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PNP baffled by Cuban bulb programme irregularities

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  • PNP baffled by Cuban bulb programme irregularities

    The People's National Party (PNP) is reportedly attempting to make sense of what is emerging as a complex web, surrounding the controversial energy saving Cuban bulb programme.

    PNP President Portia Simpson Miller called former Energy Minister Phillip Paulwell and former Junior Minister Kern Spencer to an emergency meeting Wednesday to discuss the issue.

    Insiders say preliminary investigation carried out by the leadership of the PNP in the aftermath of Tuesday's statement in Parliament by Energy Minister, Clive Mullings, uncovered what appear to be irregularities in the operation of the programme.

    The probe has reportedly left some party members very worried.

    MPs on the Opposition benches in the House were reportedly left baffled as they had reportedly contributed thousands of dollars to distribute the bulbs.

    Now the question being asked is where has all that money gone?

    PNP members rushed Wednesday to find out what was happening.

    Our sources say what they found was troubling at best.

    One source would only say that a web of personalities is intertwined in entities associated with the knotty multi-million dollar affair.

    Another said the picture is disturbing.

    Yet another said the chips should fall where they may and the PNP should not seek to protect persons if they have run afoul of the law.

    PNP President Portia Simpson Miller has issued a carefully worded statement on the matter.

    The statement said Mrs. Simpson Miller has taken note of the investigation to be conducted by both the Auditor General and Contractor General.

    It noted that the PNP President is treating the statements by Mr. Mullings in and out of Parliament very seriously and ordered a detailed report.

    She is demanding the report and all supporting documentation on or before Monday November 5.

    She said on receipt of the reports, she will determine what further action is necessary.

    Mrs. Simpson Miller said it was unfortunate that such an effective energy saving programme for Jamaican households should come into such question because of its implementation.

    On Tuesday, Mr. Mullings announced that the programme would be investigated as there were questions about its implementation.

    He said the project was not subject to the Ministry's internal controls, and that there seemed to be breaches of government's procurement guidelines.

    The 4-M project, as it was called, was intended to distribute four million energy saving florescent light bulbs across Jamaica.

    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Y dat happen, dem shouldn't duh BulbY dat.
    Good statement from Portia, really wanted something quoted(from those supposedly worried{implied}PNP members).




    • #3
      Maybe Portia will finally start to LEAD.


      • #4
        This is a golden oppty for her to show her mettle.



        • #5
          Is she sure she has a mandate to lead now?


