caught up with themselves, lifestyles, designer cars and job perks that defy any business logic that when they realize they are too far behind to catch up. But yes, they remain in business because they are propped up by Government, get preferential contracts depending which party in power...what we have in Jamaica are traders.
                  Don't expect anyone to agree with you..not politically correct enough...
                  Well, based on Jawge's question and your response, unuh need to leave Grace out of it. It was reported on Real Business that Grace Kennedy is one of the top companies when it comes to R&D. They may not do it with UWI (thats my assumption), but the reality is they do.
                  "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                  • #10
                    Heh, heh.

                    Grace is a PRODUCT of a 'broken' system.

                    Yuh depending on Grace ??

                    Who is Grace ?


                    • #11
                      Where do Jamaican Businessmen come from ?

                      Space ?



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jawge View Post
                        Let me ask you this: Has
                        Grace kennedy ever set up a research foundation at UWI?
                        Jawge u ask a very good and telling question.

                        I am very proud of you.

                        I won't even go back to a forum discussion from months ago about Philantropy in Jamaica.


                        • #13
                          Trying to find UWI in this... hmm...

                          Welcomes the partnership

                          In his remarks, UTech president, Professor Errol Morrison, said, "I have a dream that one day soon, all the local degree-granting institutions will come and sit at a roundtable to discuss partnerships and synergies for the formation of groups with common interests and pursuits and eventual agreements that each group will run with its strengths."

                          The president of UTech further explained that the synergy between UTech and the CMI will enable the sharing of resources and the widening of programme options for students who can choose to do electives offered at either institution, resulting in a more well-rounded, versatile, marketable and job-ready graduate. He noted that over 10,000 marine officers are needed annually and the UTech/CMI partnership looks to supply graduates for that niche.

                          Fritz Pinnock, executive director of the CMI, reiterated the CMI's commitment to broaden the career opportunities for Jamaica's greatest resource - its human capital.

                          Philbert Dhyll, assistant chief education officer, Ministry of Education and Youth, who represented Minister Maxine Henry-Wilson, assured Prof. Morrison that his dream is indeed consistent with the reality of the ministry's strategic plan for education. He applauded both institutions on forging a partnership, noting the current imperative to use resources efficiently, avoiding overlaps and maximising educational benefits for the nation.


                          • #14
                            Ben do you think that a
                            university's rep and quality comes from registering students and teaching classes? Let me help you: RESEARCH! Have you ever heard of publish or perish? It seems like the senior labourites have to step in again because you have exhausted all your resources on this one.


                            • #15
                              Exile and Scaly more time mi on
                              yah mi juss humor unnuh but mi know some truths. At times mi wi get mad an drop di truth. UWI is what they made it boss, it's that simple. Now time is catching up; they are exposing themselves.

                              After wi done this , I would like to discuss the documentary Life and debt (it bears some relation to here). My sister who is an MBA in major corp here told me that a friend of hers went for job with a private corp., her friend was told that she knows nothing about revenue (the friend spent years working for a not for profit organization) so yes exile if you are accustomed to govt. help you don't really know how to run a real profit making ship.

